Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:25, 22.06.2023

ForMin Odobescu: Romania will be active in the reconstruction process of Ukraine

ForMin Odobescu: Romania will be active in the reconstruction process of Ukraine. Romania has stood by Ukraine since the very beginning of Russia's war of aggression and Romania will also be active in the reconstruction…

16:05, 21.06.2023

Republic of Moldova must benefit from opening of negotiations in accession process (Senate chair Ciuca)

Republic of Moldova must benefit from opening of negotiations in accession process (Senate chair Ciuca). The president of the Romanian Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, said on Wednesday in Chisinau that he hopes that the…

17:50, 25.05.2023

Succesul muzical i-a adus depresia Alexandrei Stan. Artista a fost sinceră. „Este o presiune foarte mare. La asta lucrez de ani de zile”

Alexandra Stan, în vârstă de 33 de ani a cunoscut succesul muzical atât în țară cât și peste hotare, încă din 2011, când a dat lovitura pe piața muzicală cu piesa Mr. Saxobeat. Artsta a vorbit recent despre succes,…

10:50, 16.05.2023

Președintele Curții Supreme a Ucrainei, reținut pentru mită pentru aproximativ 3 milioane de dolari

Preşedintele Curţii Supreme a Ucrainei, Vsevolod Kniaziev, a fost reţinut pentru că ar fi primit o mită de aproximativ 3 milioane de dolari, a informat publicaţia ucraineană Ukrainska Pravda pe 15 mai, citând surse…

07:15, 12.05.2023

Contract dubios încheiat de CNAS pentru 2,2 milioane de euro - O firmă cu un singur angajat se ocupă de cardurile europene de sănătate

„Atât acordul-cadru pe 36 de luni cât și contractul subsecvent nr. 1, pentru anul 2023, au fost încheiate la data de 20.02.2023. Valoarea maximă a acordului-cadru este de 11.065.572 lei cu TVA (9.298.800 leifără…

17:35, 09.05.2023

Cum analizezi personalitatea celui din fata ta, prin metodologia Process Communication Model?

Fara cunoasterea oamenilor, sansele de succes pe plan personal sau profesional sunt minime. Simpla acumulare de informatii dintr-un domeniu – oricare ar fi acesta – nu produce nici un rezultat important, daca nu…

00:11, 09.05.2023

Un training Process Communication Model te va ajuta sa faci „slalom“ printre conflictele profesionale si personale!

Imagineaza-ti ca ai putea sa-ti dai seama ce gandesc si ce isi doresc toate persoanele cu care interactionezi, chiar si atunci cand ele incearca sa isi ascunda intentiile! Cu siguranta ai vrea sa stii ce le motiveaza…

11:31, 26.04.2023

Probleme la eliberarea cardului european de sănătate

Livrarea cardului european de sănătate, care asigură decontări pentru pacienții români în afara țării, s-a realizat pentru unele persoane cu întârziere și în prezent încă sunt asigurați care l-au solicitat, dar…

10:00, 19.04.2023

Romania set to invest an all-time high of 20 ml euros in wool washing and processing program

Romania is set to invest the highest amount so far - 20 million euros - in a wool washing and processing program, and the Unirea Agri-food Trade House will buy the entire amount of wool from sheep farmers, Agriculture…

20:26, 11.04.2023

Process Communication Model: „pătrunde“ în mintea partenerilor de discuţie şi atinge-ţi scopurile negreşit!

Buna înţelegere a mecanismelor economice şi a legilor pieţei sunt de mare folos în mediul de business, însă ele nu pot să aducă succesul dacă nu sunt însoţite şi de o cunoaştere a oamenilor. Lumea actuală devine…

16:01, 05.04.2023

Deputy PM Kelemen Hunor: Intelligence services have no place in the criminal process; it affects justice's independence

Intelligence services have no place in the criminal process, because the independence and functioning of justice are being affected, which is an issue related to the rule of law, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman…

17:31, 24.03.2023

PM Ciuca: Gov't to strenghten support to local farmers and producers in order to increase processing of agricultural products

The Government will intensify its support to local farmers and producers in order to increase the processing, transformation and refining of agricultural products in Romania, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said at…

13:55, 19.03.2023

CNAIR: Process of checking vignette at border crossing points could be hampered for two hours, on Monday

The process of checking the Romanian vignette at the border crossing points and the ACI checkpoints could be hampered, Monday afternoon, for two hours, because of some maintenance work, the National Road Infrastructure…

16:20, 08.03.2023

Dacă e bun pentru Casa Albă și NASA, un training Process Communication Model va funcționa și pentru organizația ta!

Mulți copii, mai ales cei din Statele Unite ale Americii, dar, prin extrapolare, din întreaga lume, visează, atunci când sunt mici, să ajungă astronauți sau, de ce nu, chiar președinți. Nu este întâmplător, având…

10:25, 05.03.2023

IN THE ANIMAL WORLD/Rd 100 blind people, waiting for a guide dog, difficult, expensive process

About 100 blind people in Romania would like to receive a guide dog to help them become independent, but this is almost impossible due to high costs and lack of funding. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

18:40, 21.02.2023

Gov't: Schools with high risk in the event of earthquake to be prioritised in a consolidation process

Schools and education institutions which pose a high risk in the event of a earthquake, according to the expertise carried out, will be prioritized in a process of consolidation and rehabilitation through a government…

08:55, 27.01.2023

Iron ore mining and processing plants in Kryvyi Rih suspend activity

The industrial activity of the city of Kryvyi Rih in Ukraine was strongly affected after the outbreak of the war, the head of the Kryvyi Rih State Military District Administration, Evhen Sitnichenko, told AGERPRES…

09:10, 25.01.2023

Investment minister, working visit to Stamp Factory, on occasion of start of energy card printing, wrapping process

The Minister of Investments and European Projects, Marcel Bolos, is on a working visit to the Stamp Factory on Wednesday, on the occasion of the start of the process of printing and wrapping energy cards, granted…

21:46, 16.12.2022

EconMin Spataru: 97 companies submit projects to access 150 million euros for processing industry

A number of 97 companies have submitted projects to access the 150 million euros made available this year by the Ministry of Economy for the processing industry, said the relevant minister, Florin Spataru, told…

12:25, 16.12.2022

Satelitul meteorologic MTG-I1 a fost lansat cu succes de la Centrul Spaţial din Guyana Franceză - Inginerii de la Thales România au contribuit la proiect

Satelitul meteorologic MTG-I1, construit de contractorul principal Thales Alenia Space, a fost lansat cu succes cu o rachetă Ariane 5 de la Centrul Spaţial din Guyana Franceză. Inginerii de la Thales România au…

20:36, 15.12.2022

President Iohannis, on Schengen: I am pretty optimistic that in 2023 the process concludes with a positive result

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Thursday that there were discussions about the Schengen matter in the European Council meeting, adding he is optimistic that in 2023 the process shall conclude with a positive…

13:10, 15.12.2022

Stake of joining OECD is the completion of a significant process of modernization of Romania, PM Ciuca says

The stake of the accession to the OECD is the completion of a significant process of modernization of Romania, already consolidated through the integration into the EU, but also through the accession to NATO, declared…

10:20, 14.12.2022

New orders in processing industry up by 19.9 pct, in nominal terms, in first 10 months

New orders in the processing industry increased, in nominal terms, between January 1 and October 31, 2022, compared to the same period last year, by 19.9%, according to the data published on Wednesday by the National…

09:25, 13.12.2022

Process of developing national legislative framework for implementation of PNS is in finishing stage

The process of drawing up the national legislative framework for the implementation of the National Strategic Plan 2023-2027 is in the finalization stage, so that it will be operational in the shortest time, said,…

15:55, 12.12.2022

Romania, Republic of Moldova sign Memorandum with Microsoft to speed up digitization process

The Romanian and Moldovan government will become part of a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding with Microsoft, meant to advance and speed up digital transformation projects in both countries. Fii la curent cu…

12:50, 24.11.2022

O firmă de training te va învăța că “sky is the limit” atunci când vine vorba despre succes și profitabilitate!

Diferența dintre o afacere reușită și una care s-a oprit pe „treptele” succesului este dată de diferiți factori. Un management defectuos, o viziune eronată sau o echipă dezbinată, toate acestea contribuie la rezultatul…

15:35, 17.11.2022

Dantură fixă în doar o zi! Descoperă sistemul de implanturi „All on 4” și „All on 6”

„Clinica noastră va oferă condiții elegante în cabinetele cu dotări moderne pentru a vă asigura o experiența placută ori de câte ori ne călcați pragul.”–  Echipa iDentity Clinic Pierderea dinţilor poate fi o experienţă…

13:35, 17.11.2022

Black Friday 2022 online card transactions up 27 pct from previous year (payment processor)

The number of online card transactions on Black Friday this year was approximately 27 percent higher compared to the previous edition of the shopping bonanza, and on average Romanians spent around 322 RON online,…

16:06, 18.10.2022

Fiscal Council's Daianu: GDP growth 2-3pct and disinflation process in 2023

Romania's GDP growth in 2023 will be somewhere between 2pct and 3pct, while inflation will go down, towards 10pct, according to a personal point of view, expressed on Tuesday by Fiscal Council President Daniel…

22:15, 14.10.2022

INTERVIEW/Dubravka Suica, EC's VP: Citizens must participate in democratic process/Romania's accession to Schengen belongs to Council

The citizens of the European Union "must constantly participate in the democratic process" and we must "cherish democracy", because "it is not for granted" and it is subject to "great challenges at the moment",…