Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:05, 11.10.2022

Niculescu: Accession to OECD should be seen as process of achieving priority changes in administration, not as end in itself

Romania's accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) must be seen as a process of achieving priority changes in the administration in our country and not as an end in itself,…

20:10, 07.10.2022

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated, in Prague, Romania's openness to reconstruction process of Ukraine

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated, in Prague, Romania's position regarding the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and the continuation of our country's constant support, on multiple…

15:11, 26.09.2022

Process Communication Model, trei cuvinte în spatele cărora se ascunde „descifrarea“ tipologiei și găsirea cheii succesului oricui!

Comunicarea eficientă reprezintă cheia succesului în orice domeniu, de la viața de cuplu până la mari proiecte sociale, economice sau politice. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

15:15, 21.09.2022

HealthMin Rafila launches National Strategy for Combating Cerebrovascular Diseases drafting process

The drafting process of the National Strategy for Combating Cerebrovascular Diseases, an event which was chaired by Heath Minister Alexandru Rafila, has been launched on Wednesday at the "Iuliu Hatiegau" University…

15:45, 12.09.2022

Hidroelectrica's listing would be a big plus in process of promotion to emerging market status by MSCI

Hidroelectrica's listing would be a big plus in the process of promotion to the emerging market status by MSCI, the Romanian market still having quantitative problems, Adrian Tanase, general manager of the Bucharest…

11:51, 29.08.2022

Romanian Peasant Museum to host 'Unexpected (RE)solutions: How the process drives the outcome' exhibition

'Unexpected (RE)solutions: How the process drives the outcome' exhibition, displaying the works of art created under the Fusion:AIR 2022 art&science residency programme, will open on Thursday at the National…

14:10, 03.08.2022

Adriana Ticu a primit în cadrul galei Health, Beauty & Lifestyle Awards premiul pentru ,,Perfomanță în Realizarea Cursurilor de Înfrumusețare” – ADIT…

Evenimentul anual Health, Beauty and Lifestyle Awards a revenit în forță la finalul lunii iulie 2022 și a reunit sub același acoperiș Frumusețea, Sănătatea și Grija, ca părți integrante ale stării noastre de bine!…

19:35, 28.07.2022

PM Ciuca: 'Rosia Poieni copper ore should be processed in Romania for a higher added value'

After a visit on Thursday to Cupru Min SA Abrud, the company that exploits the Rosia Poieni deposit where 60% of Romania's copper reserves lie, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that investment should be supported…

10:25, 27.07.2022

PM Ciuca: MAE continues to play essential role in Romania's European and Euro-Atlantic integration process

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) played and continues to play an essential role in Romania's European and Euro-Atlantic integration process, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca conveyed, on Wednesday, in a message…

19:11, 05.07.2022

Iohannis: We do not have a plan to enter into an austerity process

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that there is currently no "plan" for Romania to enter an "austerity process". Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

19:35, 18.06.2022

Head of Moldovan Parliament: Transnistrian frozen conflict cannot hinder Moldova's EU accession process

President of the Moldovan Parliament Igor Grosu declared on Saturday that the Transnistrian issue cannot be an obstacle in the process of Moldova's EU accession. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

18:35, 10.06.2022

Adoption of Roadmap is key step in process of Romania joining OECD

The Government welcomes the adoption of Romania's Accession Roadmap to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development at the final session of the OECD Council ministerial meeting on Friday, June 10th,…

17:25, 09.06.2022

Când arta se întâlnește cu moda

Sarah Burton, directorul de creație al companiei Alexander McQueen, mizează pe  Process, o nouă expoziție care s-a deschis recent la Londra. Desfășurată în sediul brandului de pe Old Bond Street, Process este o…

13:20, 08.06.2022

Process Communication Model, „știința“ care revoluționează interacțiunile dintre oameni

Oamenii de succes au reușit performanțe deosebite în domeniile lor de activitate nu numai datorită calităților personale înnăscute, ci și deoarece au avut la dispoziție diferite instrumente și metode care le-au…

12:50, 08.06.2022

Romania: Ministry of National Defence extends recruitment process for volunteer reservists

The Ministry of National Defense extends, until June 24, the recruitment campaign for those who wish to perform military service in reserve as a volunteer reservist in the Romanian Army. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

16:50, 18.05.2022

Elena Udrea obtains new postponement in extradition process

The Sofia Court of Appeal postponed on Wednesday for the beginning of June, the debates in the extradition process of former Minister of Tourism Elena Udrea, who has to serve in Romania a sentence of 6 years' imprisonment.…

18:50, 16.05.2022

Iohannis: Romania fully supports Sweden's NATO accession process

Romania fully supports Sweden's process of joining NATO, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis says. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help your friends…

19:05, 15.05.2022

ForMin Aurescu: Romania supports a rapid NATO accession process for Finland and Sweden

Romania is "firmly" in favour of a "rapid" NATO accession process for Finland and Sweden, for the membership of these two states will strengthen the Alliance as a whole, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan…

08:50, 18.04.2022

40% of Ukrainian refugees employed in Romania are working in processing industry

Almost 40% of total Ukrainian refugees who, after the war began, found jobs in Romania, are working in the processing industry, according to the centralized data from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection…

16:20, 14.03.2022

National Recovery & Resilience Plan to go through beef up process, no reform will be removed (PSD)

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan will go through an optimization process, which will take into account the current reality, "no reform will be removed from the PNRR", the Social Democratic Party (PSD)…

10:40, 14.03.2022

New orders in processing industry up almost 21pct in Jan compared to same month last year

Total overall orders in the processing industry (domestic and external market), increased in January 2022, in nominal terms, both compared to the previous month, by 4.8pct, and compared to same month in 2021, by…

19:05, 09.03.2022

Interviu exclusiv Radio Crazy – Delia Rus: Când mă simt singură pe lume, dorm cu…

Radio Crazy: Ce este muzica pentru tine? Delia Rus: Terapie, prieteni, fericire.   Radio Crazy: Ce muzică asculți? Delia Rus: Cred că cel mai mult ascult r&b, dar ascult toate stilurile muzicale în versiunea lor…

10:35, 14.02.2022

Number of new orders in processing industry increase 18.6% in 2021 compared to previous year

New orders in the processing industry increased by 18.6% last year compared to 2020, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS). According to the data published on Monday, between January 1 and December…

10:35, 28.01.2022

Managers estimate price increase in processing industry, retail and services, in next 3 months

Romanian managers are estimating for the next three months a price increase in the processing industry, retail and services, according to the results of a survey published on Friday by the National Institute of…

08:56, 25.01.2022

ForMin Aurescu, on Libya, Syria, Mali developments at EU formins' meeting in Brussels

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu said at the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting in Brussels that the critical humanitarian situation in Syria may generate new negative effects, with an impact on the stability…

10:16, 14.01.2022

New orders in processing industry increase 18.5% in first 11 months

New orders in the processing industry increased, in nominal terms, by 18.5%, between January 1 and November 30, 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS),…

21:35, 31.12.2021

Electrica has started reorganization process, which will be discussed with social partners

Electrica has started a procedure to reorganize its headquarters' structure, and a final decision will be taken after discussions with the social partners, according to a report by the company, submitted to the…

19:35, 30.12.2021

EduMin announces completion of doctoral schools evaluation

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu announced on Thursday that the ministry has completed the evaluation process of the doctoral schools in Romania. "I signed a ministerial order, it is about the ministerial order…

18:30, 09.12.2021

President Iohannis reaffirms Romania's commitment to support Moldova in processes of transformation, modernization and implementation of reforms

President Klaus Iohannis reconfirmed Romania's commitment to support the Republic of Moldova in the processes of transformation, modernization and implementation of reforms, on the occasion of the reception on…

14:05, 07.12.2021

President Iohannis: We must no longer delay reviewing justice laws and removing anomalies such as SIIJ

Justice reforms can no longer be delayed, President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday, underscoring that the process of revising the relevant laws must be completed, and "anomalies" such as those generated by the…