Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:51, 03.12.2021

PM Ciuca prods fast enactment of OUG on NRRP implementation framework, says process running behind schedule

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca cautioned the ministers that the Executive is behind schedule with drafting the emergency ordinance (OUG) establishing the implementation framework for the National Recovery and Resilience…

08:30, 29.11.2021

ForMins Bogdan Aurescu, Abdallah Bou Habib talk about developments of Middle East peace process

The overall bilateral relations, the intensification of the political-diplomatic dialogue, the developments and prospects of the Middle East peace process were among the topics addressed during the meeting of Minister…

15:11, 17.11.2021

Natural gas prices in Europe soar on pipeline setback

The price of natural gas surged again in Europe on Wednesday after a delay in the approval process for a major new pipeline from Russia exacerbated worries about whether the continent will have enough gas this…

15:28, 16.11.2021

New products approved in Romania for COVID-19 immunisation of children

Romania's National Emergency Management Committee (CNSU) approved on Tuesday a decision establishing a new category of emergency medical supply stockpiles necessary in the vaccination process against the SARS-CoV-2…

21:31, 15.11.2021

Bogdan Aurescu emphasizes importance of concrete results in reform processes in Eastern Partnership states

The interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, participated on Monday in Brussels in the ministerial meeting of the Eastern Partnership, on which occasion he underlined the importance of concrete results…

15:31, 15.10.2021

Interim PM Citu: PNL will seek to speed up the vaccination process

The Executive Bureau of the National Liberal Party (PNL) has decided to promote, in the next period, through all its branches in the territory, a call for vaccination in order to accelerate this process, said the…

10:30, 14.10.2021

INS: New orders in processing industry increased in nominal terms by 25.6% in the first 8 months

New orders in the processing industry increased in nominal terms by 25.6% between January 1 and August 31, 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics…

10:16, 24.09.2021

EnerMin Popescu: Decarbonisation process cannot be without nuclear power

Energy means security, and the decarbonisation process cannot be without nuclear power, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said on Thursday after the ministerial meeting of the Transatlantic Partnership for Energy…

01:51, 22.09.2021

Ce salariu are un angajat la uzinele Dacia din Mioveni cu tot cu bonusuri și sporturi

În ultimii ani au tot fost probleme la uzinele Dacia. În 2019 spre exemplu, sindicatele au amenințat că vor intra în grevă generală dacă nu sunt îndeplinite cerințele salariale.Ce salariu are un angajat la uzinele…

13:40, 19.09.2021

GCS: 3,817 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection; over 35,000 tests performed in past 24 hours

A number of 3,817 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been registered in the last 24 hours, following over 35,000 tests processed, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Sunday. These…

10:30, 14.09.2021

New orders in processing industry increase 27.8% in first seven months

New orders in the processing industry increased, in nominal terms, by 27.8%, between January 1 and July 31, 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), agerpres…

13:01, 01.09.2021

Romanian Diplomacy Meeting, Sept 7-9; Aurescu: Challenges are the engine in the adaptation process

Challenges in the world are "the engine in the process of adaptation and reinvention of diplomacy to effectively serve the interests of the state and citizens," Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Wednesday,…

12:30, 26.08.2021

Online app for authorization process on non-banking financial market launched by ASF

The Financial Oversight Authority (ASF) has launched an online instrument that facilitates the process of authorization on the non-banking financial market which is part of the institution's strategy to digitize…

13:55, 09.08.2021

King Mihai's special slide collection - in process of digitization

The special collection of slides belonging to King Mihai, which reunites over 22,000 pieces, most of them presenting family moments, are about to be digitized. "Until recently, a beautiful initiative from the Romanian…

14:16, 02.08.2021

AUR asks Ministry of Justice to observe independence of NGO registration process

AUR (Alliance for the Union of Romanians) calls on the Ministry of Justice to "observe the independence" of the NGO registration process and not to transfer the Register of Associations and Foundations to any other…

18:00, 25.07.2021

Cimpeanu: A fourth wave of pandemic, not so aggressive as to cause problems for educational process

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu has said he is convinced that a possible wave four of the COVID-19 pandemic will not be so aggressive as to prevent the normal development of the educational process. He stressed…

18:36, 14.07.2021

Aurescu meets Head of European Commission Representation: Romania will remain actively involved in EU decision-making process

Romania will remain actively involved in the decision-making process at EU level, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu gave assurances on Wednesday, while receiving, during a presentation visit, Ramona…

18:15, 06.07.2021

Cristian Ghinea (MIPE): We continue regionalisation process, European funds are regionalised first

The process of regionalisation continues, said on Tuesday Minister of Investments and European Projects Cristian Ghinea, noting that European funds will be the first to be regionalised and it is an experiment that…

18:00, 08.06.2021

BVB: Entrepreneurial companies exempted to pay processing fee as of July 1

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) announced on Tuesday that entrepreneurial companies searching for financing on the capital market will be exempted as of July 1, 2021, from paying the processing fee for listing…

12:10, 20.05.2021

FRF declares itself "ready" to organize Romanian Cup final with supporters

The Romanian Football Federation (FRF) declares itself ready to organize the final of the Romanian Cup with supporters in the stands, announcing that on Thursday that it will start the process to sell access tickets.…

12:10, 18.05.2021

COTAR requests investigation into legality of hiring process at Romanian Road Transport Authority

The Confederation of Licensed Romanian Operators and Hauliers (COTAR) requests an investigation that should look into the legality of the job-filling process and of the transactions performed in the last 12 months…

09:10, 14.05.2021

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu: The enlargement process must remain a major priority with the European Union

At an informal videoconference of EU foreign ministers on Thursday, Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu underlined that the enlargement process must remain a major priority with the EU, agerpres reports.…

09:05, 14.05.2021

ForMin Aurescu: The enlargement process must remain a major priority with the European Union

At an informal videoconference of EU foreign ministers on Thursday, Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu underlined that the enlargement process must remain a major priority with the EU. Aurescu hosted and…

10:36, 13.05.2021

New orders in processing industry increase 7% in Q1

New orders in the processing industry increased overall in the first quarter of this year by 7% compared to the same period in 2020, according to data released on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics…

10:25, 27.04.2021

Population by domicile decreases 22.089 million people on January, 1, 2021, demographic aging process intensifies

The population by domicile was 22.089 million people on January 1, 2021, down 0.5% from the same month of last year, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS) released on Tuesday, reports…

20:50, 26.04.2021

PM Citu: We are currently in process of negotiating PNRR; Minister Ghinea couldn't have done anything wrong

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Monday that a negotiation process of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) is currently underway, and Minister of Investments and European Projects Cristian Ghinea…

23:50, 25.04.2021

Sorin Cîmpeanu, din toamnă, anunță digitalizarea manualelor școlare: ”Va fi un process treptat”

Sorin Cîmpeanu a vorbit duminică seară, 25 aprilie, despre viitorul elevilor din România, atât în ceea ce privește digitalizarea manualelor școlare, cât și despre orele remediale ce ajută și sunt extrem de necesare,…

13:26, 22.04.2021

PM Citu on Earth Day: Only natural processes are to be allowed in Danube Delta and National Parks

The government supports the exclusive allowance of natural processes in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and in Romania's other 13 National Parks, Prime Minister Florin Citu affirms in a message sent on Earth…

20:15, 15.04.2021

DefMin Ciuca: For MApN, mission in Afghanistan ends when all Romanian soldiers, safe at home

The mission in Afghanistan will end for the Ministry of National Defense only when all Romanian soldiers will be safe at home, Minister Nicolae Ciuca said, according to a recording sent on Thursday by the Ministry…

14:35, 18.03.2021

GCS: 6,174 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2; over 38,000 tests in 24h

A number of 6,174 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been registered in the last 24 hours, as a result of over 38,000 tests processed nationwide, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed…