Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:26, 17.03.2021

Iohannis: No reason why not use all EU approved vaccines

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that there is a stage of growth in the number of infections with the novel coronavirus, and the situation is still "under control", but "things can evolve rapidly in a…

14:36, 17.03.2021

GCS: 6,186 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2; over 39,000 tests in 24h

A number of 6,186 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been registered in the last 24 hours, as a result of over 39,000 tests processed nationwide, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed…

11:20, 06.03.2021

Comitetul Municipiului Bucureşti pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă se va reuni, sâmbătă, în contextul trecerii Capitalei în zona roşie

Comitetul Municipiului Bucureşti pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (CMBSU) se va reuni, sâmbătă, pentru a dispune măsurile care se impun, având în vedere trecerea Capitalei în zona roşu, a declarat, pentru AGERPRES, purtătorul…

13:40, 01.03.2021

Romania's e-commerce market exceeds 7bn euros last year (payment processor)

The local e-commerce market reached 7 billion euros last year, up 36% compared to 2019, according to internal and external data analyzed by PayU, the leader of Romania's online payment market. "E-commerce is one…

10:31, 24.02.2021

Deputy PM Kelemen Hunor: Deferment of Romania's Schengen entry, a huge economic loss

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor told a talk show on private broadcaster Realitatea Plus on Tuesday night that there are no arguments for Romania to be kept outside the Schengen Area, as long as it meets all…

10:45, 22.01.2021

Descopera Training-ul PCM si profita de avantajele sale

Comunicarea este foarte importanta in buna desfasurare a activitatilor zilnice, iar mai mult decat atat, printr-o comunicare eficienta se pot obtine rezultatele asteptate. In acest fel, Brightway® a dezvoltat pentru…

13:45, 20.01.2021

HealthMin Voiculescu: Anti-COVID vaccination process to improve

Romania, by belonging to the European Union, has access to the anti-COVID vaccine among the first countries in the world, and the immunization process "works" and will improve every day, so that whoever wants may…

11:35, 19.01.2021

Speaker Orban: Vaccination campaign is essential for the future development of Romanian society, economy

The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Ludovic Orban, on Tuesday stated that he made the decision to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to send a message to the Romanians that there is no risk to take the…

18:31, 18.01.2021

In phone call with French counterpart PM Citu reiterates French companies' role in Romania's economic relaunch

Prime Minister Florin Citu spoke on the phone today with his French counterpart Jean Castex, reiterating on the occasion the importance of French companies in the process of Romania's economic relaunch. "I had…

10:30, 04.01.2021

Electrica SA completes merger process of three electricity distribution companies within Group

Electrica SA power supply and distribution corporation has successfully completed the first stage of the merger through absorption of the three electricity distribution companies within the Group, which, as of…

15:16, 28.12.2020

Bucharest Mayor Nicusor Dan: I will dissolve municipal companies, as promised

The general mayor of the Capital City, Nicusor Dan, on Monday reiterated that the municipal companies will be dismantled, and that the process will take several stages to complete. "I made this promise and I will…

21:26, 23.12.2020

PM-designate Citu: I wish we get over vaccination period faster, get out of it healthy

The Prime Minister-designate, Florin Citu, said at the Parliament's plenary meeting for the Government's investiture on Wednesday that population's health is the most important objective and that he wants Romania…

12:45, 11.12.2020

New orders in processing industry decrease by 7.1% in 10 months

New orders in the processing industry decreased by 7.1% in the first ten months of the year, compared to the same period of the previous year, but increased by 6% in October 2020 from October 2019, according to…

14:40, 10.12.2020

GCS: 7,067 new cases of COVID-19 following 31,437 tests in past 24 hours

A number of 7,067 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were registered in the last 24 hours, following 31,437 tests processed nationwide, the Group of Strategic Communication (GCS) informs on Thursday,…

14:45, 09.12.2020

GCS: 7,365 new COVID-19 cases; tests in last 24 hours - 31,458

A number of 7,365 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been registered in the last 24 hours following 31,458 tests processed at national level, the Group of Strategic Communication (GCS) informs on…

14:15, 07.12.2020

Parlamentare2020/BEC - Rezultate parţiale (ora 13,00): Senat - PSD: 30,01%, PNL - 25,07%; Camera Deputaţilor - PSD: 29,50%, PNL - 24,64%

PSD a obţinut la Senat 30,01% dintre voturile exprimate la alegerile parlamentare de duminică la nivel naţional şi la Camera Deputaţilor 29,50%, în timp ce PNL a obţinut la Senat - 25,07%, iar la Camera Deputaţilor…

09:50, 07.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/UPDATE Last polling stations close abroad

The voting process abroad for the Romanian parliamentary elections ended with the closing of the last polling stations on the West Coast of the United States of America and Canada, at 9.00 pm local time (07.00…

08:45, 07.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/Last polling stations close abroad

The voting process abroad for the Romanian parliamentary elections ended with the closing of the last polling stations on the West Coast of the United States of America and Canada, at 9.00 pm local time (07.00…

22:35, 06.12.2020

Parlamentare2020/PSD - pe primul loc în urma votului, potrivit exit-poll-ului; prezenţa la urne până la ora 21,00 - 31,84%

Partidul Social Democrat (PSD) a obţinut cele mai multe voturi, duminică, la scrutinul parlamentar, când până la ora 21,00 se prezentaseră la urne 5.793.135 de alegători (31,84%). Potrivit exit-poll-ului realizat…

21:50, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Orban: PNL considers it is the winner of these elections

The Liberals' leader, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, declared that the National Liberal Party (PNL) is the moral winner as well as the winner at the end of the counting process of the votes cast by Romanians for…

20:35, 06.12.2020

Parlamentare2020/ BEC - prezenţă la urne: Până la ora 20,00, au votat 31,11% dintre alegători

Prezenţa la vot pe ţară la scrutinul parlamentar a fost, duminică, până la ora 20,00, de 31,11%, adică 5.659.852 de alegători, potrivit datelor anunţate de Biroul Electoral Central (BEC). În mediul urban s-au prezentat…

19:40, 06.12.2020

Parlamentare2020/ BEC - prezenţă la urne: Până la ora 19,00, au votat 29,80% dintre alegători

Prezenţa la vot pe ţară la scrutinul parlamentar a fost, duminică, până la ora 19,00, de 29,80%, adică 5.421.794 de alegători, potrivit datelor anunţate de Biroul Electoral Central (BEC). În mediul urban s-au prezentat…

18:51, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Dajbog (MAI): 188 complaints regarding potential infringements regarding electoral process; 57 not confirmed

Since the beginning of the electoral process 188 complaints were filed regarding misdemeanors or felonies regarding the elections, and 57 of them were unconfirmed, said, on Sunday, the spokesperson of the Ministry…

15:40, 06.12.2020

Parlamentare2020/ BEC - prezenţă la urne: Până la ora 15:00, au votat 19,60% dintre alegători

Prezenţa la vot pe ţară la scrutinul parlamentar a fost, duminică, până la ora 15,00, de 19,60%, adică 3.567.107 alegători s-au prezentat la urne, potrivit datelor anunţate de Biroul Electoral Central (BEC). În…

13:45, 06.12.2020

Parlamentare2020/BEC - prezenţă la urne: Până la ora 13,00, au votat 13,85 % dintre alegători

Prezenţa la vot pe ţară la scrutinul parlamentar a fost, duminică, până la ora 13,00, de 13,85%, respectiv 2.519.896 de alegători, potrivit datelor anunţate de Biroul Electoral Central (BEC). În mediul urban, s-au…

10:50, 06.12.2020

LIVE UPDATE Parlamentare2020/ BEC - prezenţă la urne

* Parlamentare2020/ BEC - prezenţă la urne: Până la ora 10,00, au votat 4,97% dintre alegători Prezenţa la vot pe ţară la scrutinul parlamentar a fost, duminică, până la ora 10,00, de 4,97%, respectiv 904.647 de…

13:55, 04.12.2020

ParliamentaryElection2020/ AEP president: No impediments in organization of electoral process

President of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) Constantin-Florin Mituletu-Buica says that preparations for Sunday's ballot unfold normally as planned, under observance of all the rules, and that due to the…

14:25, 23.11.2020

GCS: 4,207 new cases of COVID-19, tests processed in past 24 hours - 9,938

A number of 4,207 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been registered in the past 24 hours, following 9,938 tests processed at national level, the Group of Strategic Communication (GCS) informs on…

11:25, 12.11.2020

New orders in processing industry, down 8.8% in first nine months

New orders in the processing industry, reported both in the domestic and foreign markets, decreased by 8.8% in the first nine months of the year, compared to the same period in 2019, according to data published…

20:30, 05.11.2020

GeneralElection2020/PM Orban: We are prepared to provide election conditions for zero coronavirus contagion risk

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday that the Government is prepared to ensure the conditions for conducting the general election so that the persons participating in the election process have zero risk…