Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:50, 15.06.2024

Nicusor Dan: We have started process of modernizing public lighting system in Bucharest

Mayor Nicusor Dan announces that the process of modernizing the public lighting system in the Capital has begun."We have already installed approximately 1,900 new lighting fixtures, from the 4,900 LEDs purchased…

20:50, 12.06.2024

MEP Iuliu Winkler: We need to continue digitisation process, including the way votes are processed

MEP Iuliu Winkler: We need to continue digitisation process, including the way votes are processed

MEP Iuliu Winkler (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania - UDMR, European People's Party - EPP), said on Wednesday in Deva, that there is a need to continue the digitisation process in Romania, including the way…

15:45, 09.06.2024

312 incidents countrywide since start of electoral process, 56 are being verified

312 incidents countrywide since start of electoral process, 56 are being verified

Police registered 312 reports of incidents related to the electoral process across the country on Sunday, of which 114 were not confirmed and 56 are being verified."A total of 87 contravention sanctions were enforced:…

21:51, 08.06.2024

Electoral infrastructure functional, electoral process to unfold in normal conditions (BEC, AEP)

Electoral infrastructure functional, electoral process to unfold in normal conditions (BEC, AEP)

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) and the Standing Electoral Authority (AEP) specify that the existing electoral infrastructure at the level of the two institutions is functional, and the electoral process can…

10:10, 22.05.2024

Her Majesty Margareta pleads for supporting Moldova in European integration process

Her Majesty Margareta pleads for supporting Moldova in European integration process

AGERPRES special correspondent from Luxembourg Gina Stefan reports: Her Majesty Margareta, the Custodian of the Romanian Crown, pleaded on Tuesday in a speech at the Pierre Werner Institute in Luxembourg to support…

21:55, 16.05.2024

Luca Niculescu, on Romanias accession to OECD: We are on schedule; the process is very alert

Luca Niculescu, on Romania's accession to OECD: We are on schedule; the process is very alert

Romania is "on schedule" regarding the process of joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and now we are in the phase where the hearings have already started, the national coordinator…

20:11, 14.05.2024

International conference on Impact of cyber interference on democratic/electoral processes in Bucharest

International conference on Impact of cyber interference on democratic/electoral processes in Bucharest

The Ministry of Interior (MAI), through the General Directorate of Internal Protection, is organizing, between May 14-15, an international conference on the topic "Impact of cyber interference on democratic/electoral…

15:30, 09.04.2024

Fiscal consolidation process will be painful, it is desirable to be carried out fairly (Fiscal Council head Daianu)

Fiscal consolidation process will be painful, it is desirable to be carried out fairly (Fiscal Council head Daianu)

Fiscal consolidation will be a painful process and it is desirable to conduct it fairly, said on Tuesday the chairman of the Fiscal Council, Daniel Daianu, who warned that the "bulk" of the adjustment cannot be…

11:21, 05.03.2024

Caps on basic foods mark-ups to be kept in place, with focus on Romanian products, PM Ciolacu says

Caps on basic foods mark-ups to be kept in place, with focus on Romanian products, PM Ciolacu says

Caps on the mark-ups for certain basic foods will be kept in place and a regulatory act regarding Romanian products might be adopted, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday evening, emphasizing that there…

12:21, 01.03.2024

Galaxy S24 FE ar putea fi o alegere bună pentru cei care au răbdare până în toamnă. Primele specificații

Galaxy S24 FE ar putea fi o alegere bună pentru cei care au răbdare până în toamnă. Primele specificații

Chiar dacă abia s-a lansat seria Galaxy S24, iar modelul Galaxy S23 FE este în continuare considerat un smartphone destul de nou, încep să apară discuții în zona zvonurilor despre un eventual Galaxy S24 FE. Se…

10:40, 28.02.2024

Romanian processing industry managers expecting moderate increase in production volume over next 3 months

Romanian processing industry managers are expecting a moderate increase in production volume (short-term percentage balance + 6%) over the next three months, according to a February 2024 business survey published…

17:15, 06.02.2024

PM Ciolacu meets Moldovan deputy PM: Romania will continue to support Chisinau in EU accession negotiation process

Romania will continue to support the Republic of Moldova in its EU accession negotiation process, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said during his meeting with the Moldovan deputy prime minister and minister of foreign…

11:00, 15.01.2024

Cow's milk collected by processing plants in Romania, up 6.7pct in first 11 months of 2023 (INS)

In the first 11 months of 2023, Romania's dairy processing plants collected 1.11 million tonnes of cow's milk, up 6.7% y-o-y, show data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).The production…

11:16, 11.01.2024

Bloomberg: Romania vies for an EU top job after process thrown into chaos

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is seeking to become the next European Council president, according to people familiar with his plans, vying for the post that will likely be vacated early due to Charles Michel’s…

10:55, 11.01.2024

Romania vies for an EU top job after process thrown into chaos

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is seeking to become the next European Council president, according to people familiar with his plans, vying for the post that will likely be vacated early due to Charles Michel’s…

15:15, 09.01.2024

AI in Healthcare: Enhancing Results and User Experience

AI in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the impressive capacity of a computer program to carry out actions and reasoning processes often associated with human intellect.…

23:10, 07.12.2023

Romania joins efforts to condemn Russian attempts to interfere in political processes in democratic states (Foreign Ministry)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs joins the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the effort to publicly expose and condemn the repeated attempts of the Russian Federation to interfere in the political…

11:10, 28.11.2023

USA Visa Facilitation program expedites visa process for Romanian higher education teaching staff

The USA Visa Facilitation program - an initiative belonging to the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest in partnership with the Government of Romania, with the support of the National Council of Rectors (CNR) - is in place…

13:06, 27.11.2023

Guarantee-return system in Romania to be second largest in Europe (PM Ciolacu)

The guarantee-return system (SGR) in Romania will be the second largest in Europe, after Germany, from the perspective of the number of packages processed, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu declared during the system's…

10:35, 25.10.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Army is in full modernisation process, has already reached NATO standards in many dimensions

DefMin Tilvar: Army is in full modernisation process, has already reached NATO standards in many dimensionsDefence Minister Angel Tilvar said on Wednesday that the army is in the process of modernisation and transformation…

19:50, 20.10.2023

Archives of Romanian communist political police to be handed over to research body

The archives of the Securitate communist political police managed by the Defence Ministry will be handed over to the National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives (CNSAS).Under a government decision approved…

14:50, 17.10.2023

Macron wants an ‘amorous,’ not ‘bureaucratic’ EU enlargement process

French President Emmanuel Macron during a visit to Albania on Tuesday said he wanted a more “amorous” than “bureaucratic” EU enlargement process in his bid to accelerate the reunification of Europe, according to…

11:26, 04.10.2023

BNS women ask for initiation of ratification process of convention on harassment at work, by year end

The women's organization of the National Trade Union Bloc wants to initiate, by the end of this year, the process of ratifying the Convention of the International Labour Organization, which refers to violence and…

19:00, 20.09.2023

Povestea de coșmar de la „fabrica de vise” din Iași. Detalii despre patronul canadian al firmei de dulciuri cu canabis

Pe profilul de LinkedIN, Philipp Fuhrmann se lăuda cu funcţia sa de ,,Chief Executive Officer at Canax CBD Processing Corp” și se mândrea, pe platformele de profil, cu fabrica de la Miroslava, din județul Iași.

15:30, 07.09.2023

Un training PCM te ajuta sa ai mai mult succes in negocierile de business. Iata cum!

Negocierile de afaceri reprezinta un aspect esential in lumea corporativa, iar abilitatea de a comunica eficient si de a intelege nevoile si dorintele celorlalti este cruciala pentru obtinerea succesului. Un instrument…

21:25, 02.09.2023

Process of checking bolts of the safety parapet on Braila Bridge, completed, rd 0.4 pct weak

Process of checking bolts of the safety parapet on Braila Bridge, completed, rd 0.4 pct weakThe process of checking the bolts of the safety parapet on the eastern Braila Suspension Bridge was completed on Saturday,…

10:21, 29.08.2023

Cum poti sa abordezi un membru in functie de personalitatea acestuia in videochat

Exista un studiu numit PCM ( Process Communication Model),care este bazat pe comportamentul uman, pentru a intelege si a imbunatati mai bine comunicarea intre oameni. Noi am avut un Workshop special pregatit pentru…

14:30, 17.08.2023

Imports via Sighetu Marmatiei customs, up 28pct, Ukraine, main supplier

The value of goods imported and transited through the Sighetu Marmatiei customs at the Romanian-Ukrainian border posted an increase by 28% in H1 2023, according to the local customs office.Ukraine was the main…

16:10, 16.07.2023

Drama unei concurente de la X Factor! A fost violată în timpul filmărilor

Fosta concurentă X Factor Marea Britanie, Lucy Spraggan, a dezvăluit că a fost violată în timpul filmărilor pentru emisiune, în anul 2012, acesta fiind motivul real pentru care a abandonat competiția. A scris o…

13:50, 15.07.2023

O fostă concurentă la X Factor a dezvăluit că a fost violată de un portar de hotel. Reproșuri pentru televiziunea care producea show-ul

Fosta concurentă la X Factor Marea Britanie, Lucy Spraggan, a dezvăluit că a fost violată de un portar de hotel în timpul producției emisiunii ITV din 2012, scrie ziarul britanic The Guardian.În noua sa carte de…