Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:35, 03.08.2020

Ciolacu: PSD won't budge an inch; doubling allowances is a necessity

Acting Social Democratic Party (PSD) national leader Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that PSD will continue to put pressure on the government to implement laws passed by Parliament and promulgated by President Iohannis,…

12:12, 24.04.2020

Finance Minister: Budget under high pressure, but things look OK

The pressure on the budget is high, but not that massive, the state is paying its bills, the Sibiu - Pitesti motorway will be built this year and the metro line to the Drumul Taberei Bucharest quarter will also…

12:16, 24.02.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Without coronavirus pressure, politicians might have had more time to play

The interim chair of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated, on Sunday evening, that the investiture vote for the Orban II Government is a "masquerade" and reiterated that it's out of the question…

00:07, 22.02.2020

EnviMin announces plans to set up a state-owned bear sanctuary to ease pressure on Zarnesti Libearty refuge

Acting Environment Minister Costel Alexe announced on Friday that his ministry will submit this month an application for an EU-funded project providing for setting up a bear sanctuary on land belonging to the Kronstadt…

15:33, 30.01.2020

PM Orban says gov't has solutions to challenged legislation

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that the National Liberal Party (PNL) has solutions for every instance in which the Constitutional Court (CCR) rules unconstitutional the laws that the Government has passed by…

12:46, 28.11.2019

JusMin Predoiu voices dissatisfaction over justice crime prosecution body's activity

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said on Thursday that he was not satisfied with the activity of the Justice Crime Investigation Section (SIIJ).  "I am not satisfied with the activity of this body and that is why…

13:16, 18.07.2019

ICCJ's Tarcea: Supreme Court judges - pressurized, but they must not allow that

The President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ), Cristina Tarcea, says that the Supreme Court judges have been and will continue to be pressurized, but they must not allow that.  "Judges of the…

17:42, 18.06.2019

SIIJ deputy head Florea says judges' activity has come under pressure in recent years

Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Magistrates' Investigation Section (SIIJ), Adina Florea, said on Tuesday that the judges' activity has come under noticeable pressure in recent years.Speaking on Tuesday at the Supreme…

15:46, 03.05.2019

Iohannis: Democracy is not at risk in EU, but under pressure

Democracy is not at risk at EU level, but it is under pressure, and those who believe in Europe must be more courageous given the Union faces various problems, such as Brexit, immigration or unemployment, said…

19:23, 03.04.2019

CSM blames pressure from European officials on judge in Kovesi case

The Superior Council of Magistrates (CSM)'s Section for Judges blames pressure from European officials on the judge in charge of settling the appeal brought by the former head of the National Anticorruption Directorate…

21:44, 19.03.2019

Tariceanu: Following new European Commission proposals, budget of CAP and CP, under pressure.

President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu present on Tuesday in the interparliamentary meeting dedicated to the Common Agricultural Policy and Cohesion Policy, drew attention to the fact that following the…

22:13, 18.03.2019

FinMin Teodorovici: To come up with amendment proposal of OUG 114, following dialogue, not through coercion

Minister of Public Finance Eugen Teodorovici announced on Monday in Parliament that the Government will come up with a proposal to amend Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 114, resulting from the dialogue and the interest…

12:46, 27.02.2019

PG Lazar: In 2018 high pressure was exerted on judicial institutions

In 2018 great pressure was exerted on the judicial institutions, especially on the Prosecutor's Offices, and the steps to amend the laws of justice "snowballed", said on Wednesday Romania's Prosecutor General Augustin…

12:56, 16.02.2019

Iohannis at Munich Security Conference:International system under increasing pressure, major goal - an Enhanced European Engagement

President Klaus Iohannis, addressing on Saturday the Munich Security Conference, said that the multilateral international system is under increasing pressure, pointing out that cohesion is the response to this…

21:17, 14.02.2019

Section for Magistrates' Investigation:Accreditation of idea that prosecutors act as 'a firing squad' - a dangerous pressure

The Special Section for Magistrates' Investigation argues that the speculations that surfaced in the press regarding the political influences regarding the case opened on the name of Laura Codruta Koves "represent…

22:35, 08.01.2019

Central bank's Isarescu: BNR, not putting pressure on banks not to lower ROBOR

The accusation that the National Bank is pressuring banks in relation to the Romanian Interbank Offered Rate (ROBOR) index is nonsense, Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Mugur Isarescu stated on Tuesday,…

18:03, 23.10.2018

Chief judiciary official Marcu says new AG section to help secure protection of magistrates from pressure

Chair of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) Simona-Camelia Marcu on Tuesday said she is convinced the new judiciary crime investigation section will help secure adequate protection of magistrates from the…

12:37, 10.09.2018

Speaker Dragnea: Offshore law, to be adopted in three weeks, regardless of pressures

Deputies Chamber Speaker Liviu Dragnea stated on Sunday evening that he had a tense discussion with the representatives of OMV and Exxon who have told him that only after seeing the final shape of the offshore…

13:26, 01.08.2018

PNL's Raetchi: Interior Ministry's image, badly affected by "PSD's political pressures"

National Liberal Party (PNL) Deputy Ovidiu Raetchi says that the image of the Interior Ministry is badly affected by "PSD [Social Democratic Party, e.n.]'s political pressures", and the mandate of the relevant…

23:06, 19.06.2018

Iohannis on allegedly pressuring constitutional judge: Putting pressure on a judge would be fundamentally wrong

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday, about allegation by magistrate Petre Lazaroiu that he does not put pressure on any judge, adding "that would be fundamentally wrong." Asked by journalists to comment on…

16:53, 05.03.2018

Purcaru (FSLI) on national evaluation exam boycott: Pressures on our colleagues, very high

The pressure exerted on the members of the Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education (FSLI) , which have decided to boycott the simulation of the national evaluation exam, are very high, George Purcaru, first…

16:40, 11.12.2017

PSD's Iordache: Directorate for Investigation of Criminal Offenses in Justice intended to take pressure off judges

Head of justice laws' special committee, Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Florin Iordache of the Social Democratic Party (ruling PSD) specified on Monday that setting up a Directorate for the Investigation…

10:25, 16.11.2017

DNA: CVM report warns negative pressure on anticorruption fight could prompt conclusions' reassessment

The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM) report is a warning that the negative pressure upon the anti-corruption fight could determine a reevaluation of the conclusions regarding one of the four benchmarks…

08:18, 02.11.2017

Former JusMin Corlatean: Netherlands, US Ambassadors - pressures for Codruta Kovesi's nomination

Former Justice Minister Titus Corlatean stated on Wednesday that during his mandate the Netherlands and the United States' Ambassadors exerted pressure for the appointment of Laura-Codruta Kovesi in a 'top position'…

23:00, 21.08.2017

No pressure, Ianis :) » Gică Hagi, despre potențialul fiului său: "Este capabil să câștige Balonul de Aur"

Gheorghe Hagi este de părere că Ianis Hagi are calitățile necesare pentru a câștiga Balonul de Aur într-o bună zi și susține că fiul său i-a moștenit modul de gândire. "Suntem jucători diferiți, dar este fiul meu…

15:02, 11.01.2017

PSD's Dragnea, about relantionship with Iohannis: ! am not at war, but pressure is high

The leader of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, states that he is not at war with anyone, let alone the head of the state but maintains that he is feeling great pressure and permanent threats."I am…

13:37, 16.08.2016

FOTO + VIDEO. Inundații Louisiana: Peste 30.000 de persoane, evacuate. Șapte persoane au murit

Cel puţin şapte persoane au murit, iar 30.000 au fost evacuate, în urma inundațiilor care au afectat zona de sud a statului american Louisiana, informează AFP, citat de Mediafax.Ploile…

16:38, 04.03.2016

A prosecutor accuses: „Monica Macovei pressured for the acquittal of Bivolaru”

According to www.cotidianul.ro, prosecutor George Balan revealed how former PDL Justice Minister Monica Macovei, current MEP, pressured the prosecutors who investigated the MISA case and demanded the acquittal…

23:38, 01.02.2016

PM Ciolos: No pressure from the President on election law

Prime minister Dacian Ciolos informed President Klaus Iohannis on Monday about consultations with the parties earlier in the day, on the possible changes to the election law. "I have only informed him [the President]…

23:57, 27.01.2016

PSD's Dragnea: PSD's challengers put pressure to amend election legislation; we might boycott

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea on Wednesday met in Brussels President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz saying that the political adversaries of PSD are putting pressure…