Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:44, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Dan Barna: I am optimistic, result, not that of exit-polls, but of vote counting

The candidate of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Solidarity and Unity Party Alliance (USR-PLUS Alliance), Dan Barna, voices his optimism about the result of Sunday's vote in the presidential election and states…

09:04, 15.10.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Dan Barna: I will ask President Iohannis to present timetable for early polls

The USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) Alliance's candidate for the presidential elections, Dan Barna, on Monday stated in Galati that he will ask President Klaus Iohannis, at the…