Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:10, 21.10.2020

Iohannis says election of Iordache to head Legislative Council indicative of PSD majority's toxicity

Florin Iordache of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) being elected chairman of Parliament's Legislative Council shows the "level of toxicity" reached by the PSD majority, President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday.…

20:00, 21.10.2020

Iohannis: General election should be held as scheduled

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the general election this year should take place on December 6, as scheduled.  "Tomorrow will be the last day for filing bids for the general election. That means…

09:35, 21.10.2020

President of ASF guarantees all private pension funds comply with minimum yield

All private pension funds comply with that mandatory condition regarding the yield, a very good one, of over 4%, the president of the Financial Supervision Authority, Nicu Marcu told on Tuesday evening private…

18:15, 20.10.2020

Over 10,000 people demand that MPs not vote Florin Iordache as Legislative Council's president

More than 10,000 members of Declic have signed a petition asking parliamentarians not to vote for Florin Iordache as president of Parliament's Legislative Council. According to a statement sent by Declic, the signatures…

14:25, 20.10.2020

President Iohannis decorates battle flag of Traian Vuia Military School

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Tuesday the decree to decorate the battle flag of the Traian Vuia Military School for Petty Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers of the Air Forces, according to AGERPRES.According…

07:36, 20.10.2020

Brexit: „Nu se va încheia niciun acord între UK şi UE”

BUCUREŞTI, 20 oct – Sputnik, Doina Crainic. Michael Gove, ministrul britanic responsabil de coordonarea unui Brexit fără acord, a declarat astăzi că negocierile comerciale cu UE au ajuns într-un punct din care…

15:30, 19.10.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Closing schools, but holding elections, the normal Romania promised by the president

Social Democratic Party (PSDD) national leader Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that the officials are using "double standards" when dealing with the health crisis, as they want to close schools because of the COVID-19…

10:01, 17.10.2020

VIDEO: Țeapă de 12.000 de lei trasă de un grup de maramureșeni unui hotel de lux

Angajatii hotelului au descoperit faptul ca maramuresenii au fugit duminica seara în jurul orei 21.00, dupa ce au vizionat înregistrarile, pe care ulterior le-au predat politiei. Purtatorul de cuvânt al Politiei…

19:45, 16.10.2020

Kelemen Hunor, on parliamentary elections: Consensus can be reached if President calls parties to consultations

Chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor reiterated on Friday that the parliamentary elections should be held on December 6, adding that, given current epidemiological conditions…

18:11, 16.10.2020

At EU summit, President Iohannis advocates solution to promptly deploy COVID vaccine to all member states

President Klaus Iohannis attended the European Council meeting in Brussels on October 15 - 16, stating on this occasion that a solution is necessary to make coronavirus vaccines available to member states as soon…

17:50, 16.10.2020

Iohannis: EC proposal to cut greenhouse gas emissions could be accepted by Romania, under certain conditions

Present at the European Council meeting in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, President Klaus Iohannis said that Romania could accept the European Commission's proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under certain…

12:26, 16.10.2020

President Iohannis to participate Monday in Virtual Summit of Three Seas Iniative

President Klaus Iohannis will participate, on Monday, in the Virtual Summit and the Web Forum of the Three Seas Initiative, organized by Estonia in videoconference format.According to the Presidential Administration,…

14:36, 15.10.2020

President Iohannis to discuss infrastructure projects financed by US next week in Tallinn, says Transport Minister Bode

President Klaus Iohannis will discuss US-funded infrastructure projects in Tallinn next week, including the Constanta-Gdansk railway and the motorway that is meant to link Lithuania to Greece via Romania, Minister…

13:51, 14.10.2020

Chamber passes amendments to pay law to increase pay to civil servants

On Wednesday, the Chamber of Deputies passed a bill that provides, among other things, for an increase in the pay to civil servants and contract staff employed by Presidential Administration, the General Secretariat…

13:06, 14.10.2020

Presidential adviser Paun: Digitalisation is the future of medicine

Digitalisation is the future in medicine, and that means saving time and effort, presidential adviser Diana Paun said on Wednesday, according to AGERPRES."Digitalisation is the future in medicine. There are so…

10:55, 14.10.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu says ban on St Parascheva pilgrimage serious violation of the religious freedom

National chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu says banning to St. Pious Parascheva pilgrimage to Iasi amid the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious violation of the religious…

22:40, 13.10.2020

Iohannis: New steps towards accomplishment of Constanta - Gdansk infrastructure projects to follow next week

President Klaus Iohannis said today that new steps will be taken next week in carrying out the massive infrastructure projects announced by U.S. ambassador to Romania Adrian Zuckerman, specifically the construction…

22:35, 13.10.2020

President defends decision to hold general election in December as pertaining to essence of democracy

President Klaus Iohannis, speaking today at a press conference at the Cotroceni Palace, said that "the essence of democracy lies in free elections", emphasizing the need for the society's democratic life to continue…

22:35, 13.10.2020

Iohannis: Permanent challenge of sanitary rules and restrictive measures maintains a state of distrust

The constant challenge of sanitary rules and restrictive measures, in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, maintain a state of disbelief, president Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday, in a press conference at the…

22:35, 13.10.2020

President Iohannis: Asked Premier, Health Minister to provide real-time assessment of necessary intensive care beds

President Klaus Iohannis told a press conference on Tuesday that he requested Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and Health Minister Nelu Tataru to proceed to a "real-time assessment of the necessary intensive care beds,"…

22:35, 13.10.2020

President Iohannis: I again appeal to citizens to be prudent and respect strictly rules in force

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated, on Tuesday, in a press conference at the Cotroceni Palace, his appeal to citizens to be prudent and to respect strictly all the rules to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.Klaus…

16:10, 13.10.2020

Romanian Academy and ICR, in joint service of cause of placing Romanian culture in the world

The Romanian Academy and the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) can join their forces of creation and research in the joint service of the common cause of placing Romanian culture in a place of its own in the world…

16:11, 12.10.2020

Iohannis: Romania, alongside German EU Presidency at centre of EU consolidation process

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday sent a message on the occasion of the 23rd session of the Romanian-German Governmental Commission for the issue of ethnic Germans in Romania."The political relations between Romania…

13:00, 12.10.2020

President Klaus Iohannis to be awarded Emperor Otto Prize on Wednesday

President Klaus Iohannis will be awarded the 'Emperor Otto' Prize on Wednesday, October 14, in Magdeburg, Germany, for "honoring the great merits in the European unification process," the Presidential Administration…

20:20, 09.10.2020

UPDATE/Iohannis says no intention to return country to emergency state; weddings, baptisms, celebrations to be restricted

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that he did not want a return to the state of emergency and called for the restriction of events in which many people participate, according to Agerpres.."We have discussed…

20:10, 09.10.2020

UPDATE President Iohannis: We don't need to panic, we must observe recommendations

On Friday, President Klaus Iohannis underscored the need to comply with preventive measures, according to Agerpres."We don't need to panic, but we must be aware that we are facing an extremely serious situation,…

15:55, 09.10.2020

President Iohannis: We shouldn't exaggerate with closing schools; restrictive measures only where no other solution

President Iohannis on Friday stated that we shouldn't exaggerate in Romania with closing schools; we just need to implement restrictive measures where the case and if there is no other solution."We shouldn't exaggerate…

15:55, 09.10.2020

Iohannis says need to postpone elections not resulting from today's discussion with health specialists

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the discussion he had at the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) did not show the need to postpone this year's general election."It is not possible to set a certain…

15:46, 09.10.2020

President Iohannis: We don't need to panic, we must observe recommendations

On Friday, President Klaus Iohannis underscored the need to comply with preventive measures."We don't need to panic, but we must be aware that we are facing an extremely serious situation, all of us, and if we…

15:46, 09.10.2020

President Iohannis says no intention to return country to state of emergency

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that he did not want a return to the state of emergency."I do not intend to return to the state of emergency," Iohannis said after visiting the National Institute of Public…