Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:45, 09.10.2020

"Nu intenţionez să revenim la starea de urgenţă"

"Nu intenţionez să revenim la starea de urgenţă"   Klaus Iohannis. Foto: Presidency.ro. Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a subliniat, vineri, necesitatea respectării măsurilor preventive. "Nu trebuie să intrăm…

13:55, 09.10.2020

Iohannis, to new magistrates: Romanians expect you to have an irreproachable moral conduct

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Friday the decrees appointing new justices and prosecutors freshly graduated from of the National Institute of Magistracy, context in which he sent a message asserting that they…

11:00, 09.10.2020

Iohannis: We will never forget Holocaust victims, we pledge to never allow such tragedy again

President Klaus Iohannis sent on Friday a message on the occasion of the National Holocaust Remembrance Day, saying that it was a genocide of unimaginable proportions."We pay today a pious tribute to the victims…

17:55, 08.10.2020

Italian officials decorated by President Iohannis

On Thursday, President Klaus Iohannis signed the decree on the decoration of the head of the Department of Civil Protection under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic, Angelo Borrelli,…

17:55, 08.10.2020

Iohannis: COVID-19 pandemic represents for Romania most dramatic period since 1989

President Klaus Iohannis states that the COVID-19 pandemic represents for Romania "the most dramatic period since 1989", pointing out that Romania will continue to adapt for the implementation of the necessary…

17:55, 08.10.2020

President Iohannis welcomes incoming ambassadors of France, Czech Republic, Bangladesh

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday, welcomed the incoming ambassadors to Romania of Bangladesh, Daud Ali; the Czech Republic, Halka Kaiserova, and France, Laurence Auer, at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace to…

17:20, 08.10.2020

Preşedintele Parlamentului European, David Sassoli, intră în autoizolare. Un colaborator al său are Covid-19

Preşedintele Parlamentului European, David Sassoli, a anunţat joi că va intra în autoizolare, după ce a intrat în contact cu un colaborator al său testat pozitiv la COVID-19, transmite Agerpres.„Recent am fost…

20:00, 07.10.2020

Iohannis says news statutes needed for CNA for better job

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace that the National Audiovisual Council (CNA) needed new statutes, pointing to the political influence on the composition of the council.…

19:55, 07.10.2020

Iohannis: Figures on SARS-CoV-2 cases sound alarm signal we all have responsibility to take into account

Figures reported in Romania on novel coronavirus infections, but also deaths due to COVID-19 "sound a strong alarm signal that we all have the responsibility to take into account," the President of Romania, Klaus…

15:55, 07.10.2020

Court rules amendments to Court of Auditors' statutes unconstitutional

On Wednesday, the Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) took up constitutionality objections raised by President Klaus Iohannis and the government over a piece of legislation amending and supplementing the statutes…

14:35, 07.10.2020

Cătălin Raiu, the president of FoRB Romania, was welcomed by Andrew Noble, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland…

Cătălin Raiu, the president of FoRB Romania, was welcomed by His Excellency, Mr. Andrew Noble, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Romania, for a useful discussion on religious…

17:15, 06.10.2020

Implementation plan for Romanian's 2020-2024 National Defence Strategy, Defence White Paper approved

The Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) on Tuesday analysed and approved a batch of documents for the application of Romania's 2020 - 2024 National Defence Strategy, including an implementation plan, a…

15:25, 01.10.2020

Iohannis: This academic year - most difficult since 1989

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the new academic year will be "the most difficult" since 1989, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic."Today marks the beginning of a new academic year, which is…

12:45, 01.10.2020

President Klaus Iohannis to attend the European Council meeting in Brussels

President Klaus Iohannis will attend the meeting of the European Council in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, which includes topics such as the European Union's Single Market, industrial policy and the Union's digital…

11:15, 01.10.2020

Întrevederea ministrului Bogdan Aurescu cu reprezentanţii principalelor organizaţii evreieşti internaţionale

Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a avut miercuri, 30 septembrie 2020, o întrevedere, în sistem videoconferinţă, cu reprezentanţii principalelor organizaţii internaţionale evreieşti. Întrevederea ministrului…

21:20, 30.09.2020

PSD: Report on the rule of law of European Commission, red card for President Iohannis

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) considers the European Commission's report on the rule of law to be a red card for President Klaus Iohannis, who "has not been able to do anything in recent months in this area.""PSD…

21:20, 30.09.2020

Iohannis: PNL - engine of change, PSD - promoter of toxic policy

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the National Liberal Party (PNL) is the "engine of change" and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) - the "promoter of toxic politics", showing that this is why collaborations…

21:15, 30.09.2020

Iohannis: I've explicitly agreed to make granting of European funds conditional on rule of law

President Klaus Iohannis said at the Cotroceni Palace on Wednesday that he was "explicitly in agreement with the condition that European funds be granted to respect for the rule of law" and that, together with…

21:15, 30.09.2020

President Iohannis: Postponement of parliamentary elections, not appropriate

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that a postponement of the parliamentary elections is not appropriate, arguing that the law by which Parliament sets the date of the general elections is some politicians'…

21:11, 30.09.2020

Iohannis, on accusations of electoral fraud in local elections: Guilty to be held accountable

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Wednesday at Cotroceni Presidential Palace that, regarding the accusations of electoral fraud in the local elections, "the guilty will be held accountable"."The electoral process…

20:20, 30.09.2020

Serviciile speciale ale SUA: auziți o nouă gafă a lui Biden - să știți, Putin este de vină

Am studiat deja expresia highly likely (”cu un grad sporit de probabilitate” în cazul Skripal), almost certainly („aproape sigur” în cazul acuzațiilor de furt de vaccin). Acum trebuie să ne obișnuim cu următorul…

19:10, 30.09.2020

Iohannis: Second pandemic wave, imminent, therefore, please observe rules, avoid crowds, useless travels

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that, according to the specialists, a second wave of the pandemic is imminent in Europe, in which context he told Romanians to follow the rules with rigor, to avoid unnecessary…

19:10, 30.09.2020

President Iohannis: Fair justice, equality in front of the law - essential pillars of authentic democracy

President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Wednesday, at the Cotroceni presidential Palace that "Fair justice and equality in front of the law are the essential pillars of authentic democracy" and spoke of the hallmarks…

19:00, 30.09.2020

Iohannis: It's inadmissible that in 2020 we still have heated talks on vote rigging

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that it is inadmissible that in 2020 there would still be heated discussions about vote rigging."It is inadmissible that in 2020 we still have heated discussions about…

18:55, 30.09.2020

Iohannis, at meeting with representatives of Coalition for Romania's Development: Business Environment - very important partner

President Klaus Iohannis had a meeting on Wednesday with representatives of the Coalition for the Development of Romania (CDR), during which the organization's evaluations and proposals were discussed in relation…

12:35, 30.09.2020

President Iohannis to attend European Council meeting in Brussels, Thursday and Friday

President Klaus Iohannis will attend a meeting of the European Council in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, which includes topics such as the European Union's Single Market, industrial policy and the Union's digital…

20:11, 29.09.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Phenomenon of fake news, misinformation, confusion, more present than ever in our societies

The phenomenon of fake news, misinformation and confusion "are more present than ever in our societies, in the context of the current crisis", the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, said on Tuesday, in…

18:26, 29.09.2020

President of the Academy: Order of Crown of Romania, in rank of Commander, great inner satisfaction, in continuation of profession

Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Margareta conferred, on Tuesday, to the President of the Romanian Academy, Academician Ioan-Aurel Pop, the Order of the Crown of Romania, in the rank of Commander.Academician…

18:15, 29.09.2020

President Iohannis confers Order of the Star of Romania to outgoing French Ambassador Ramis

President Klaus Iohannis has signed, on Tuesday, the decree to confer the Order of the Star of Romania in the rank of Commodore to the outgoing French Ambassador to Romania, Michele Ramis.According to a release…

14:35, 29.09.2020

Parliament, not Government decides date of parliamentary election's organisation this year, Constitutional Court says

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Tuesday rejected, 5-to-4, as unfounded, the referrals of President Klaus Iohannis and Government regarding the Law on certain measures for the organisation of the general…