Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:40, 29.09.2020

Coloana sonoră a EA SPORTS FIFA 21 este inspirată de fani ai jocului din întreaga lume

Electronic Arts prezintă coloana sonoră oficială EA SPORTS™ FIFA 21, compilația cuprinzând muzică din diferite culturi și stiluri care reprezintă fanii FIFA din întreaga lume. Cu peste 100 de artiști noi și artiști…

21:30, 28.09.2020

ForMin Aurescu, UCOR President discuss collaboration prospects

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu had, on Monday, a meeting with the President of the Association of Honorary Consuls Union in Romania (UCOR), Andreas Huber, on a series of issues of mutual interest regarding…

21:30, 28.09.2020

Iohannis: For Romania to modernise, PSD era must definitively end

For Romania to modernise, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) era must definitively end, President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday and urged democratic parties "to continue the dialogue"."For Romania to modernise,…

21:30, 28.09.2020

President Iohannis: I urge those elected to honor their promises honestly and responsibly

President Klaus Iohannis urged the winners of the local elections to honor their promises "honestly and responsibly" and appealed to authorities to organize the transition of power at the level of administrations…

21:30, 28.09.2020

Iohannis: Credible new majority is needed to impose legislative reforms, such as election of mayors in two rounds

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that a new parliamentary majority is needed to impose legislative reforms quickly, indicating the election of mayors in two rounds."Dear Romanians, we have one more step…

21:20, 28.09.2020

Iohannis: Victory in local elections belongs, first of all, to Romanian democracy, also right-wing victory

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Monday that the victory in the local elections belongs to the Romanian democracy, pointing out that it was also a victory for the right-wing."Following the local elections,…

11:36, 27.09.2020

Iohannis: It is very important to go to vote

President Klaus Iohannis said it was very important for citizens to go to the polls on Sunday and choose candidates who could do something for their communities."It is a very important day today - the day of voting…

17:50, 25.09.2020

Supreme Council for Country's Defence meeting on 6 October

President Klaus Iohannis has decided to summon the Supreme Council for Country's Defence (CSAT) on 6 October, to analyse matters in regards to the country's defence and the national security, the Presidential Administration…

06:05, 25.09.2020

Egoul dictatorilor - Vladimir Putin a fost propus pentru Premiul Nobel pentru pace 2021

Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a fost propus pentru Premiul Nobel pentru pace 2021, distincţie la care aspiră de asemenea omologul său american Donald Trump, a anunţat joi scriitorul rus Serghei Komkov, potrivit…

20:00, 24.09.2020

Vladimir Putin, propus la Premiul Nobel pentru Pace. ”El face un efort maxim pentru menţinerea păcii şi a liniştii”

Președintele rus Vladimir Putin a fost propus pentru Premiul Nobel pentru Pace 2021. Anunțul a fost făcut joi de scriitorul rus Serghei Komkov, relatează Agerpres. La același premiu aspiră și președintele Statelor…

18:45, 24.09.2020

Putin, rivalul lui Trump la Nobelul pentru pace

Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a fost propus pentru Premiul Nobel pentru pace 2021, distincţie la care aspiră de asemenea omologul său american Donald Trump, a anunţat scriitorul rus Serghei Komkov. Asta-i ca…

17:11, 24.09.2020

Vladimir Putin, propus de un scriitor rus pentru Premiul Nobel pentru pace 2021

Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a fost propus pentru Premiul Nobel pentru pace 2021, distincţie la care aspiră de asemenea omologul său american Donald Trump, a anunţat joi scriitorul rus Serghei Komkov, potrivit…

16:20, 24.09.2020

DIICOT needs new leadership; Giorgiana Hosu msut take a step back

The Save Romania Union (USR) believes that the head of DIICOT, Giorgiana Hosu, must take "a step back", after her husband was sentenced to three years suspended prison. "DIICOT (Directorate for Investigating Organised…

14:05, 24.09.2020

Nicusor Dan - meeting with Iohannis: We discussed about Bucharest in general terms

The candidate supported by National Liberal Party (PNL) and Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS) running for the Capital City Hall, Nicusor Dan, and Prime Minister Ludovic…

12:05, 24.09.2020

Noul Hyundai Tucson – design și tehnologii revoluționare

Hyundai prezintă noul Tucson. Modelul dispune de un design remarcabil, de tehnologii revoluționare, dar și de o gamă variată de sisteme de propulsie. Modelul de clasa SUV, care se află la cea de-a patra generație,…

08:45, 24.09.2020

President Iohannis: Our hospital system is not working well, things change in years of reform

Romania's hospital system is not working well and too many Romanians are ill, prevention being "often non-existent", and these things need to change, President Iohannis told on Wednesday evening a press conference…

18:15, 22.09.2020

Iohannis: We need innovation, environmentally friendly, safe technology

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that sustainable economic growth and "environmentally friendly and safe technology" are needed for sustainable economic growth. "For sustainable economic growth, we need…

18:45, 21.09.2020

Battle flag - awarded to 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' National Military College, Medical-Military Institute

On Monday, President Klaus Iohannis signed the decree on awarding the battle flag to the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" National Military College.The head of state also signed the decree for awarding the battle flag to…

14:25, 21.09.2020

Iohannis: Gara de Nord Station - Henri Coanda Airport connection, paramount

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday said that the railway link from the Gara de Nord Station to Henri Coanda Airport is "absolutely essential" and pointed out that Romania has an "enormous" chance that in the coming…

13:21, 21.09.2020

Iohannis: Romania's transition to emerging market status, confirmation of the development potential available to the economy

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on Monday at the "Historical Moment: Emerging Romania" event, in which he states that the transition to emerging market status represents not only a historical performance,…

11:56, 21.09.2020

President Klaus Iohannis attends train-testing trip on Bucharest North station-Henri Coanda Airport railway connection

President Klaus Iohannis participates, on Monday, in the train-testing trip on Bucharest North railway station - 'Henri Coanda' International Airport railway connection.According to the Presidential Administration,…

11:50, 21.09.2020

Presidents of Romania, Lithuania, Poland: We state our will to support Belarusian people in building democratic future

The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, the President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, and the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, state their will, in a joint statement, to support the people of Belarus in building…

21:45, 18.09.2020

President Iohannis, message on Rosh Hashanah

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday sent a message on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah, presented by the presidential adviser Sergiu Nistor, at the ceremony that took place at the Coral Temple in Bucharest.In the message,…

17:26, 17.09.2020

USR PLUS Alliance requests President, Gov't to intensify diplomatic demarches to ensure polling stations abroad

The Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) Alliance asks the President and the Government to intensify diplomatic demarches necessary to ensure polling stations abroad for the parliamentary…

16:15, 17.09.2020

President Klaus Iohannis sends congratulation message to Japanese PM Yoshihide Suga

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday sent a congratulatory message to the Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihide Suga, following the latter's appointment in office, stressing that Romania is determined to conclude…

20:21, 16.09.2020

President Iohannis, on conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean: We need to consider the whole range of issues

President Klaus Iohannis told a press conference at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Wednesday that "the whole range of issues" must be taken into account as regards the Eastern Mediterranean conflict and the…

20:21, 16.09.2020

Iohannis: I will discuss with JusMin about number of prosecutors delegated for European Prosecutor's Office

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that he will have a discussion with the Justice Minister, Catalin Predoiu, for clarifications regarding the number of prosecutors delegated by Romania to the European…

20:21, 16.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Iohannis: There is currently no need to discuss postponement of elections

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that there is currently no need to discuss about the postponement of the local elections, noting that things will be well organized in this election."There is currently…

19:21, 16.09.2020

President Iohannis on budget revision: If what PSD voted were applied, it would cost 6pct of GDP

If the vote on the budget revision were applied, this would "cost" over 6 pct of the Gross Domestic Product of Romania, President Klaus Iohannis told a press conference on Wednesday.He stated that he was "saddened"…

19:21, 16.09.2020

President Iohannis: We can't afford healthcare system having to manage double epidemic - flu and COVID-19

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that increased attention is needed on the part of all with the cold season approaching, emphasizing that Romania cannot afford having its healthcare system forced to…