Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

00:00, 16.03.2023

Gov't approves memorandum on investment projects prepared to receive financing through REPowerEU Plan

The Government approved on Wednesday the memorandum on the investment projects prepared to receive financing through the REPowerEU Plan, the Ministry of Investments and European Projects being mandated to start…

20:25, 28.02.2023

Queen Celebration Rock Opera la Cluj: spectaculosul André Abreu îl interpretează pe Freddie Mercury într-un show electrizant. Abreu: “Prepare yourself…

Concertul-eveniment ”Queen Celebration Rock Opera” ajunge la Cluj-Napoca pe 9 martie. André Abreu , alături de trupa lui, și acompaniat de o orchestră simfonică, aduce hiturile legendarei ”Queen” pe scena Casei…

07:35, 10.01.2023

Cercetătorii sunt uimiți de compoziția betonului roman. Cum reușeau acum peste 2000 de ani să prepare un produs care se repară singur

Cum au rezistat atât de bine în timp clădirile romane, cum ar fi apeductele sau Panteonul din Roma? Această întrebare se află de mult timp în atenția experților. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

10:40, 09.01.2023

Finland prepares security agreement with the US

Finland is preparing to sign a bilateral security and defence agreement with the United States, paving the way for closer cooperation, strengthening security in Finland and across Europe, and broadening US reach,…

12:45, 04.01.2023

France prepares green industry bill echoing US climate law

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said he will present a “green industry” bill soon as Europe seeks to stop businesses being lured across the Atlantic by billions of dollars of subsidies under the US’s climate…

16:00, 03.01.2023

EU offers help, prepares to counter China’s COVID crisis

The European Union said Tuesday it has offered China help to deal with its COVID-19 crisis, including the donation of vaccines, as the bloc seeks to coordinate how authorities should check incoming passengers from…

23:00, 22.12.2022

Când se fac cozonacii de Crăciun. Ziua în care este bine să îi prepare toate gospodinele

Cozonacul este ingredientul-vedetă de pe masa de Crăciun, pe lângă sarmale, friptura de porc și salata de boeuf. În calendarul creștin-ortodox, cozonacul semnifică o pâine ritualică, îndulcită, care simbolizează…

12:10, 16.12.2022

VIDEO Imagini virale pe TikTok: jandarmii francezi au confiscat porcul unor români, care se pregăteau să-l prepare de Crăciun

Jandarmii francezi au confiscat porcul unor români, care se pregateau sa-l prepare de Craciun, arata o filmare postata pe TikTok. La opra redactarii acestei stiri, filmarea, postata pe contul „uraganusarma", avea…

14:50, 04.12.2022

Romgaz prepares to exploit the 250 Noul Sasesc well, in Sibiu county

Romgaz is allocating over 11 million RON for provisional preparatory works, drilling and production tests at the 250 Noul Sascesc exploitation well, according to an announcement published on the public tender website.…

10:50, 30.11.2022

Mircea Geoana: Immediate support for the Ukrainian people must be fully prepared and supported

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana emphasizes that the immediate support for the Ukrainian people, who are defending themselves against the Russian aggression, must be fully prepared and supported. Fii…

09:10, 28.11.2022

NATO2022Bucharest/ Capital of Romania - prepared for North Atlantic Alliance Ministerial

The capital of Romania is hosting this week the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs from the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

17:50, 25.11.2022

Ingredientul secret pe care trebuie să-l pui în piure. Trucul prin care va ieși mai gustos

Majoritatea gospodinelor aleg să prepare garnituri rapide, simple și ușoare pentru vedeta din farfurie. Mulți români consumă cartofi, așa că preferă să gătească un piure lângă o bucată de carne sau un sos roșu.…

22:20, 16.11.2022

Deputy PM Kelemen: The EC confirms Romania is technically prepared to join the Schengen Area

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, the national leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), says that the European Commission's announcement regarding Romania's accession to the Schengen Area…

20:15, 31.10.2022

Gambling organizers - obliged to prepare electronic database with self-excluded and undesirable persons

The Chamber of Deputies adopted on Monday a draft law that stipulates that gambling organizers will keep, in electronic format, the records of the identification data of the people who enter the premises and will…

17:50, 26.10.2022

Romania, very valuable ally, and NATO is prepared to defend it, says Jens Stoltenberg

Romania is a very valuable ally and NATO is prepared to defend Romania, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg told a joint press conference held on Wednesday after the meeting with the…

13:15, 09.10.2022

No security risks in humanitarian hubs, Romania, better prepared to receiving refugees

Romania is better prepared to receive refugees from Ukraine, but there are currently no signals that there would be an increase in their number, secretary of state in the Interior Ministry Raed Arafat said on Sunday…

11:05, 11.08.2022

Desertul care făcea furori în timpul comunismului. Puțini români își permiteau însă să îl prepare

Care este desertul care făcea furori în timpul comunismului. Cei care au trăit în vremea comunismului își amintesc cu plăcere de unele mâncăruri sau produse pe care obișnuiau să le consume în acea perioadă. Așadar,…

19:15, 01.08.2022

Avram Iancu prepares new record on Balaton Lake in Hungary

Romanian athlete Avram Iancu will swim on Wednesday, August 3, in Balaton Lake in Hungary, the largest lake in Central Europe, where he will try to remain in the water for at least 43 hours and 16 minutes, thus…

18:01, 19.07.2022

HealthMin Rafila says health system, outpatient care should be prepared for rise in COVID-19 cases

The number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 will increase by mid-August, according to estimates made by the Ministry of Health, Minister Alexandru Rafila said on Tuesday, noting that during this period, the health…

19:05, 18.07.2022

Blue Air prepares to exit market, stalls to not return customers' money (Consumers' Watchdog)

Blue Air is preparing to exit the market and is dragging out the minutes regarding the fine applied by the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) regarding the obligation of giving consumers their money…

09:15, 13.07.2022

Kelemen Hunor: Budget revision is being prepared, to take place at beginning of August

The budget revision will take place at the beginning of August, said the deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, leader of Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR). Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

15:10, 01.07.2022

Euro zone inflation hits record 8.6% as the ECB prepares for its first rate hike in 11 years

Eurozone inflation surged to a record high of 8.6% in June, racing ahead of expectations once again and adding pressure on the European Central Bank to step up its fight against spiraling prices, flash Eurostat…

20:25, 26.04.2022

Ukraine triathlon champions prepare at Sydney 2000 Olympic Complex in Izvorani

The triathlon champion team of Ukraine, formed of 8 athletes and two coaches, are preparing this period at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Complex in Izvorani, southeastern Ilfov County, alongside the Romanian athletes…

21:41, 17.03.2022

Romania is prepared to actively cooperate with OECD working structures on path towards accession

Romania is prepared to actively cooperate with the working structures of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in view of improving the rate of assimilation of OECD norms and on the path towards…

20:15, 15.03.2022

A vrut să-și prepare o cafea, dar a declanșat o explozie

Un barbat beat a fost cât pe ce sa-si arunce în aer locuinta dupa ce s-a apucat sa prepare o cafea, potrivit glasulsicevei. Din verificarile facute de politisti a reiesit ca Costel G., de 72 de ani, locuieste singur.…

20:05, 04.03.2022

Headquarters of Lipovan Russian community, prepared to receive refugees from Ukraine

The headquarters of the Braila County Russian Lipovan Community (CRL) is prepared to receive refugees from Ukraine, and the teachers that know Ukrainian and Russian among the community are ready to mediate discussions…

22:45, 01.03.2022

DefMin Dincu deems Romanian authorities prepared for larger wave of refugees from Ukraine

Minister of National Defense Vasile Dincu declared on Tuesday that the Romanian authorities are prepared for a larger wave of refugees from Ukraine, and considering that this a poor population, it will remain on…

21:30, 25.02.2022

Timisoara Mayoralty prepares solidarity actions with twin Ukrainean city Chernivtsi

Timisoara Mayor Dominic Fritz on Friday announced the initiation of a local committee of solidarity with Ukraine, which will coordinate and facilitate humanitarian aid efforts for the twin city of Chernivtsi, Ukraine.…

12:20, 25.02.2022

Senate President says Romania is prepared for Ukraine refugees

President of the Senate and head of the National Liberal Party Florin Citu declared today that Romania is ready to take in refugees from Ukraine, stating that in the first stage the incurred expenses could be covered…

13:00, 24.02.2022

Pres. Iohannis: Romania is prepared for any economic and humanitarian consequences

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Thursday that Romania is prepared for any sort of economic and humanitarian consequences that could be generated by an eventual long-term conflict between Russia and Ukraine,…