Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:45, 02.09.2021

JusMin Ion: I have received hints that selecting chief prosecutors should be done by someone else

Justice Minister Stelian Ion said on Thursday that he received suggestions that "it is not okay" for him to coordinate the selection of candidates for these chief prosecutor positions, as that should be done by…

16:40, 25.08.2021

Gov't approves 8,546 new positions with the General Emergency Management Inspectorate

The government has approved 8,546 new positions with the General Emergency Management Inspectorate (IGSU), of which 129 for commissioned officers, 25 for warrant officers and non-commissioned officers and 8,400…

12:10, 18.08.2021

PM Citu: Political Bureau unanimously voted for derogation in the case of my candidacy for PNL leadership

The National Political Bureau of the PNL (National Liberal Party) has unanimously voted for derogation from the Statute of this party regarding the candidacy of Prime Minister Florin Citu for the leader position…

12:00, 18.08.2021

PM Orban: I won't come up with a proposal for minister of finance

PNL President Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday that he would not make a proposal for the position of finance minister, adding that he would express his opinion on the candidate proposed by PM Florin Citu for this…

18:06, 16.08.2021

PM Citu: 8,400 new positions for volunteer contract servicemen and operations NCOs to be set up

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Monday that a government decision will be approved for setting up 8,400 new positions for volunteer contract servicemen and operations NCOs. Speaking at the homecoming ceremony…

16:55, 14.08.2021

Jorge Martin va pleca din pole position la Marele Premiu al Austriei, la clasa regină

Pilotul spaniol Jorge Martin (Ducati Desmosedici GP21) a reuşit al doilea său pole position din acest sezon, la clasa regină MotoGP, după ce a fost cel mai rapid în calificările pentru Marele Premiu al Austriei…

14:00, 13.08.2021

Social Democrats asking President Iohannis to state whether he knew of Florin Citu's criminal record

The Social Democrats asked Friday President Klaus Iohannis to confirm or deny whether he knew of Florin Citu's criminal record when he signed him in for the position of Prime Minister of Romania. "The Social Democratic…

08:20, 10.08.2021

PNL's Orban: If I lose PNL elections, I will quit as Speaker of Chamber of Deputies

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban, said on Monday, for private TV broadcaster Digi24, that if he is to lose the internal elections in the party, he will resign as Speaker of the Chamber…

09:25, 07.08.2021

Un avatar al cântăreţei americane Ariana Grande a apărea în jocul video Fortnite

Un avatar al cântăreţei americane Ariana Grande, interpretând câteva dintre melodiile ei, va apărea de-a lungul weekend-ului pe Fortnite, un eveniment evidenţiat de editorul jocului video Epic Games, scrie AFP,…

18:30, 31.07.2021

Lewis Hamilton, în pole-position la MP al Ungariei! Piloții Mercedes, dominanți + Huiduieli la final

Lewis Hamilton (36 de ani, Mereces) va pleca din pole-position în Marele Premiu al Ungariei, a 11-a cursă a sezonului în Formula 1. Liderul clasamentului mondial, Max Verstappen (23 de ani, Red Bull Racing), va…

15:25, 14.07.2021

Seniority for access to DNA, DIICOT positions must match that for access to AG's Office

The Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) has ruled that job seniority required of a prosecutor for access to a position with the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) or the Directorate for Investigating Organized…

10:00, 14.07.2021

Nasui: Economy Ministry to be reformed: reducing 39 pct of management positions and 30 pct of execution positions

Leadership positions in the Economy Ministry will be reduced by 39 pct, and execution ones by 30 pct, announced on Wednesday Economy Minister Claudiu Nasui, who mentioned that this will be one of the most important…

14:40, 08.07.2021

President Iohannis signs revocation of Alexandru Nazare as Minister of Finance; PM Citu - interim minister

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Thursday the decree on the revocation of Alexandru Nazare from the position of Minister of Finance, the Presidential Administration announced. The head of state also signed the…

18:10, 03.07.2021

Pilotul olandez Max Verstappen va porni de pe prima poziţie a grilei în Marele Premiu al Austriei

Pilotul olandez Max Verstappen (Red Bull-Honda) va pleca din pole position, duminică, în Marele Premiu de Formula 1 al Austriei care se va desfăşura pe circuitul de la Red Bull Ring (Spielberg). Olandezul obţine…

15:40, 29.06.2021

CCR: Renate Weber resumes her Ombudsman capacity

Romania's Constitutional Court (CCR) ruled on Tuesday that it is unconstitutional to remove Renate Weber from the position of Ombudsman, and that she will resume her position after the decision was published in…

13:25, 29.06.2021

CCR: Revocation of Renate Weber from the position of Ombudsman - unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) established, on Tuesday, that the Parliament's decision to revoke of Renate Weber from the position of Ombudsman is unconstitutional, sources from CCR specified. According…

12:51, 23.06.2021

Parliament's legal committees - favorable opinion for Fabian Gyula to hold the position of Ombudsman

The legal committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate gave, on Wednesday, with a majority of votes, a favorable opinion for Fabian Gyula to hold the position of Ombudsman. He is supported by the Hungarian…

17:55, 19.06.2021

Olandezul Max Verstappen, în pole position la Marele Premiu al Franţei

Olandezul Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing) va porni de pe prima poziţie a grilei în Marele Premiu al Franţei, a şaptea etapă a Campionatului Mondial de Formula 1. Pentru Verstappen este al cincilea pole-position…

19:10, 16.06.2021

Gov't adds new positions at anti-graft authority

Under a new decision, the government modified the cap on positions at the National Anti-Corruption Authority (DNA), by adding with 90 police and judicial police positions and another 50 auxiliary staff positions,…

16:05, 07.06.2021

France fines Google €220 mln for abusing ‘dominant position’ in online advertising

France’s competition watchdog fined Google €220 million ($268 million) on Monday for abusing its market power in the online advertising industry, according to CNBC.    The French Competition Authority stated that…

23:26, 06.06.2021

Sergio Perez câștigă pe circuitul stradal din Baku. Vettel și Gasly pe podium

Marele Premiu de Formula 1 din Azerbaidjan se anunța o nouă etapă grea pentru majoritatea piloților, iar acest lucru s-a văzut încă din antrenamentele libere și, mai ales, în sesiunea de calificări. Aceasta din…

18:36, 05.06.2021

Charles Leclerc în pole position la Marele Premiu al Azerbaidjanului

Pentru Leclerc este al doilea pole position consecutiv din acest sezon. Pe locul doi în calificari s-a clasat Lewis Hamilton (Marea Britanie, Mercedes), iar pe pozitia a treia Max Verstappen (Olanda, Red Bull Racing).…

18:25, 05.06.2021

Auto-F1: Pilotul monegasc Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) va pleca din pole position în MP al Azerbaidjanului

Pilotul monegasc Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) va pleca duminică din pole position în Marele Premiu al Azerbaidjanului, după calificările care au avut loc sâmbătă, scrie AFP.   Foto: (c) TOLGA BOZOGLU / EPA   Leclerc…

17:40, 05.06.2021

Charles Leclerc în pole position, după o sesiune de calificări dramatică, la Baku

Charles Leclerc a obținut primul loc pe grila de start a Marelui Premiu de la Baku, într-o sesiune de calificări presărată cu 5 accidente și 4 steaguri roșii. Monegascul obține al doilea pole consecutiv,...

16:46, 05.06.2021

Charles Leclerc, pole-position în MP Azerbaidjanului! Calificări spectaculoase la Baku: patru steaguri roșii

Monegascul Charles Leclerc, pilotul Ferari, va pleca primul duminică, în Marele Premiu al Azerbaidjanului, de la Baku, care va începe la ora 15:00. Acesta va fi al 9-lea pole-position pentru Leclerc din carieră…

15:56, 04.06.2021

Speaker Orban: Politics means morality, trust, dialogue; one have to like people

Politics means morality, trust, permanent dialogue and especially representation of the will of others, and a decision taken by someone who holds an important office affects people's lives, Speaker of the Chamber…

19:25, 26.05.2021

ANOFM: 18,558 vacant jobs in Romania, European employers offer 149 positions for Romanians

Economic agents are putting up 18,558 jobs at the national level, most for persons with high-school level education or professional education, show the records of the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), published…

11:06, 24.05.2021

Scott Dixon, în pole position la Cursa de 500 mile de la Indianapolis

Pilotul neozeelandez Scott Dixon (Chip Ganassi), actualul lider din IndyCar, va pleca din pole position în Cursa de 500 mile de la Indianapolis, cea mai importantă din calendarul acestui campionat, informează AFP,…

18:50, 22.05.2021

Charles Leclerc de la Ferrari va pleca din pole position în Marele Premiu al Principatului Monaco

Pilotul monegasc Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) va pleca din pole position în Marele Premiu de Formula 1 al Principatului Monaco, după ce a reuşit să stabilească cel mai bun timp în calificările desfăşurate sâmbătă.…

18:26, 22.05.2021

Auto - F1: Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) va pleca din pole position în Marele Premiu al Principatului Monaco

Pilotul monegasc Charles Leclerc (Ferrari) va pleca din pole position în Marele Premiu de Formula 1 al Principatului Monaco, după ce a reuşit să stabilească cel mai bun timp în calificările desfăşurate sâmbătă.…