Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:11, 10.10.2021

Bucharest's 14-day COVID-19 rate tops 13 cases per thousand population

Bucharest's 14-day COVID-19 rate hit on Sunday 13.6 cases per thousand population, whereas one day earlier it was 12.65, according to the website of the Public Health Directorate (DSP). One month ago, on September…

15:00, 10.10.2021

Bucharest City, Ilfov, Timis and Iasi counties see most new COVID-19 cases in Romania

Most of the newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in Romania since the previous reporting were recorded in Bucharest City - 2,818 and the counties of Ilfov - 667, Timis - 642, and Iasi - 569, the Strategic Communication…

11:00, 08.10.2021

Bucharest's 14-day COVID-19 rate tops 12 cases per thousand population

Bucharest's 14-day COVID-19 rate hit on Friday 12.24 cases per thousand population, whereas one day earlier it was 11.49, according to the website of the Public Health Directorate (DSP). One month ago, on September…

11:31, 07.10.2021

Bucharest's 14-day COVID-19 rate tops 11 cases per thousand population

Bucharest's 14-day COVID-19 rate hit on Thursday 11.49 cases per thousand population, whereas one day earlier it was 10.93, according to the website of the Public Health Directorate (DSP). One month ago, on September…

10:50, 05.10.2021

Population expenses represented 84.7 pct of revenues in Q2 2021

The average total monthly income was 5,573 per household and 2,196 per person, in the second quarter of 2021, in nominal terms, while the population's total expenses rose, in average, to 4,709 monthly per household…

17:50, 04.10.2021

School-age population makes up over 25pct of Romania's resident population in 2020

Romania's school-age population in 2020 was over 4.844 million people, making up 25.2% of the country's total resident population, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) reported on Monday, ahead of October…

12:46, 01.10.2021

14-day COVID-19 case rate spikes to 7.68 per 1,000 population in Bucharest City

The 14-day cumulative COVID-19 case rate on Friday reached 7.68 per 1,000 population in Bucharest City, according to the Bucharest Public Health Directorate (DSP). One day earlier, it was 6.64. One month earlier,…

10:46, 01.10.2021

Persons over 65 accounted for 19.3 of resident population in Romania, on January 1

Persons aged 65 and over represented 19.3% of the country's resident population, on January 1, 2021, respectively 3,707,080 citizens out of a total of 19,186,201, the country's resident population, according to…

12:10, 30.09.2021

Over quarter of population not connected to public water supply system last year

The population connected to the public water supply system represented 72.4% of Romania's resident population in 2020, a release issued on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) reads. Last year,…

11:40, 30.09.2021

14-day COVID-19 case rate spikes to 6.64 per 1,000 population in Bucharest City

The 14-day cumulative COVID-19 case rate on Thursday exceeded 6.64 per 1,000 population in Bucharest City, according to the Bucharest Public Health Directorate (DSP), agerpres reports. One day earlier, it was 6.33.…

16:50, 28.09.2021

Aproximativ 300 de copii, internați în spitale cu COVID-19. Rată mică de doar 5,5% acoperire vaccinală pe categoria 12-15 ani

"Rata de acoperire vaccinală pe grupe populaţionale: pentru copiii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 12-15 ani vorbim de o rată de acoperire vaccinală de 5,5%, aproximativ 45.558 de persoane având cel puţin o doză de vaccin…

17:30, 21.09.2021

Valeriu Gheorghita: The vaccination coverage rate of 50% has been exceeded in Bucharest

The president of CNCAV, Valeriu Gheorghita, specified on Tuesday that in Bucharest there is a vaccination coverage rate of over 50% of the eligible resident population, over 12 years, reaching 50.15%, and 40% of…

10:30, 17.09.2021

INS: Employment rate in working age population 62.4pct in Q2

The employment rate of the working age population (15-64 years old) was, in Q2 of this year, was 62.4%, up on the previous quarter by 1.6 percentage points, according to data published on Friday by the National…

17:11, 14.09.2021

Valeriu Gheorghita: Vaccine coverage rate in Bucharest nears 50 pct

The vaccine coverage at the level of the Bucharest municipality nears 50%, namely 49.7% of the eligible population of people over 12, the coordinator of the vaccination campaign, Valergiu Gheorghita, declared on…

20:55, 13.09.2021

President Iohannis emphasizes importance of prevention culture among population on Firefighters' Day

President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that as Romania comes to face civilian emergencies, firefighters' missions will become increasingly difficult and stressed the importance of fostering a culture of prevention…

15:06, 07.09.2021

Vaccine coverage nationwide is approx. 31% but may pick up after September 13.th

The anti-COVID coverage, nationwide, from the eligible resident population of over 12 years of age, is of roughly 31%, Bucharest City having a 49.4% coverage, the president of Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination…

10:55, 30.08.2021

Romania's resident population standing at 19.186 million as of January 1, 2021

Romania's resident population was 19.186 million on January 1, 2021, down by 142,600 people from January 1, 2020, with the female population being in the majority, at 9.795 million, which is 51% of total, according…

16:46, 24.08.2021

COVID-19 vaccine coverage, near 49pct in Bucharest

Chairman of Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) Valeriu Gheorghita said on Tuesday that in Bucharest almost 49% of people are vaccinated among the eligible population aged 12…

12:25, 20.08.2021

Cimpeanu: We agreed to keep schools open until 6 cases per 1,000 population rate

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu says that all the participants in the working meeting convened by Prime Minister Florin Citu on measures regarding the beginning of the school year agreed, subject to validation…

10:00, 12.08.2021

Electrical energy consumption of population up by 8.3 pct in first six months

The final electrical energy consumption rose by 7 pct in the first six months of this year, compared to the similar period of last year, on the backdrop of an 8.3 pct increase in the consumption of the population,…

14:51, 05.08.2021

CFA Romania Association analyzes Romanians' perceive population aging

Population aging is a topical issue for many states in the world, and Romania is facing the same problems, to which it must find solutions in the coming years, says the CFA Romania Association, which launched the…

11:00, 31.07.2021

Valeriu Gheorghiță anunță valul 4: Varianta Delta se va răspândi în masă

Valeriu Gheorghiță, coordonatorul campaniei de vaccinare din România, anunță că valul patru al pandemiei este din ce în ce mai aproape. Valeriu Gheorghiță a explicat pentru Antena 3 cât de periculoasă este tulpina…

13:30, 29.07.2021

Over 80% of new loans given between 2016-2020 are in national currency RON

The Romanian banks have given new loans to the population and companies worth 388 billion RON, during the period of 2016-2002, and over 80% of the loans were in RON, according to an analysis made within the #dreptullabanking…

18:16, 28.07.2021

New case threshold considered to ease more COVID-19 restrictions

Emergency management senior official with the Interior Ministry Raed Arafat said on Wednesday that for more COVID-19 restrictions to be lifted from August 1, a new 14-day cumulative COVID-19 case reporting rate…

15:15, 28.07.2021

Gov't launches 11 ml euro EU-funded brown bear census project

The government launched on Wednesday an 11 million euro EU-funded project for the count of Romania's brown bear population, the census being to receive funding through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program,…

17:05, 27.07.2021

Gheorghita: Vaccination coverage rate accounts for about 30pct at national level. Decision on 3rd COVID-19 vaccine dose very likely in September

The vaccination coverage rate at national level is currently about 30pct, almost 48pct in Bucharest, followed by Cluj County, with almost 44pct, head of CNCAV (National Committee Coordinating Vaccination Activities…

14:41, 27.07.2021

VIDEO Explozie puternică la un parc industrial chimic din Germania / Mai multe persoane au fost rănite și 5 sunt date dispărute

Cinci persoane au fost date dispărute și alte câteva au fost rănite în urma unei explozii puternice care a zguduit marți dimineața parcul industrial Chempark din orașul Leverkusen, aflat în vestul…

15:00, 23.07.2021

Bank deposits for companies and population go up slightly in June, by only 0.5%

The deposits of non-government clients have gone up in June 2021 by 0.5% as opposed to May, to up to 438.084 billion RON, and by 14.7% (10.3% in real terms) when comparing with the similar period of last year,…

18:36, 22.07.2021

Population net wealth reaches historic height in 2020 (BNR report)

The population's net wealth is placed at a historic height, registering a growth of 6% in 2020 as opposed to 2019, and real estate assets continue to have a majority weight (75%), according to the "Report on financial…

16:00, 20.07.2021

Modular containers, bottled water, canned goods, beds in support of flood-hit population

The National Administration of State Reserves and Special Problems (ANRSPS) distributed to local authorities in the areas of Alba county (center-western Romania), affected by the flooding of the last few days,…