Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:45, 17.07.2021

Ce se întâmplă dacă Prinţul Harry şi Meghan Markle fac al treilea copil, de fapt. S-a aflat acum

Prințul Harry și Meghan Markle au fost premiați pentru faptul că nu vor mai face un al treilea copil. Da. ați citit bine. Sâmbătă, 10 iulie, ducii de Sussex au fost felicitați de către organizaţia britanică „Population…

17:25, 11.07.2021

CNSP: Energy consumption to increase 2% this year

Romania's domestic energy consumption will increase this year 2% compared to 2020, to 32.125 million toe, the population's consumption will increase 0.1%, to 7.84 million toe, according to the estimates of the…

22:05, 10.07.2021

Recompensă pentru Harry și Meghan, pentru că s-au limitat la doar 2 copii

O organizație de mediu britanică, Population Matters, a anunțat că i-a premiat pe prințul Harry și pe soția sa, Meghan, pentru decizia anunțată public în 2019 de a se limita la doi copii. O decizie „lumina...

17:10, 10.07.2021

BĂTAIE DE JOC O organizație de mediu britanică i-a premiat pe prințul Harry și pe Meghan pentru că au făcut doar 2 copii

O organizație de mediu britanică, Population Matters, a anunțat că i-a premiat pe prințul Harry și pe soția sa, Meghan, pentru decizia anunțată public în 2019 de a se limita la doi copii. O decizie „luminată”,…

12:30, 10.07.2021

Premiu neașteptat pentru Harry și Meghan. Cuplul a fost recompensat de un ONG pentru că se limitează la 2 copii

Harry și Meghan au primit un premiu neașteptat. O organizație de mediu britanică, Population Matters, a anunțat că i-a recompensat pe prințul Harry și pe soția sa, Meghan, pentru decizia anunțată public în 2019…

19:20, 02.07.2021

Petromidia blast/IntMin Bode: Population never in danger

Minister of Interior Lucian Bode on Friday stated that it was due to the professionalism of the firemen that the tragedy at Petromidia did not turn into a catastrophe, underscoring that the population, the tourists…

12:25, 25.06.2021

Outstanding loan repayments in lei down 0.6% in May; those in foreign currency - down 2.64%

The total value of outstanding loan repayments in lei of the population and companies in May 2021 amounted to 4.5 billion lei, down 0.6% from the amount reported in the previous month, while arrears on foreign…

15:30, 23.06.2021

Bank deposits of companies and population up by 0.6 pct in May

The deposits of non-governmental clients increased in May 2021 by 0.6 pct over April, up to the level of 435.904 billion RON, and by 13.7 pct (9.5 pct in real terms) over the same month of the previous year, the…

15:56, 22.06.2021

PM Citu: If eligible population gets vaccinated we shouldn't speak about COVID fourth wave in Romania

Prime Minister Florin Citu stated on Tuesday that in case the eligible population gets vaccinated there should be no fourth wave of the COVID pandemic, emphasizing that, through the measures disposed, the Government…

18:51, 18.06.2021

Ministry of Finance launches new issue of Fidelis government bonds for individuals

The Ministry of Finance launches at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) a new issue of Fidelis government bonds, intended for the population, thus reaching the fourth public offer for the sale of Fidelis government…

11:06, 18.06.2021

Romania's employment rate drops to 60.8 pct in Q1 2021

The employment rate for Romania's working age population (15 - 64 years) in Q1 2021 was 60.8 percent, down from 65.8 percent in the previous quarter, while the unemployment rate advanced to 6.1 percent from 5.2…

12:46, 17.06.2021

CNCAV's Gheorghita: Nearly 25 pct of eligible population is vaccinated against COVID-19 so far

Vaccination coverage at national level is almost 25 pct of the eligible population, on Thursday announced the Chairman of the National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV), military doctor Valeriu…

11:01, 15.06.2021

Vehicle retail and market services rendered to population increase in first four months

The volume of turnover in vehicle and motorcycle trade increased, unadjusted, by 33.5 pct, in the first four months over the similar period of last year, and the volume of turnover in market services rendered to…

08:56, 02.06.2021

HealthMin Mihaila: Fact that desire to vaccinate dropped in recent period, real reason for concern

The fact that the desire to vaccinate has dropped in the recent period represents a real reason for concern, said, on Tuesday evening, Health Minister Ioana Mihaila at private broadcaster B1TV, agerpres reports.…

09:51, 01.06.2021

Prime Minister Citu on vaccination campaigns: I want to keep Romania below 3 per thousand

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that his goal is to keep the infection rate with the novel coronavirus in Romania below three cases per 1,000 inhabitants by vaccinating the population, agerpres reports.…

13:45, 30.05.2021

All of Romania in COVID-19 green zone

Bucharest City and all of Romania's counties remain in the COVID-19 green zone, with the highest 14-day COVID-19 cumulative rate reported by Alba County - 0.64, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official…

14:16, 24.05.2021

Cumulative COVID-19 rate continues to dip in Bucharest City; zero new cases in four counties

Bucharest City and all of Romania's counties stay in the COVID-19 green area scenario in terms of the 14-day COVID-19 cumulative rate, according to data released on Monday by the Strategic Communication Group (GCS),…

13:00, 24.05.2021

Deputy PM Dan Barna and Minister Raluca Turcan urge population to quit smoking

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna and Labour Minister Raluca Turcan, both MPs representing Sibiu, urge the population to quit smoking, especially in this pandemic year, when lung health is very important, informs…

19:05, 20.05.2021

Nearly three-quarters of eligible population is unvaccinated against COVID

74.85% of the eligible population (from 16 years old), which represents 12,044,803 people, is unvaccinated against COVID, the Facebook page of the national vaccination platform informs. According to the quoted…

17:30, 20.05.2021

Event meant to support Israeli state: FCER, Romanian authorities condemn terrorist attacks on Israeli population

An event in support of the State of Israel, in the context of the current situation, took place on Thursday in Bucharest, organized by the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania (FCER), bringing together personalities…

07:50, 19.05.2021

Valeriu Gheorghiță: A treia doză de vaccin nu va fi administrată tuturor

Coordonatorul campaniei naționale de vaccinare, medicul Valeriu Gheorghiță a declarat că a treia doză de vaccin împotriva coronavirusului nu va fi administrată întregii populații. Medicul militar a afirmat că a…

18:05, 18.05.2021

Gheorghiţă: Doar "anumite segmente populaţionale" vor primi a treia doză de vaccin

Medicul Valeriu Gheorghiță a declarat, marţi, că, în cazul în care se va pune problema administrării celei de-a treia doze de vaccin, foarte probabil nu va fi revaccinată toată populaţia, ci sdoar "anumite segmente…

16:56, 18.05.2021

Valeriu Gheorghita: If there is a third dose, part of population won't be re-vaccinated

The coordinator of the national vaccination campaign against COVID-19, Valeriu Gheorghita, on Tuesday stated that, if there is going to be a third dose of vaccine taken into consideration, it is very likely that…

15:30, 18.05.2021

Bucharest City topping COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Romania, followed by counties of Cluj, Sibiu

Bucharest is still topping the COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Romania, at 35.7% of the resident population and 42.43% of the eligible population, followed by Cluj County, at 32.77% vaccination coverage of the…

14:11, 12.05.2021

All counties, Bucharest City fall to COVID-19 green scenario

Bucharest City and all of Romania's counties are now in the COVID-19 green zone, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication task force, reported on Wednesday. In Bucharest,…

11:41, 11.05.2021

COVID-19 vaccination coverage reaches about 33.8pct in Bucharest

COVID-19 vaccination coverage in Bucharest is about 33.8% of the resident population, said on Tuesday Chairman of Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) Valeriu Gheorghita. "I would…

10:55, 07.05.2021

In 2020 were additional workforce comprises 117,900 persons

The potential additional workforce comprised 117,900 persons in 2020, by 1.8 pct more than the previous year, shows the data of the National Institute for Statistics (INS). The share of underemployed persons in…

09:36, 07.05.2021

Hunting associations request scientific study of bear population, for regulating annual harvest quota

The Federation of Hunting Associations is requesting the state institutions to swiftly clarify the circumstances in which the bear Arthur was hunted and also to carry out a scientific study of the bear population…

13:40, 28.04.2021

Outstanding loans in lei drop to 0.96pct in March; forex outstanding loans decline 2.71pct

The total value of outstanding loans in lei of the population and companies amounted, in March 2021, to 4.5 billion lei, down 0.96% compared to the amount reported in the previous month, while outstanding foreign…

10:25, 27.04.2021

Population by domicile decreases 22.089 million people on January, 1, 2021, demographic aging process intensifies

The population by domicile was 22.089 million people on January 1, 2021, down 0.5% from the same month of last year, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INS) released on Tuesday, reports…