Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:15, 30.11.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/Iohannis: No one got infected because of going to vote; polling stations safety, even better

President Klaus Iohannis said that in the parliamentary elections the health security of the polling stations will be better than in the local ones, but also that in the previous election the people who went to…

19:55, 23.11.2020

BEC: Romanian voters may vote in any polling station, after proving domicile or residence

Romanian citizens with domicile or residence abroad and the members of the electoral bureaus of polling stations abroad may exercise their right to vote, in the parliamentary elections, in any polling station abroad,…

19:55, 23.11.2020

Ballot-casting allowed until 23:59 hrs for voters queuing at polling station at 21:00

According to a decision issued today by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) on specific measures regarding the exercise of the right to vote, the voters who on general election day are inside a polling station at…

08:16, 19.11.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Voting abroad in parliamentary elections to take place over 5 and 6 December

Voting abroad in this year's parliamentary election is due to take place over two days, 5 and 6 December, on Wednesday said the Foreign Affairs minister Bogdan Aurescu, at the beginning of the gov't sitting, according…

21:30, 16.11.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/MAE sends AEP proposal for organisation of 748 polling stations abroad

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) on Monday submitted to the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) the proposal to organize 748 polling stations abroad in the parliamentary elections of December 5 and 6, according…

18:55, 09.11.2020

Aurescu requests Dutch support for polling station organization, counterpart Blok expresses full availability

The Foreign Affairs Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, has conducted, on Monday, an official visit to the Hague, in the Netherlands, upon the invitation of his Dutch counterpart, Stef Blok, whom he had political consultations…

16:00, 09.11.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ MAE's Ivan requests Romanians abroad involve themselves in activity of polling stations

The representative with special tasks for electoral processes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Iulian Ivan, launched, on Monday, an appeal to Romanians abroad to involve themselves in the activity of polling…

13:45, 06.11.2020

ForMin Aurescu: Proposals received for establishment of over 600 polling stations abroad

More than 600 proposals to set up polling stations abroad have been registered so far for the parliamentary election scheduled for December 6, Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu told a press conference on…

15:45, 04.11.2020

ParlamentaryElections2020/BEC: ANA EVENTS & PR SRL, accredited to conducted exit polls

On Wednesday, the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) decided to accredit the company ANA EVENTS & PR SRL for conducting opinion polls at the exit from the polls in the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of…

15:40, 04.11.2020

PSD leader Ciolacu: Iohannis pledging his personal credibility to bail out corrupt, out-of-grip Gov't

Leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday that President Klaus Iohannis has come to "pledge his personal credibility" in order to save a "corrupt", "out of grip" government, instead…

13:05, 04.11.2020

Cum a ajuns un Tweet al lui Donald Trump din seara alegerilor viral în Polonia și la Polul Nord

Vă mai amintiți „fenomenul” COVFEFE? Ei bine, știm clar că Donald Trump are greșeli frecvente de scriere. De data asta Președintele Statelor Unite a scris greșit cuvântul „Polls”, trecând într-un Tweet rapid „Poles”,…

08:56, 04.11.2020

#alegeriSUA Twitter îşi avertizează utilizatorii în legătură cu mesajul lui Trump privind furtul alegerilor

Reţeaua de social media Twitter şi-a avertizat miercuri utilizatorii cu privire la mesajul postat pe platformă de preşedintele în exerciţiu al SUA, republicanul Donald Trump, în care liderul de la Casa Albă şi-a…

08:56, 04.11.2020

#alegeriSUA Trump: "Suntem pe cai mari, dar ei încearcă să fure alegerile"

Preşedintele SUA, Donald Trump, a declarat în noaptea de marţi spre miercuri că "este pe cai mari" pentru a câştiga scrutinul prezidenţial şi a susţinut că oponenţii săi încearcă "să fure alegerile". "Suntem pe…

14:15, 02.11.2020

Orban: Talks allow us to say that we will be able to organize polling stations abroad

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that it is clear from the talks being carried out that polling stations can be organized abroad, but pointed out that it was possible that in some countries their number…

12:00, 31.10.2020

Topul celor mai cunoscute filme horror de văzut în seara de Halloween

Halloween (1978) Pentru a crea o atmosferă potrivită sărbătorii, cel mai potrivit film este chiar Halloween, considerat ca fiind un film horror clasic, dar și unul din cele mai influente ale genului. Halloween…

09:30, 30.10.2020

USR PLUS's Ciolos: We need solid majority in Parliament; Gov't to leave aside opinion polls

Dacian Ciolos, co-chairman of USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party), on Thursday said elections should be held as soon as possible, if the health situation allows it, also mentioning…

15:51, 20.10.2020

GeneralElection2020/BEC: AVANGARDE Socio-Behavioural Studies Group accreddited to conduct exit polls

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) has accredited the AVANGARDE Socio-Behavioural Studies Group to conduct exit polls in the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies on December 6."BEC accredits the…

15:35, 15.10.2020

Parliamentary elections/ BEC: CURS - accredited for exit-poll at national level

The Central Electoral Bureau has accredited the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology - CURS to conduct the exit poll for the upcoming parliamentary elections at the national level, according to AGERPRES.According…

09:05, 30.09.2020

PM Orban: Romanians to be able to vote by correspondence in countries where not possible to organize polling stations

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said the Government would launch an information campaign dedicated to Romanians in the diaspora, so that they would know that they would be able to vote in the parliamentary elections…

17:10, 28.09.2020

Over 18,700 Romanians abroad have registered for parliamentary elections

Over 3,900 Romanians abroad have registered on the portal www.votstrainatate.ro for vote in the polling stations abroad, and over 14,000 for vote by correspondence.According to the AEP, for vote in the polling…

21:40, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Barna, after exit-polls: Romania starts good governance revolution

Local elections results show "Romania has begun the revolution of good governance," Save Romania Union (USR) - the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS) co-chairman Dan Barna says. "This evening's results,…

21:40, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Ciolacu: PNL, sanctioned by Bucharesters for pandemic chaos

The National Liberal party (PNL) was sanctioned by Bucharesters for the pandemic chaos, the Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu declared on Sunday evening, at the closing of the polls.…

20:50, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/UPDATE BEC - turnout: 44.54 pct of voters voted until 20:00 hrs

The national turnout for the local elections was clocked in on Sunday, at 20:00 hrs, at 44.54 pct, namely 8,149,202 voters, according to data announced by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC). As many as 3,756,773…

20:25, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/BEC - turnout: 44.54 pct of voters voted until 20:00 hrs

The national turnout for the local elections was clocked in on Sunday, at 20:00 hrs, at 44.54 pct, namely 8,149,202 voters, according to data announced by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC). As many as 3,756,773…

19:41, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/BEC rejects MAI request for extension of voting hours for people in vicinity of polling stations

The request of the Ministry of the Interior to extend the voting hours after 21:00 hrs for the people waiting in the vicinity of the polling stations to exercise their right to vote was rejected by the Central…

19:30, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/BEC - turnout: 38.17 pct of voters voted until 18:00 hrs

The national turnout for the local elections was clocked in on Sunday, at 18:00 hrs, at 38.17 pct, according to data announced by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC). In the urban environment, the presence at the…

17:30, 27.09.2020

EXIT POLL Oradea | Rezultate alegeri locale 2020 | Cine ar putea câștiga Primăria Oradea

Cetățenii județului Bihor își aleg astăzi primarii, consilierii locali, președintele de consiliu județean și consilierii județeni în cadrul alegerilor locale din acest an. Unele amânate cu trei luni din cauza pandemiei…

17:25, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/ MAI requests BEC extend voting period for those in proximity of polling stations

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) has sent, on Sunday, to the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) a request by which the latter are asked to analyze the possibility of extending the voting period after 21:00 hrs…

17:20, 27.09.2020

EXIT POLL Cluj-Napoca | Rezultate alegeri locale 2020 | Cine ar putea câștiga Primăria Cluj

Astăzi, 27 septembrie, locuitorii județului Cluj își aleg din nou primarul, consilierii locali, președintele de consiliu județean și consilierii județeni pentru următorii patru ani. Alegerile locale 2020 trebuiau…

17:15, 27.09.2020

EXIT POLL Constanța | Rezultate alegeri locale 2020 | Cine ar putea câștiga Primăria Constanța

Locuitorii județului Constanța își aleg azi primarii, consilierii locali, președintele de consiliu județean și consilierii județeni pentru următorii patru ani în cadrul alegerilor locale 2020. La Primăria Constanței,…