Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:40, 27.09.2020

BEC - voters' turnout: 15.69pct of the voters came to the polling stations until 12.00 am

The turnout for the local elections, nationwide, was, on Sunday, until 12.00, of 15.69 per cent, respectively 2,870,898 voters, according to the reports of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC).In urban areas, the…

12:40, 27.09.2020

AEP: Monitoring programme for local elections; representatives of diplomatic missions visit Bucharest polling stations

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) informs that it is organizing an election monitoring programme for the local elections, with international participation, which will take place exclusively on the day of…

11:36, 27.09.2020

Iohannis: It is very important to go to vote

President Klaus Iohannis said it was very important for citizens to go to the polls on Sunday and choose candidates who could do something for their communities."It is a very important day today - the day of voting…

10:20, 27.09.2020

EXIT POLL OFICIAL alegeri locale 2020 Timișoara. Cine candidează și cine ar putea câștiga Primăria Timișoarei

Azi, 27 septembrie, locuitorii Banatului își aleg primarii, consilierii locali, președintele de consiliu județean și consilierii județeni pentru următorii patru ani. La Primăria Timișoara, duelul se anunță încins.…

09:00, 27.09.2020

Voters' turnout: 1.86% vote in first hour since opening of polling stations

The voters' turnout in the country in the local elections was, on Sunday, until 8:00, of 1.86% - respectively over 345,000 voters, according to the reports of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC).In the urban area,…

08:51, 27.09.2020

EXIT POLL OFICIAL alegeri locale 2020 Alba Iulia. Cine candidează și cine ar putea câștiga Primăria Alba Iulia

Locuitorii județului Alba își aleg astăzi primarii, consilierii locali, președintele de consiliu județean și consilierii județeni în cadrul alegerilor locale 2020. La Primăria orașului Alba Iulia, lupta se anunță…

15:51, 24.09.2020

Kelemen Hunor: There is no risk of getting sick on election day, if sanitary rules are observed

The Chairman of Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), Kelemen Hunor, encouraged people to go to the polls on September 27, claiming that there is no risk of getting sick on election day, if the sanitary…

09:00, 23.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: People, determined to go vote, it's safe if rules observed

The number of the Romanians that will go to vote for the local elections will be "significant", on Tuesday night said the leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu, at the private broadcaster Antena3.He…

20:36, 22.09.2020

AEP: 3,939 Romanians abroad registered to vote at polling stations in parliamentary elections; registration period expired

A number of 3,939 Romanian voters domiciled or residing abroad have registered on the portal www.votstrainatate.ro to vote at a polling station in the December 6 parliamentary elections, according to the Permanent…

17:26, 17.09.2020

USR PLUS Alliance requests President, Gov't to intensify diplomatic demarches to ensure polling stations abroad

The Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) Alliance asks the President and the Government to intensify diplomatic demarches necessary to ensure polling stations abroad for the parliamentary…

19:21, 16.09.2020

Local Elections2020/Iohannis on local elections: They are essential, don't let others decide on your behalf

President Klaus Iohannis told a news conference on Wednesday that local elections on September 27 are "essential" and urged citizens not to let others decide on their behalf."On September 27, we are going to the…

17:56, 10.09.2020

PM Orban: Our objective is to win the elections; we have an advance of 9-10pct against the Socialists

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Thursday stated that PNL's (National Liberal Party) objective is to win the local and parliamentary elections, while opinion polls show the Liberals are by "9-10 per cent ahead of…

11:31, 08.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Tariceanu: Special booth for mild states of fever - discouragement of vulnerable groups from going to polls

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu considers that the introduction of special voting booths for those with mild states of fever will "discourage, through panic", those…

10:45, 08.09.2020

Enfranchised citizens whose ID documents expired between March 1 - Sep 27 can still cast ballots

The enfranchised citizen shall cast his/her ballot in the September 27 local elections only at the polling station where he/she is registered on the permanent electoral roll, or at the polling station his/her domicile…

12:35, 05.09.2020

Presidents of polling station electoral bureaus and their deputies to be appointed by September 23

Polling station electoral bureau presidents and their deputies shall be appointed by September 22 at the latest, and the number of local election candidates in a constituency shall be posted until September 23…

21:50, 31.08.2020

Electoral Authority: 3,449 Romanians from abroad registered so far for parliamentary election

As many as 3,449 Romanian nationals from abroad had registered as of August 31 on the portal www.votstrainatate.ro for the parliamentary election this year, the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) informs on its…

21:25, 26.08.2020

LocalElections2020/ Permanent Electoral Authority centralizes evaluations of almost 16,000 polling stations

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) announces that it has centralized the evaluations sent by the mayor's office representatives for 15,794 polling stations, in order to identify by the health authorities responsible…

16:25, 30.07.2020

AEP: 2,000 Romanian citizens abroad have registered to vote in parliamentary elections

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) informs that 2,000 Romanian citizens abroad have registered with the www.vostrainatate.ro portal for the parliamentary elections this year, until Thursday, 1,393 of whom…

11:18, 24.06.2020

Polling stations for Russian citizens to open on July 1 at Russian Embassy in Bucharest, Consulate in Constanta

Polling stations will open at the Russian Embassy in Bucharest and the Consulate General in Constanta on July 1 for the Russian nationals wanting to take part in a general vote on approving amendments to the Constitution…

09:22, 15.06.2020

Orban: National Liberal Party sits well in polls, I believe we've done our duty

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated that the National Liberal Party (PNL) is sitting well in the polls, even though the Liberal government, a "single color one", acted in "extremely difficult" conditions, those…

14:54, 05.06.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: In the last six months, PSD trend is increasing; it reached 29pct in internal polls

In the last six months, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) trend is increasing, and it reached 29 percent in internal polls, while the National Liberal Party (PNL) trend is decreasing, Social-Democrat interim chairman…

19:25, 04.06.2020

PLUS's Tudorache on vote during pandemic: We can increase number of days, number of polling stations

MEP Dragos Tudorache from PLUS (Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) believes a solution in organising the elections during this period impacted by the pandemic would be to increase the number of days and the number…

08:57, 28.05.2020

FOTO Unde poate duce dependența de operații estetice: Părinții mi-au spus că arăt ca o ciudată

​​Este vedetă de televiziune, femeie de afaceri și model. Are 29 de ani și a mărturisit că s-a gândit să apeleze la chirurgia plastică încă de la 12 ani. Amy Childs a povestit cum este să fii dependent…

17:22, 22.04.2020

Seria Peaky Blinders a fost blocată de epidemie, dar va avea parte de un prequel pentru platformele de jocuri PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC şi Switch

Seria Peaky Blinders a fost blocată de epidemie, dar va avea parte de un prequel pentru platformele de jocuri PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC şi Switch. Jucătorii vor putea să controleze şase dintre membrii familiei…

11:58, 10.04.2020

Almost 500 Romanian voters abroad registered so far to vote in parliamentary elections

Almost 500 Romanian voters abroad have registered, since April 1 until now, for this year's parliamentary elections, on the portal www.votstrainatate.ro.According to the website of the Permanent Electoral Authority…

17:15, 11.02.2020

PSD's Simonis: We will file a notification with the Ombudsman to challenge emergency ordinance on early polls

PSD (Social Democratic Party) is going to notify the Ombudsman to challenge with the Constitutional Court the emergency ordinance regarding the early polls, the leader of the PSD Deputies, Alfred Simonis, stated…

09:26, 07.02.2020

USR's Barna: We want early polls, we won't vote for Orban Government

USR (Save Romania Union) leader Dan Barna on Thursday evening stated his party's goal is to have early polls and that it won't vote for the investiture of a new Government led by Ludovic Orban. Barna said that…

15:23, 23.01.2020

PNL's Turcan: We've launched early polls calendar; we have other projects PSD won't like

We have launched the calendar for the early polls, and after the draft law on the election of mayors in two rounds passes through the rejection of the censure motion, the Liberals intend to assume responsibility…

09:07, 22.01.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu: PM Orban is playing early polls card

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Tuesday evening that Prime Minister Ludovic Orban is playing an early polls card.  "Prime Minister Orban is playing an early polls…

18:17, 18.01.2020

PMP's Tomac: We aren't afraid of early polls, but we risk a political chaos Romania doesn't need

PMP (People's Movement Party) leader Eugen Tomac on Saturday stated at Gura Humorului that he wasn't afraid of early polls, but he believed early polls, if held, could bring "political chaos" in Romania. "If any…