Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:09, 16.01.2020

ALDE: Election of mayors in two rounds is used by Gov't to force early polls

The ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) supports the election of mayors in two rounds, but draws attention to the fact that, by assuming responsibility for the law on the election of mayors in two rounds,…

19:03, 15.01.2020

President Iohannis: It's impossible to manage an entire year with that PSD majority in Parliament

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated his support on Wednesday for snap polls, saying that the latest polls and surveys showed that the Romanians want a change. he also added "it's impossible to manage an entire…

18:19, 13.01.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu: If there are early polls, ALDE will candidate on its own lists

ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) will candidate on its own lists, if there are early polls, and we will maintain the same formula for the local elections, said the leader of this party, Calin Popescu Tariceanu.…

09:32, 10.01.2020

PM Orban on snap polls: When all conditions are met, we will launch procedures

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Thursday evening said a team was created to discuss and explore together with the political partners of PNL (the National Liberal Party) the possibility of organising early polls,…

09:56, 12.12.2019

PM Orban: PNL supports early polls, the question is to have enough partners

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban reiterated on Wednesday that PNL (National Liberal Party) supports the organisation of early polls, but there must be a number of partners to help with this step first.  "PNL announced,…

13:17, 26.11.2019

President Iohannis: Early polls are a good solution, it's too early to speak of a date

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that early polls are "a good solution," but it's too early now to speak of an actual date.  "Early polls are a good solution and a desirable one. But it's too early now…

17:12, 25.11.2019

Election observer coalition finds presidential runoff compliant with fundamental rights and freedoms

Member organizations of the 'Fiecare Vot' Coalition consider that the fundamental rights and freedoms have been complied with at the November 24 presidential runoff.The conclusion is based on information provided…

21:57, 24.11.2019

Polling stations nationwide close

The polling stations in Romania closed on Sunday evening at 21:00.According to the legislation in force, voting can be extended until 23:59 for voters at the polling station at 21:00, as well as those in line outside…

19:16, 24.11.2019

More than 800,000 Romanians show up at polling stations in third day of vote abroad

More than 800,000 Romanians from the diaspora showed up at the polling stations on Sunday by 18:00 pm EET, in the second round of the presidential election.There are, in addition, 17,503 other Romanians who have…

18:57, 24.11.2019

Romania's Embassy in UK: There is risk of slight congestion at some London polling stations

The Romanian Embassy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland warns in a post on its Facebook page that 'there is a risk of slight congestion' at the two polling stations in the Stratford area…

14:44, 24.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ More than 570,000 Romanians show up at polling stations in third day of vote abroad

More than 570,000 Romanians from the diaspora showed up at the polling stations on Sunday by 2:00 pm, in the second round of the presidential election.Also, other 17,503 Romanians already voted by correspondence,…

13:14, 24.11.2019

Aurescu says that, in case polling stations in UK get too crowded, citizens will be redirected

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu said that, in case a large number of Romanian citizens would want to vote in the polling stations in the UK, they will be redirected to the polling stations nearby.  The…

11:17, 24.11.2019

Unlimited access to polling stations for media

Chairman of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) Constantin-Florin Mituletu-Buica reiterated on Sunday that the media have unlimited access to polling stations throughout the day, in an area specifically designed…

10:06, 24.11.2019

MAI: The man from Draganeasa, who attacked a policeman, to be prosecuted

The man from Draganeasa, who got shot in the leg in the courtyard of a polling section, on Saturday night, by a policeman he attacked, is being prosecuted for disturbing public order, while he is currently in the…

19:15, 23.11.2019

Vote abroad - second day; over 270,000 Romanians vote until 18:00, Saturday

Over 270,000 Romanians from the diaspora turned out to the polls, until Saturday at 18:00, in the runoff of the presidential elections.Added to these are 17,503 Romanians who have already voted by correspondence,…

14:36, 23.11.2019

Vote abroad - second day: over 170,000 Romanians vote until 14:00, Saturday

Over 170,000 Romanians from the diaspora showed up at the polls, until Saturday at 14:00, in the runoff of the presidential elections.  To these are added 17,503 Romanians who have already voted by correspondence,…

14:26, 22.11.2019

Over 4,500 Romanians abroad turn out to vote so far; polling stations open in Italy, Spain, UK

More than 4,500 Romanians from abroad had turned out to the polls as of 1:00 pm on Friday, on the first voting day of the presidential runoff, with polling stations opening in Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom.…

09:07, 22.11.2019

Voting is under way at first opened polling stations abroad

At the polling stations outside Romania that had already opened for the second round of the presidential elections, over 150 voters had voted on Friday until 07:00 hrs EET, expressing their right to vote in the…

09:12, 15.11.2019

Electioneering starts for November 24 presidential runoff

Electioneering campaign for the second round of the presidential election started on Friday, at 12:00hrs am, to end will end on Saturday, November 23, at 07:00hrs.  The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) says…

13:33, 13.11.2019

Actrița Laurel Griggs a murit la vârsta de 13 ani

Actrița de pe Broadway Laurel Griggs a încetat din viață la vârsta de 13 ani. Aceasta a suferit complicații în urma unui atac de astm. Informația despre decesul actriței, care s-a produs pe 5 noiembrie, a fost…

12:06, 13.11.2019

Tariceanu: Let's set up several polling stations where Romanians in the country can vote for 3 days

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu announced that he would initiate a legislative proposal giving Romanians in the country the possibility to vote just like the ones…

08:52, 12.11.2019

Gov't to request more electoral bureaus for polling stations

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that the government will request the Central Electoral Bureau to secure the number of members in the electoral bureaus of the polling stations in case the representatives…

21:22, 11.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/BEC - provisional results: Iohannis - 37.49 pct, Dancila - 22.69 pct, Barna - 14.73 pct

Incumbent President Klaus Iohannis is leading by a wide margin in the first round of the presidential election with 37.49 pct, followed by Social Democrat candidate Viorica Dancila - 22.69 pct, and candidate of…

19:22, 11.11.2019

#PresidentialElections2019/Danca: Possible deficiencies in case of replacing delegates in polling stations abroad

The head of the chancellery of the Prime Minister, Ionel Danca, stated on Monday that possible deficiencies were signalled regarding the second round of the presidential elections relating to the procedure to replace…

11:25, 11.11.2019

Actrița Laurel Griggs, care a avut peste o mie de apariții pe Broadway, a murit la 13 ani

Actrița americană Laurel Griggs, care a avut peste o mie de apariții în reprezentații pe Broadway, New York, și a participat de două ori la emisiunea NBC "Saturday Night Live", a murit la vârsta de 13 ani, în urma…

22:44, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/UPDATE Dan Barna: I am optimistic, result, not that of exit-polls, but of vote counting

The candidate of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Solidarity and Unity Party Alliance (USR-PLUS Alliance), Dan Barna, voices his optimism about the result of Sunday's vote in the presidential election and states…

22:44, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Dan Barna: I am optimistic, result, not that of exit-polls, but of vote counting

The candidate of the Save Romania Union - Freedom, Solidarity and Unity Party Alliance (USR-PLUS Alliance), Dan Barna, voices his optimism about the result of Sunday's vote in the presidential election and states…

21:53, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Over 636,000 Romanians of the diaspora turn out to vote until 21:00hrs

Over 636,000 Romanians from the diaspora turned out to vote on Sunday, until 21:00 hrs.This is the third day of the presidential ballot in the diaspora. They are joined by the approximately 25,200 Romanians abroad…

18:55, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ Over 500,000 Romanians turn out to vote abroad, with third voting day in USA

Over 500,000 Romanians turned out to vote abroad at the presidential election. On Sunday, at 5:00 hrs, as many as 550,551 voters had cast their ballot abroad in the 835 sections, as well as by correspondence, according…

18:35, 10.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/STS: 1,600 employees provide technical assistance for computer operators and presidents of polling stations

Over 1,600 employees of the Special Telecommunications Service (STS) provide technical assistance for computer operators and presidents of polling stations in the country and abroad, as well as the operational…