Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:41, 19.06.2024

Economic cooperation importance, as pillar of bilateral relationship, addressed by PM Ciolacu, Italian president Mattarella

Economic cooperation importance, as pillar of bilateral relationship, addressed by PM Ciolacu, Italian president Mattarella

The importance of economic cooperation as a pillar of the bilateral relationship between Romania and Italy was highlighted by prime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Wednesday, when welcoming the visiting Italian president…

09:05, 29.05.2024

Banca Transilvania Group, agreement for acquisition of BRD Pensii

Banca Transilvania Group, agreement for acquisition of BRD Pensii

Banca Transilvania Financial Group reached an agreement with BRD - Groupe Societe Generale and Societe Generale Assurances for the acquisition of BRD Societate de Administrare a Fondurilor de Pensii Private (BRD…

10:20, 04.03.2024

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 128.73 billion as of end-January

The assets held by Romania's privately-managed pension system (Pillar II) stood at RON 128.73 billion end-January 2024, up 28.5 Year-over-Year, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) reports. "To an extent of…

10:30, 25.01.2024

DNSC launches project intended to create new cyber security skills for society and economy

DNSC launches project intended to create new cyber security skills for society and economyThe National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) announces the start of the project "Creating new cyber security skills for…

16:11, 24.01.2024

Cum va schimba “Pillar 2” privind impozitul minim global prețurile de transfer?

La începutul acestui an a fost adoptată Legea 431/2003 privind asigurarea unui nivel minim global de impozitare a grupurilor de întreprinderi multinaționale și a grupurilor naționale de mari dimensiuni (Legea),…

13:20, 23.01.2024

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 121.56 bln as of end-November

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 121.56 bln as of end-NovemberTotal assets held by Romania's privately-managed pension system (Pillar II) stood at RON 121.56 billion as of end-November…

12:31, 23.01.2024

Optional pension funds, assets of 4.54 billion RON, in November 2023

Optional pension funds, assets of 4.54 billion RON, in November 2023Optional private pension funds (Pillar III) had assets worth 4.54 billion RON, at the end of November 2023, an increase of 27% compared to the…

19:10, 08.12.2023

Vouchers for public workers not to be tampered with, contribution to Pillar II to be increased (PNL's Ciuca)

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Nicolae Ciuca, declared in Slatina, on Friday, that public workers will receive holiday vouchers next year and that Pillar II mandatory privately-managed pension…

17:01, 27.11.2023

USR's Drula: PNL and PSD, stop your attacks on Pillar II pensions

USR's Drula: PNL and PSD, stop your attacks on Pillar II pensionsNational leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula on Monday asked the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD)…

16:05, 24.10.2023

Compania El Al a tapetat scaunele din avion cu fotografiile celor răpiți sau dispăruți în urma atacului Hamas

Pe un zbor special de marfă expediat de la New York, El Al, compania israeliană de stat, a pus fotografii cu oameni care sunt în prezent dați dispăruți sau răpiți de teroriștii Hamas, transformând fiecare loc liber…

18:30, 26.09.2023

Within coalition, no amendment was discussed regarding changes to mandatory pensions Pillar II (PM)

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu stated, on Tuesday, before the Government meeting, that no amendment was discussed within the governing coalition to modify Pillar II of mandatory pensions.In this sense, the head…

22:50, 09.08.2023

Minister of Agriculture holds consultations with associations in the field regarding modification of CAP Strategic Plan

Conditionalities and minimum requirements for agricultural activity, the active farmer and the eligible hectare were among the topics addressed on Wednesday by the Minister of Agriculture, Florin Barbu, during…

21:00, 12.06.2023

Contracts worth over 1.4 billion lei, signed under Women Entrepreneur, Start-Up Nation programmes

Contracts worth over 1.4 billion lei, signed under Women Entrepreneur, Start-Up Nation programmes. The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT) has concluded, up to this date, 7,096 contracts with the eligible…

14:01, 05.05.2023

PM Ciuca: Education, alongside healthcare, must remain pillar for Romania's future development

Education, alongside healthcare, must remain the pillar on which Romania will develop from now on, in order to improve the quality of life of its citizens, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said at the end of the meetings…

08:25, 05.05.2023

Contraofensiva sau despre cum americanii înaripează cârtițele războiului

Mult trâmbițata ofensivă ucraineană începe ca-n reclama cu ridicat marea, precum o plapumă. Mii de ostași sunt masați în apropierea Odesei. Se discută despre asaltul asupra celui mai mare arsenal din Europa, cel…

14:15, 28.04.2023

Tourism Minister Cadariu: 2,153 funding contracts signed this year on Pillar I of Start-Up Nation Romania

A total of 2,153 contracts were signed this year for Pillar I of Start-Up Nation Romania, and another 608 for Pillar II Start-Up Diaspora, while 836 were signed for the Woman Entrepreneur, Minister of Entrepreneurship…

18:20, 28.03.2023

PM Morawiecki: Poland and Romania, pillars of North Atlantic Treaty in this part of Europe

Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Tuesday, in Bucharest, after the meeting with president Klaus Iohannis that Romania and Poland are the pillars of the North Atlantic Treaty in this part of Europe,…

08:56, 06.03.2023

Mandatory private pension funds reach assets of 100.17 billion RON in January

Mandatory private pension funds (Pillar II) had assets worth 100.17 billion RON at the end of January, up by 11.75% compared to the level recorded at the same date in 2022, according to the statistics of the Financial…

14:21, 24.02.2023

Vizită a atașatului cultural al Ambasadei Americii la București, la Universitatea „Ștefan ...

Atașatul cultural al Ambasadei Statelor Unite ale Americii la București, William J. O"Connor, a făcut joi o vizită la Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare" din Suceava. El s-a adresat studenților în cadrul unei prelegeri…

14:50, 08.01.2023

Mandatory private pension funds reach assets of 95.62 billion RON in November

Mandatory private pension funds (Pillar II) had assets worth 95.62 billion RON, at the end of November 2022, an increase of 11 pct compared to the level recorded on the same date in 2021, according to the statistics…

20:55, 07.12.2022

Romania's National Strategic Plan: 15.83 billion EUR, 89 support interventions in agriculture over 2023-2027

Romanian farmers and Romanian agriculture will benefit from 15.83 billion EUR through the National Strategic Plan 2023-2027, which was approved on Wednesday by the European Commission, of which 9.78 billion EUR…

11:10, 20.10.2022

FOTO Telescopul spațial James Webb a obținut cea mai detaliată imagine cu „Stâlpii Creației”, un loc legendar „descoperit” de Hubble

​NASA a mai publicat o imagine superbă obținută de telescopul spațial James Webb, fiind vorba despre Stâlpii Creației (Pillars of Creation), o zonă cu gaz interstelar și praf cosmic aflată la 6.500 de ani lumină…

16:00, 19.10.2022

Chamber passes amendments to pillar II, III, occupational pensions in Tax Code

The Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday passed, 254 to six abstentions, an amendment to the Tax Code to exempt from taxation not only the contributions to the pillar II pensions, but also the earnings on them, told…

20:30, 11.10.2022

Retirees demand 26 pct pension increase as of November, freezing transfer of Pillar II contributions in 2023

A 26 percent pension increase starting from November this year and freezing the transfer of social security contributions to private administrators in 2023, so that 12 billion RON remain in the social security…

15:56, 12.09.2022

Optional pension funds' assets up in July, to 3.41 billion RON

The assets of the optional pension funds (Pillar III) were worth 3.41 billion RON at the end of July 2022, up by 5% compared to the level recorded at the same date of the previous year, according to a report of…

02:50, 05.07.2022

Curcubeul deasupra unei lumi intolerante

Fiecare dintre noi a avut o experienta în care s-a simtit deplasat, o situatie în care s-a simtit rusinat sau inconfortabil doar pentru ca a fost sau a facut ceva diferit fata de ceilalti. Oamenii sunt experti…

07:51, 17.04.2022

China a interzis difuzarea în direct, online, a jocurilor video neautorizate

Administraţia Naţională de Radio şi Televiziune a spus că platformele de orice fel nu trebuie să transmită live jocuri care nu sunt aprobate de autorităţile conexe. În special transmiterea în direct a jocurilor…

15:05, 25.03.2022

Pensioners request pension increase by 13% and abolishment of Pillar II mandatory private pension fund

Pensioners are requesting the Government to increase pensions by 13% until September, due to the accelerated price increase, the chairman of Romania's National Pensioners Federation (FNPR), Preda Nedelcu, declared…

19:35, 21.03.2022

Over 50,000 Romanians have already received a private pension

Over 50,000 Romanians benefited from the amounts accumulated in the private pension account Pillar II in the period 2016 - 2021, most of them being relatives of some taxpayers who died, or contributors who retired…

13:35, 16.03.2022

Ministry of Labor: Contribution for Pillar II of pensions will increase from 3.75% to 4.75%

Contributions to private pension funds (Pillar II) will increase from 3.75% to 4.75%, after the Government approved on Wednesday an Emergency Ordinance in this sense, the Ministry of Labor announced in a press…