Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:50, 12.11.2021

Black Friday 2021: Sales volume down 72pct in first 30 minutes from 2020

The average value of the shopping cart on Friday in the first 30 minutes of the Black Friday 2021 discount campaign was standing at 322 lei, while the average number of transactions was 14 per minute, show real-time…

11:25, 27.10.2021

INDAGRA to start at Romexpo on Wednesday

Romexpo, together with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, organizes, between October 27 and 31, INDAGRA 2021 - the most famous agricultural event in Romania, agerpres reports. The Minister of Agriculture,…

11:16, 25.10.2021

Plățile cu cardul au crescut enorm în timpul pandemiei

Plățile cu cardul au crescut enorm în timpul pandemiei în România. Această informație este oferită de NETOPIA Payments, cel mai utilizat procesator de plăți electronice din România. The post Plățile cu cardul au…

18:11, 15.10.2021

Power suppliers warn of chain negative effects of postponing bill payments or energy price capping

Postponing bill payments or capping energy prices will trigger chain negative effects, and the adequate solutions are VAT cutting or VAT exemption for gas and energy, the Romanian Power Suppliers Association (AFEER)…

09:50, 05.10.2021

Minimum wage to increase by 10 pct in net value

The government has adopted the increase of the minimum wage by 10 pct in net value, respectively by 138 lei (rd 27.89 EUR, ed. n.), starting from January 1, 2022, and the impact will be on a number of about 1.97…

14:16, 13.09.2021

Balance-of-payments current account deficit - up 9.057bn euros in first 7 months

The the balance-of-payments current account registered in the first seven months of the current year a deficit of 9.057 billion euros, increasing by 69.29% compared to the one reported in January - July 2020, of…

12:15, 12.08.2021

Cel mai darnic director a primit o Tesla din partea angajaților. Vezi detalii

În urmă cu şase ani, Dan Price, fondatorul şi CEO-ul companiei de procesare de carduri de credit Gravity Payments a făcut valuri atunci când anunţat că va creşte salariul minim al companiei la 70.000 $ pentru cei…

19:35, 22.07.2021

Minister Ghinea: 1.9 billion euro will enter country from PNRR this year

The Minister of European Investments and Projects, Cristian Ghinea, claims that 1.9 billion euro of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) will enter the country this year, in October-November, and…

12:51, 23.06.2021

Local development investment works to be funded by gov't, outstanding payments paid after revision

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced on Wednesday that all investment works under the National Local Development Plan (PNDL) will be funded by the government, and compliant bills will be settled, adding that arrears…

07:35, 27.05.2021

Apple vrea să se asocieze cu parteneri pentru ”plăţi alternative” şi caută un negociator în acest scop

Rolul negociatorului va include evaluarea unor posibili parteneri, negocierea şi semnarea de acorduri, precum şi lansarea unor programe şi funcţii noi pentru serviciile Wallets, Payments şi echipa comerciale ale…

17:10, 19.05.2021

Florin Citu: Gov't approves extension by a month of payments for Valea Jiului miners

Government has approved the extension by one month of payments to miners in Valea Jiului, said Prime Minister Florin Citu, agerpres reports. "At today's government meeting we had several important normative acts…

17:00, 04.05.2021

Citu on Bucharest budget: Gov't won't support delays leading to payment incapacity from national budget

Prime Minister Florin Citu emphasized on Tuesday that it's important for a Bucharest City budget be adopted as quickly as possible, mentioning that delays that would lead to incapacity to pay will not be supported…

11:41, 12.04.2021

Romanian university to accept crypto payments starting July

The Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (LBUS) said that it plans to accept the cryptocurrency Elrond (EGLD) for admission fee payment as an option for its more than 11,000 students starting in July, according to…

19:05, 09.04.2021

MDLPA: Payments of over 88mln lei for investments made through PNDL

The Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration (MDLPA) transferred, on Friday, the amount of 88,689,138.95 lei, in order to settle the invoices for 206 investment objectives achieved through stages…

15:05, 08.04.2021

Cum să cumperi bilete la croaziera UNTOLD cu Bitcoin sau Elrond

Biletele pentru evenimentul UNTOLD Odyssey pot fi achiziționate acum și cu criptomonede, folosind Bitcoin (BTC) sau Elrond (EGLD). Tranzacțiile vor fi efectuate prin intermediul NETOPIA Payments. Noua posibilitate…

12:56, 08.04.2021

BITCOIN și ELROND pentru o petrecere pe un vas de lux! Cum se pot cumpăra biletele

Biletele pentru evenimentul UNTOLD Odyssey, petrecere exclusivistă organizată de UNTOLD și croaziere.co, pot fi achiziționate anul acesta și cu criptomonede, folosind Bitcoin (BTC) sau Elrond (EGLD). Tranzacțiile…

20:36, 07.04.2021

ULBS will be the first university in Romania to allow payments in virtual currency

"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (ULBS) will be the first university in Romania to allow the payment of admission fees this year in a virtual currency. The cryptocurrency in which the payments will be made will…

13:36, 16.03.2021

BNR: Balance-of-payments current account deficit, down 36.6%, in January

The balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of EUR 239 million in January 2021, decreasing by 36.6% compared to that of January 2020, which stood at EUR 377 million, reads a release of the National…

12:25, 10.03.2021

NETOPIA Payments: Volumul total procesat prin card a crescut cu 60% în 2020

*Anul trecut, compania a depășit pragul de 2 miliarde de euro tranzacționați de la startul procesării plăților cu cardul NETOPIA Payments, cel mai utilizat procesator de plăți electronice din România, raportează…

18:45, 01.03.2021

NETOPIA Payments extinde parteneriatul cu Elrond: Românii vor putea plăti cu criptomoneda eGold la cei 30.000 de comercianți parteneri NETOPIA Payments

NETOPIA Payments, cel mai utilizat procesator de plăți electronice din România, anunță extinderea parteneriatului cu Elrond, oferind posibilitatea românilor să facă plăți folosind eGold, criptomoneda blockchain-ului…

17:40, 01.03.2021

Romania’s main e-payment platform integrates the local cryptocurrency eGold

Netopia is a Romanian company founded in 2003 to simplify the payment process through technology. About 30,000 Romanian retailers using the local electronic payment platform Netopia can technically accept the Romanian…

13:40, 01.03.2021

Romania's e-commerce market exceeds 7bn euros last year (payment processor)

The local e-commerce market reached 7 billion euros last year, up 36% compared to 2019, according to internal and external data analyzed by PayU, the leader of Romania's online payment market. "E-commerce is one…

14:36, 22.02.2021

Romanians spend 250 ml euros a year on vending machine coffee, beverages, snacks (report)

Romanians spend 250 million euros yearly on coffee, juice or snacks from vending machines, shows a statistical report published on Monday by a manufacturer of electronic devices, according to AGERPRES. "There are…

18:15, 18.02.2021

Romania spends rd 64 million Euro for purchasing potatoes which could be produced locally

Romania spends approximately 64 million Euro per year for purchasing import potatoes, despite that they can be produced locally, declared on Thursday, the minister of Agriculture, Adrian Oros, during an online…

20:10, 16.02.2021

Ghiseul.ro electronic tax & fee payment platform reaches 900,000 users, 3,000 average daily registrations

There were 900,000 users registered on the Ghiseul.ro electronic tax & fee payment platform as of Tuesday, with over 130,000 having registered since the beginning of this year, shows data released by the platform's…

06:35, 10.02.2021

Plățile online. Cum te protejezi de fraude în al doilea an de pandemie

Pentru prima dată în istoria ING, anul trecut tranzacțiile online au depășit tranzacțiile cash, obiceiurile de consum schimbându-se puternic odată cu începerea pandemiei și a mutării locului de muncă în propria…

06:35, 08.02.2021

Antonio Eram, NETOPIA: Mulți români au revenit la plata ramburs după relaxarea restricțiilor

Anul 2020 a fost unul în care restricțiile impuse pentru a combate răspândirea noului coronavirus au făcut ca ritmul de creștere al comerțului online să fie mai mare decât cel înregistrat în perioada pre-pandemică.…

20:50, 04.02.2021

DefMin Ciuca: Defense Ministry's direct payments to Romanian companies at over 1.5 bln lei in 2020

Direct payments in 2020 by the National Defense Ministry to Romanian companies totaled over 1.5 billion lei, Defense Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday, mentioning also that payments for infrastructure works…

10:46, 02.02.2021

APIA authorizes payments worth 2.14 B euros to 767,907 farmers, under 2020 Campaign

Almost 768,000 farmers have gotten approvals to receive payments under the 2020 Campaign, which represents 93.54pct of the total number of those who submitted a Single Payment Request, informs the Agency for Payments…

23:26, 14.01.2021

Euroins Romania point of view on late payment of damages related to MTPL claims

In response to the press release published by ASF regarding the state of complaints of Euroins Romania, we would like to provide you with the following facts: Euroins Romania values and puts an emphasis on its…