Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:57, 29.11.2019

APIA concludes downpayment campaign for beneficiaries who submitted single payment applications in 2019

The downpayment campaign for the beneficiaries who submitted the single payment application in 2019 ended on Friday, with the total amount authorised for payment standing at 1.335 billion euro, a release of the…

09:00, 26.11.2019

Additional appropriations for labour, healthcare spending at budget revision

Prime minister Ludovic Orban told Romania Tv private broadcaster on Monday evening that providing additional money to the budget of the Ministry of Labour for the payment of pensions and the earmarking of funds…

15:16, 21.11.2019

NETOPIA: Numărul tranzacţiilor online cu cardul de Black Friday 2019 a crescut cu circa 90% faţă de ediţia de anul trecut

Numărul tranzacţiilor online cu cardul a crescut, de Black Friday, cu circa 90% comparativ cu ediţia de anul trecut, potrivit NETOPIA Payments, cel mai mare procesator de plăţi electronice din România.

13:34, 21.11.2019

NETOPIA Payments: Numărul tranzacțiilor online cu cardul de Black Friday 2019 a crescut cu circa 90%

față de ediția de anul trecut Potrivit NETOPIA Payments, cel mai mare procesator de plăți electronice din România, în ziua de 15 noiembrie 2019, când majoritatea comercianților parteneri au derulat campania promoțională…

16:16, 19.11.2019

BNM îndeamnă cetățenii să reclame cazurile în care li se percep comisioane mai mari decât cele legale, la plățile interbancare electronice

Pentru procesarea unui document de plată în regim normal se percep cel mult 3,5 lei, iar în regim de urgență - 20 de lei. Acestea sunt valorile maxime la comisioanele/tarifele pentru ordinele de plată recepționate…

17:26, 14.11.2019

PM Orban announces unblocking of amounts necessary for payments related to purchase contract for US Patriot missiles

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Thursday the unblocking of the amounts necessary for the payments related to the purchase contract for the US Patriot missiles."I have to inform you about the unblocking…

17:22, 01.10.2019

71 percent of entrepreneurs do not support reintroduction of criminal liability for non-payment of taxes

Nearly three-quarters of Romanian entrepreneurs argue that they are against reintroducing criminal liability for the non-payment of taxes and contributions, according to a survey conducted by The National Council…

20:37, 23.09.2019

Romania can grant farmers a 70 pct advance in direct payments this autumn

Romania will be able to grant farmers an advance of up to 70 per cent in direct payments and up to 85 per cent of the aid related to the rural development measures, this autumn, thanks to a decision approved by…

19:56, 16.09.2019

Draft law: 1 to 6 years in prison for retaining and not paying taxes, contributions to state budget

Retaining and not paying on time taxes and budget contributions is to be punished by 1 to 6 years in prison according to a legislative proposal initiated by the Minister of Finance, Social-Democrat Senator Eugen…

17:22, 10.09.2019

BCR cuts fees charged on interbank payments in euro to SEPA countries

Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) has cut, starting in September, the fees on interbank payments in euro in the European Community, bringing them in line with those applied for similar payments in lei, the bank informed…

17:37, 12.08.2019

FinMin Teodorovici says budget revision secures full payment of wages, pensions, investment projects

The latest budget revision bill secures the full payment of public wages, pensions and investment projects, and nobody has to worry about it, Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici said at the end of a Government meeting…

16:13, 08.08.2019

PM Dancila: This year's first budget rectification is positive

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday, at the beginning of the Government meeting, that the first budget rectification of this year is positive, a rectification that ensures "increased payment of salaries…

06:36, 17.07.2019

Grupul M3 Holdings si-a lansat oficial noul proiect FinTech, la conducerea caruia a adus un fost manager din Western Union UK si Travelex

Grupul M3 Holdings, fondat de catre Mihai Ivascu, a lansat oficial platforma M3 Payments, cel de-al treilea business din portofoliu alaturi de Moneymailme si Modex. Am stat de vorba cu Mark Bolsom, Head of M3 Payments,…

21:30, 15.07.2019

Romania's balance-of-payments current account deficit, up 32.6pct, Jan.-May, 2019

In January-May 2019, Romania's balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of 3,401 million euros, compared with 2,564 million in January - May 2018, according to a press statement released on Monday by…

12:46, 02.07.2019

Societatea de Transport Public Timișoara a introdus plata cu mobilul a biletului de transport public prin SMS

și aplicația mobilPay Wallet Începând cu această săptămână, timișorenii au acces la cele mai rapide și inovative metode de plată a titlurilor de călătorie operate de Societatea de Transport Public Timișoara prin…

17:14, 29.05.2019

April's overdue loan payments up 1.4 pct in lei; 0.85 pct higher in foreign currency

Overdue loans - both corporate and individual - in domestic lei totaled 4.98 billion lei, up 1.4 per cent against the amount recorded in March 2019, while past due loans in foreign currency inched up to 0.85 per…

17:23, 19.05.2019

7 out of 10 companies in Romania postpone invoice payment, 53pct have no financial resources (analysis)

Seven out of 10 companies in Romania postpone the payment of their invoices, while the average duration to cash an invoice at the level of the economy reached almost 120 days, a poll-based select analysis says.…

18:33, 14.05.2019

Romania's balance-of-payments current account posts deficit of 1,212-million euros

In January - March 2019, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of 1,212 million euros, compared with 1,027 million euros in January - March 2018, according to data released on Tuesday by the…

10:07, 27.03.2019

Constanța și Reșița sunt noile orașe care au introdus plata biletului de transport cu telefonul

Constanța și Reșița sunt orașele care au adoptat recent cele mai rapide metode de încasare a titlurilor de călătorie: prin SMS sau prin aplicația mobilPay Wallet, singurul portofel digital din România cu care se…

17:23, 13.03.2019

FinMin Teodorovici after budget bill passed: All payment obligations will be ensured

Public Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici stated on Wednesday after Parliament rejected President Klaus Iohannis's request for the reexamination of the 2019 state budget law, by passing the bill as originally sent…

15:52, 08.03.2019

Transport minister: Blocking budget leads to delayed payment of builders

Transport Minister Razvan Cuc said on Friday in Suceava that blocking the budget would lead to delayed payment of the builders but currently there are no debts to them.  ''Look at what the blocking of the budget…

11:55, 26.02.2019

Unul dintre cei mai mari procesatori de plăţi din Romnia investește n platforma SupplyBlockchain, soluția pentru evitarea pierderilor din lanțurile de…

NETOPIA Payments, unul dintre cei mai mari procesatori de plăți electronice din România, anunță investiția în startup-ul SupplyBlockchain, platformă B2B de tip SaaS (Software as a Service), fondată…

18:25, 04.02.2019

AFIR okays payments to beneficiaries worth over EUR 4 bln through National Rural Development Programme

Over EUR 4 billion was paid to beneficiaries through the current National Rural Development Programme (PNDR) by the Agency for Rural Investment Funding (AFIR), on Monday said Daniel Crunteanu, deputy managing director…

15:07, 19.12.2018

NETOPIA Payments anunță parteneriatul cu Elrond, startup-ul românesc care dezvoltă un nou blockchain și o nouă criptomonedă

NETOPIA Payments, cel mai mare procesator de plăți electronice din România, anunță parteneriatul cu Elrond, companie IT cu know-how românesc care dezvoltă o nouă platformă blockchain, scalabilă și mai…

09:49, 19.12.2018

ING România, anunț-surpriză pentru clienți: 'Este următorul lucru'. Ce urmează să se întâmple de anul viitor

Reprezentanții ING România, a șasea bancă din România, în funcție de active, au susținut, luni, că banca dorește să își deschidă relația cu clienții total digital, de anul viitor, în condițiile care, în ciuda percepției,…

11:07, 18.12.2018

NETOPIA Payments anunță parteneriatul cu Elrond

startup-ul românesc care dezvoltă un nou blockchain și o nouă criptomonedă NETOPIA Payments, cel mai mare procesator de plăți electronice din România, anunță parteneriatul cu Elrond, companie IT cu know-how românesc…

16:36, 17.12.2018

ING: De anul viitor, romnii și vor putea deschide full digital un cont la noi. Banca a discutat deschis și despre căderile de sistem care i-au adus amenda…

ING Bank România va permite, începând de anul următor deschiderea unui cont 100% online pentru românii care nu sunt clienți ai băncii, cardul aferent contului urmând să fie livrat acasă, spun oficialii instituției…

09:29, 05.12.2018

Government has the necessary budget resources to pay pensions, wages in 2019, PM Dancila says

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila declared on Tuesday evening that the budget for 2019 will contain the necessary resources for the payment of pensions and wages in the public sector."We have the necessary budget…

12:26, 04.12.2018

Recalculated pensions due for payment as of 1 October 2018, no matter when last file calculated

The payment of the recalculated pensions will be made starting with October 1, 2018, no matter when the last file is recalculated, Labor Minister Marius Budai said."They [pensioners, ed.n.] will receive extra payment…

16:23, 28.11.2018

More than 23 bln euro handled by agricultural payments agency in 10 years since Romania's EU accession

AGERPRES special correspondent Nicoleta Gherasi reports: In the 10 years since Romania's EU accession, the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture (APIA) has handled over 23 billion euro worth of European…