Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:10, 08.11.2018

Calin Popescu-Tariceanu: No payment made by Gov't to Microsoft's license account during my term

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE, minor at rule) stated on Wednesday that the Government did not make any payment in the Microsoft licenses account…

14:22, 18.10.2018

Romanii pot cumpara masini si vacante platind cu Bitcoin sau portofelul digital mobilPay Wallet

NETOPIA Payments, unul dintre cei mai mari procesatori de plati electronice din Romania, anunta un nou parteneriat cu Grup West, unul dintre cei mai importanti dealeri auto si operatori de turism din vestul tarii,…

12:10, 18.10.2018

Satmarenii pot cumpara masini si vacante plătind cu Bitcoin

NETOPIA Payments, cel mai mare procesator de plăți electronice din România, anunță un nou parteneriat cu Grup West, unul dintre cei mai importanți dealeri auto și operatori de turism din vestul țării, prin care…

11:26, 18.10.2018

NETOPIA Payments: Românii din vestul țării pot cumpăra mașini și vacanțe plătind cu Bitcoin sau portofelul digital mobilPay Wallet

NETOPIA Payments, cel mai mare procesator de plăți electronice din România, anunță un nou parteneriat cu Grup West, unul dintre cei mai importanți dealeri auto și operatori de turism din vestul țării, prin care…

10:47, 15.10.2018

PM Dancila says farmers will receive subsidies in advance for autumn farm works

Farmers who have submitted single payment applications will receive the subsidies in advance for the autumn farm works staring on Tuesday, October 16, according to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.  "Starting tomorrow,…

13:22, 11.10.2018

NETOPIA Payments: Peste 300.000 de locuitori din Alba își pot plăti factura la apă online și mobile de pe orice dispozitiv

București, 11 octombrie 2018 – Locuitorii din județul Alba au acces la serviciul de plată a facturilor de apă potabilă și canalizare emise de SC APA CTTA SA prin platforma pentru plată online cu cardul, disponibilă…

16:06, 05.10.2018

Split Value-Added Tax (VAT) payment mechanism should be abrogated, as it has no positive effect

The split Value-Added Tax (VAT) payment mechanism should be abrogated as it hasn't had any positive effect and Romania is criticised by the European Commission for this, Dan Manolescu, the President of the Chamber…

15:07, 29.08.2018

PM Dancila: Direct payments timely granted to farmers have meet expectations

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Wednesday that direct payments granted to farmers in a timely manner have produced the expected effects, mentioning that Romania has obtained for the first time more that…

10:56, 09.08.2018

NETOPIA Payments a procesat peste 1 milion de plăți digitale pe lună în primul semestru al anului

în creștere cu 45% față de 2017 NETOPIA Payments, cel mai mare procesator de plăți electronice din România, a intermediat peste 6,5 milioane de tranzacții digitale în primele șase luni ale anului 2018, în creștere…

10:22, 03.08.2018

PM Dancila: Amounts needed for payment of pensions, wages are fully ensured by year's end

The amounts needed for the payment of pensions and wages are fully ensured by the end of the year, following the budget rectification, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said at Victoria Palace on Thursday.  "(...)…

16:54, 25.07.2018

Overdue loan payments down 3.3pct in domestic lei, 7.3pct lower in foreign currency in June

Overdue loans - both corporate and individual - in the national currency leu recorded in June 2018 totaled 4.982 bln lei, down 3.36 pct against the figure reported in May 2018, while past due loans in foreign currency…

19:07, 24.07.2018

Speaker Dragnea tells Irish PM that Romania doesn't support capping subsidies, payments to Romanian farmers

Romania does not support the capping of subsidies and direct payments to Romanian farmers, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea told visiting Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar on Tuesday, during a meeting…

13:57, 13.06.2018

Romania's balance-of-payments current account posts a deficit of 2,053 million euros, Jan.-April, 2018

In January - April 2018p, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of 2 053 million euros, compared with 1 786 million eurosin January - April 2017; the deficit on trade in goods widened by 414…

15:22, 24.05.2018

PM Dancila: 288.02 million euros have entered Romania's coffers as reimbursements of EAFRD payments

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Thursday that 288.02 million euros have entered Romania's coffers as reimbursements of payments related to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).  She…

21:06, 21.05.2018

Dragnea says payments to pillar II may be suspended or not for some time

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea said on Monday that depending on the analysis of the financial data to be made to the Government related to the pension funds, it will be decided…

14:37, 21.05.2018

Prognosis Commission: Payments for Pension Pillar II, not to be suspended as of July 1; scenarios released by mistake

The information on the suspension of payments for Pension Pillar II was just a scenario released by mistake, and the authorities are assuring that this will not happen as of July 1, Ion Ghizdeanu, chairman of the…

19:16, 20.05.2018

Start-Up Nation 2018 to hold 2 billion lei budget, enough to finance 10,000 firms

The Start-Up Nation Programme will have a budget worth two billion lei as of this year, enough to finance 10,000 projects, and will commence as soon as most payments in respect to last year's edition are carried…

22:57, 16.05.2018

Agriculture Minister: Romania does not accept capping of payments in future Common Agricultural Policy

Romania does not accept the capping of payments in the future Common Agricultural Policy, this being my stance in the Ministers' Council, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Petre Daea said on Wednesday. …

22:27, 15.03.2018

FinMin Teodorovici: Payment for tax liabilities to be made by stoppage-at-source for persons collecting royalties

Public Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici stated on Thursday that the payment of tax liability will be made through stoppage-at-source for the people who collect royalties. "I want to make just a single mention…

13:03, 02.03.2018

Individuals to submit one form for revenues

Individuals will submit this year only one form for the revenues achieved and as of 31 March 2019 this will only be possible online, according to a document of the Public Finance Ministry (MFP). As regards the…

16:45, 09.02.2018

FinMin: Contributors with extra-salarial income to submit in one single form, make single payment a year

Contributors with gains from independent activities will submit one single specific form with the tax authorities and they will make one single payment at the end of the year, Minister of Public Finance Eugen Teodorovici…

18:02, 12.01.2018

Etapa finala a inchiderii serviciului M-Pesa de transfer de bani si plati cu telefonul mobil: BNR a aprobat cererea Vodafone de a i se retrage autorizatia…

Banca Nationala a Romaniei (BNR) a aprobat, luna trecuta, solicitarea Vodafone M-Payments SRL, firma care gestiona serviciul M-Pesa de bani si plati cu telefonul mobil, de renuntare la autorizatia pentru emiterea…

16:28, 08.01.2018

EC reimburses Romania 664 mil euro for payments funded by EAGF in 2017 campaign

The European Commission (EC) reimbursed to the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry (MADR) 664 million euro to cover for the spending of the Agency in Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA) over…

20:52, 14.12.2017

BNR: Current account deficit, up 87% ten months into 2017

The current account of the balance of payments registered a deficit of 5.302 billion euros in the first ten months of this year, up 87% compared to the similar period of 2016, according to data with the National…

16:28, 20.11.2017

Angela Blanco: Recommendations for Romania in healthcare field focus on informal payments needing to be cut

The recommendations that Romania received from the EC in relation to its healthcare system focused on the informal payments needing to be reduced, Angela Blanco stated on Monday, on behalf of the Directorate-General…

14:35, 15.11.2017

Trade unions to challenge with Ombudsman transfer of payment of social security contributions to employees

Romanian trade union confederations on Wednesday will challenge with Ombudsman the piece of legislation passed by the Government regarding the transfer of payment of social contributions from employers to employees,…

20:53, 06.11.2017

FinMin Misa: Gov't to consider ordinance amending the Tax Code on Wednesday

The Government on Wednesday will consider a draft ordinance amending the Tax Code, including the transfer of social contribution payments from employers to employees, Finance Minister Ionut Misa said on Monday.…

13:02, 19.10.2017

Transfond: Primele cinci bănci din România vor începe din februarie testarea sistemul Instant payments

Băncile aflate în top cinci în România vor începe din februarie testarea sistemul Instant payments, iar până la finalul anului viitor este posibil ca șase bănci să ofere serviciul în piață, a anunțat Bogdan Năstase,…

16:27, 16.10.2017

Current account deficit, up 52.39pct first eight months into 2017

The current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of 4.043 billion euros in the first eight months of this year, up 52.39pct compared to the similar period of 2016, according to the data with the…

14:55, 16.10.2017

Balance of payments and external debt – August 2017

In January – August 2017p, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of EUR 4,043 million, compared with EUR 2,653 million in January – August 2016; the deficit on trade in goods widened by EUR 1,433…