Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:20, 16.02.2024

Greece legalises same sex marriage in landmark change

Greece‘s parliament approved a bill allowing same-sex civil marriage on Thursday, a landmark victory for supporters of LGBT rights that was greeted with cheers by onlookers in parliament and dozens gathered on…

14:55, 15.02.2024

AUR se plânge de PSD la forurile internaționale - Se cere revocarea sancțiunilor și scuze publice după protestul din Parlament

Alianţa pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR) anunţă, joi, că a depus, la The Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians din cadrul Uniunii Interparlamentare (UIP), o plângere cu privire la sancţiunile aplicate…

14:50, 15.02.2024

AUR addresses The Committee on Human Rights of Parliamentarians against PSD

The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) filed a complaint with The Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians within the Interparliamentary Union (UIP) regarding the "abusive sanctions" applied by…

14:30, 15.02.2024

AUR face plângere penală, după sancțiunile fără precedent din Parlament

Alianţa pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR) a depus, la The Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians din cadrul Uniunii Interparlamentare (UIP), o plângere cu privire la „sancţiunile abuzive” aplicate de conducerea…

20:10, 06.02.2024

REPER's Strugariu: Regardless of the European parliamentary elections, I want to run in the local elections as well

"Regardless of the result of the European parliamentary elections, I want to run in the local elections as well," says Renew MEP Ramona Strugariu, co-chair of REPER, adding that the Social Democratic Party (PSD)…

20:00, 06.02.2024

Kelemen, on merging elections: If they agree on first step, they also agreed on second

The President of UDMR, Kelemen Hunor, considers that if the coalition leaders agreed on merging the European parliamentary elections with the local ones, then they also agreed on the second step - merging the parliamentary…

17:55, 06.02.2024

UDMR's Kelemen Hunor: Discussion on military service should have started from the president

The discussion on military service should have had a natural order, from the president of Romania, then to Parliament and then General Gheorghe Vlad should come up with arguments, Hungarian Democratic Union of…

11:25, 05.02.2024

Bulgaria finally reacts, keeping hospital drug prices in check

Bulgaria’s parliament has adopted measures to reduce the misuse of public money in the purchase of drugs for cancer patients, attempting to sidestep an infringement procedure launched by the European Commission,…

19:45, 01.02.2024

If elections are merged, there will be money for non-taxation of pensions under 3,000 RON (PNL)

The leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) deputies, Gabriel Andronache, said on Thursday that the increase to 3,000 RON of the non-taxation threshold for pensions remains one of the priorities of the liberals…

15:25, 31.01.2024

PM Ciolacu supports introduction of European Union membership into Romanian Constitution

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu, chairman of the Social-Democratic Party (PSD), announced on Wednesday that he supports the introduction of European Union membership into the Romanian Constitution, a proposal launched…

10:16, 31.01.2024

Turkey's foreign minister paying visit to Bucharest

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Hakan Fidan will pay a visit Bucharest on Wednesday.According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the Turkish official will have a meeting with the head of diplomacy…

10:40, 30.01.2024

Georgian prime minister resigns ahead of parliamentary elections

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili resigned from office on Monday, saying he wanted to allow his replacement time to prepare for parliamentary elections due in the South Caucasus country by October, according…

19:45, 24.01.2024

Joint reunion of Romania-Ukraine-Moldova legal committees, in northern Maramures

A joint meeting of the legal committees and the Committee for legal policy from the Senate of Romania, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the Supreme Rada of Ukraine takes place, starting from Wednesday…

12:55, 15.01.2024

Denmark’s new King to attend parliament after enthronement

Denmark’s newly proclaimed King, Frederik X, appeared before lawmakers on Monday as festivities around his enthronement continue, according to Bloomberg.  Frederik visited the parliament in Copenhagen alongside…

21:10, 09.01.2024

Simonis says Visa Waiver remains priority objective for Romania's Parliament

The interim president of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfred Simonis, emphasized, during a meeting held on Tuesday with the United States ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec, that joining the Visa Waiver Program…

14:55, 09.01.2024

Solar Energy Bucharest Summit to take place April 3 - 4 at Parliament Palace

Solar Energy Bucharest Summit to take place April 3 - 4 at Parliament PalaceOver a thousand company representatives from 20 countries and some 50 exhibitors are expected at the 3rd edition of the Solar Energy Bucharest…

19:20, 04.01.2024

Romania purchases 200 PATRIOT missiles

The Ministry of National Defense (MApN) will purchase 200 missiles for the PATRIOT systems, the cost being over one billion euros, an acquisition that is part of an allied contract, informs a press release from…

18:15, 27.12.2023

AUR's draft law for increasing minimum wage to 5,000 RON

AUR's draft law for increasing minimum wage to 5,000 RONA draft law of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) proposing to increase the minimum wage to 5,000 lei and to reduce labor taxation to a maximum…

10:05, 27.12.2023

Turkey’s parliamentary committee approves Sweden’s NATO membership

The foreign affairs committee of the Turkish parliament on Tuesday gave its approval for Sweden to join NATO, reported Turkey‘s Anadolu news agency, according to Politico.  This brings Sweden a step closer to joining…

11:31, 26.12.2023

Turkish parliamentary committee resumes debate on Sweden’s NATO bid

The Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee was poised on Tuesday to resume deliberations on Sweden’s bid to join NATO, days after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan linked the Nordic country’s admission on…

14:31, 21.12.2023

Gov't approves draft law on offshore wind energy and sends it to Parliament

Gov't approves draft law on offshore wind energy and sends it to ParliamentThe government took an important step in promoting renewable energy in Romania, by approving and then sending to Parliament the draft law…

12:15, 21.12.2023

 Romania’s parliament adopts 2024 budget, deficit set at 5%

Romania‘s parliament said it approved the 2024 state budget, which projects a deficit equivalent to 5% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 3.4% economic growth, according to See News. The budget for next year was…

11:15, 21.12.2023

PM Ciolacu: If having scandal in Parliament is what it takes for pensioners to get higher pensions then be it

PM Ciolacu: If having scandal in Parliament is what it takes for pensioners to get higher pensions then be itPrime minister Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday stated, in the opening of the Government meeting, that if "having…

12:50, 20.12.2023

Parliament approves 10 M RON addition to education budget for Romanian language classes for minorities

Parliament approves 10 M RON addition to education budget for Romanian language classes for minoritiesThe plenum of Parliament on Wednesday adopted an amendment proposed by the UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians…

23:20, 19.12.2023

Ciolacu: Budget for development and equity, based on investments, social justice

The budget for 2024 is one of development and equity, a budget based on investments and social justice, a budget that will help us get through these difficult times, but will also prepare Romania for the huge opportunities…

23:40, 18.12.2023

MPs mark 34 years since Romanian Revolution of December 1989

Parliament's MPs met on Monday to mark the 34th anniversary of the Romanian Revolution of 1989.The interim speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Social Democrat Alfred Simonis, evoked the memory of the Romanians…

16:25, 18.12.2023

Budget for 2024 is dedicated to modernization of major public services, FinMin Bolos says

The budget for 2024 is dedicated to modernization of major public services, Finance minister Marcel Bolos said at the the hearings of the joint Budget - Finance Committees of the Parliament.According to the minister,…

14:35, 05.12.2023

Schengen/IntMin Predoiu: There is time for Dutch parliament and gov't to decide by the end of year

Minister of Interior Catalin Predoiu stated on Tuesday, upon arriving at the meeting of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs in Brussels, that there is time for the parliament and the government in The Hague…

18:55, 04.12.2023

Let us never forget our decisions of today become tomorrow's history of Romania (Senate President Ciuca)

Senate President Nicolae Ciuca, emphasized on Monday, in the Parliament's plenary session, that National Day is an opportunity to honor a peak moment in our history and urged reflection, because "decisions from…

17:55, 29.11.2023

We propose value of parliamentarians' special pensions be 25% of minimum pension (USR's Seidler)

We propose value of parliamentarians' special pensions be 25% of minimum pension (USR's Seidler)Save Romania Union (USR) deputy Cristian Seidler proposed on Wednesday that the value of special pensions of parliamentarians…