Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:56, 13.06.2022

The other war. From starvation to regime overthrow. George Friedman: We have two wars – the war from Ukraine and the economic war with Russia. I expect…

How seriously affected is the goods market at a worldwide level by the war from Ukraine and by the sanctions imposed to Russia? Will the sanctions lead to the capitulation of Russia? “The economic war with Russia…

00:20, 12.02.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: We will submit motion of censure; we'll try to create a majority to overthrow this gov't

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday said that the Social Democrats will table a motion of censure in Parliament in the current parliamentary session and will try to "create" a majority…

09:30, 01.09.2020

PNL's First Deputy Chair Raluca Turcan: There is no majority to overthrow this Government

First Deputy Chair of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Raluca Turcan believes that it is possible that the submission of the censure motion by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) was based on "reasons related to…

12:11, 18.08.2020

Danca: No serious reason to overthrow a government in the midst of a health and economic crisis

Ionel Danca, head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, said on Tuesday that there is no "serious" reason to overthrow a government "in the full swing of a health and economic crisis," adding that in his opinion…

15:29, 26.09.2018

The truth behind the #resist protests that tried to overthrow Romania’s goverment

In response to several misinformation or truncated information circulated over the course of the last month on various media channels, political circles and even among some MEPs, QMagazine believes that…

09:16, 10.08.2018

Liviu Dragnea: 'For President Klaus Iohannis normality means to overthrow a government'

Speaker of the Deputies Chamber, Liviu Dragnea, and leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), stated that for President Klaus Iohannis normality means to overthrow a government and break the parliamentary majority…