Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

20:15, 03.07.2024

Textile industrys plight caused by rising wage costs requires urgent action (union organisation)

Textile industry's plight caused by rising wage costs requires urgent action (union organisation)

Romania's textile industry is bearing the brunt of, among others, the rising wage cost and liquidity shortage, representatives of the Romanian Free Trade Unions Federation (FSLR), an affiliate to the National Trade…

16:50, 01.07.2024

Unanimity in PNL for organisation of presidential elections on schedule (PNL leader)

Unanimity in PNL for organisation of presidential elections on schedule (PNL leader)

The National Liberal Party (PNL) leadership has unanimously agreed that the presidential elections should be held in November, the PNL chairman, Nicolae Ciuca, said on Monday after the meeting of the National Political…

17:10, 17.06.2024

CONAF, first employers organisation invited to prestigious European Wachau Forum

CONAF, first employers' organisation invited to prestigious European Wachau Forum

The National Women's Entrepreneurship Confederation (CONAF) is the first employers' organisation invited to the prestigious European Wachau Forum, through the Embassy of Romania in the Republic of Austria, according…

20:20, 07.06.2024

City of Brasov has been awarded organisation of winter edition of European Youth Olympic Festival

City of Brasov has been awarded organisation of winter edition of European Youth Olympic Festival

The city of Brasov was awarded on Friday the organisation of the 18th edition of the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival (EYOF) in 2027, a decision made at the European Olympic Committees (EOC) General Assembly…

15:35, 15.04.2024

Authorities and organisations in Romania and Ukraine working to ensure equal rights for national minorities

Authorities and organisations in Romania and Ukraine working to ensure equal rights for national minorities

Romanian and Ukrainian authorities and organisations are working together to ensure equal rights for national minorities in the two countries, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said at the end of his meeting with the…

15:30, 12.04.2024

Only 7% of organisations build diverse and inclusive culture (study)

Only 7% of organisations build diverse and inclusive culture (study)

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are regarded as objectives of interest for European companies, but only 7% of organisations build a diverse and inclusive culture, according to a study conducted by EY Romania,…

18:51, 04.04.2024

Organisations demand health contribution exemption on sick leave for all chronic patients

Organisations demand health contribution exemption on sick leave for all chronic patients

The Coalition of Organisations of Patients with Chronic Diseases of Romania (COPAC) has described as "unfair and discriminatory" the fact that the Government adopted on Thursday the exemption from paying social…

12:51, 13.03.2024

Romania’s GDP to grow 3.1% in 2024 says OECD

Romania’s economy is expected to expand by 3.1% in 2024 and by 3.3% next year said the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), according to See News. Cost pressures on households will gradually…

17:20, 12.03.2024

Economic Survey 2024 finds much progress on Romania's accession to the OECD (national coordinator Niculescu)

The national coordinator for Romania's OECD Accession Process, Luca Niculescu, said on Tuesday that the Economic Survey 2024 finds "numerous advances" for our country. He said that the launch of this document represents…

16:55, 08.03.2024

ANALIZĂ PwC Romania: Decalajul salarial dintre femei şi bărbaţi rămâne ridicat, de 21,6%. Luxemburg, Islanda şi Slovenia au cel mai mic decalaj de remunerare…

”România a făcut progrese pentru reducerea inegalităţilor între femei şi bărbaţi pe piaţa muncii, însă decalajul salarial rămâne mare, de 21,6% în anul 2023”, potrivit analizei ”Equal Pay Gender” realizată de PwC…

13:45, 08.03.2024

Femeile câștigă în medie cu 21,6% mai puțin decât bărbații

România înregistrează progrese în reducerea discrepanțelor salariale între femei și bărbați, însă decalajul rămâne semnificativ, ajungând la 21,6% în anul 2023, conform analizei ”Equal Pay Gender” realizată de…

12:25, 21.02.2024

PSD, PNL leaders to announce tonight decision on organisation of this year's elections

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) - National Liberal Party (PNL) leaders of the governing coalition Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciuca, will announce on Wednesday at 19:00 the decision on the organization of this…

13:45, 16.02.2024

Romanian, Greek tourism organisations to hold press conference at Romexpo

The National Association of Travel Agencies (ANAT) and the Greek Tourism Organisation are organising on Friday an event to facilitate interaction between Greek and Romanian tour operators. The Greek Tourism B2B…

13:10, 14.02.2024

ForMin Odobescu: Romania will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the population of Gaza

Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu reconfirmed on Tuesday that Romania will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to the population of Gaza through various channels, in anticipation of rapid developments…

17:25, 29.01.2024

Consultations with representatives of taxi and alternative transport organisations at Victoria Palace of Government

Government representatives met on Monday at the Victoria Palace of Government with members of taxi and alternative transport organisations and structures, in the context of the protests triggered by the latter.According…

17:00, 23.01.2024

HealthMin: Meeting OECD accession criteria this year, priority for Health Ministry

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila on Tuesday said that meeting the criteria for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) membership this year is a priority for the Health Ministry."Meeting…

10:15, 09.12.2023

Deca încearcă în continuare să mascheze rezultatele slabe de la testele PISA. Propagandă pentru legile lui Iohannis, de la Ministerului Educației

Ministrul Educației, Ligia Deca, în continuare, încearcă să mascheze rezultatele foarte slabe de la testele PISA, sub alibiul că e la fel de rău ca în trecut și folosește momentul publicării raportului OECD doar…

15:30, 27.11.2023

Competition Council looking at barriers to digital transformation of SMEs

The Trade Competition Council has started an analysis to identify possible barriers to the digital transformation that affect the free competition of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Romania."Our goal…

11:10, 19.11.2023

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis i-a adus speranță unei femei din Tanzania. Speră că o va ajuta îşi întâlnească mama, cetăţean român

O femeie din Tanzania, Elena Rajab Mwinge, speră că vizita preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis în ţara sa o va ajuta să îşi îndeplinească visul de a-şi întâlni mama, cetăţean român, potrivit publicaţiei The Citizen. Ea…

11:00, 19.11.2023

Povestea unei femei născută în România, dusă în Tanzania de tatăl ei, care nu și-a întâlnit niciodată mama. I-a cerut acum ajutorul lui Iohannis

O femeie din Tanzania speră că vizita preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis în ţara sa o va ajuta să-și întâlnească mama, cetățean român, de care a fost îndepărtată când era bebeluș de tatăl ei tanzanian. Femeia spune că…

14:15, 06.11.2023

Organisations, academics ask anonymised court decisions on sexual offences be published

More than 60 organisations, including the Filia Centre and academics, are calling on the Superior Council of Magistracy to publish anonymised final court decisions on sexual offences, including measures to protect…

17:20, 02.11.2023

Grupul eMAG își consolidează echipa de management și îl numește pe Cosmin Dodoc Vicepreședinte People & Organisation

Din noul rol, Cosmin Dodoc va alinia echipele celor nouă companii din cadrului Grupului eMAG, formate din peste 10.000 de angajați Cu peste 20 de ani experiență, Cosmin Dodoc a condus în ultimul an departamentul…

16:45, 31.10.2023

AUR's Simion: AUR rejects any form of regionalisation based on ethnic criteria

National chairman of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) George Simion told a news conference on Tuesday that it is time for a change in the administrative organisation of the country, speaking in favour…

19:50, 20.10.2023

Ambassadors and representatives of 22 Islamic countries condemn aggression on Gaza

Ambassadors and representatives of 22 countries, representing members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Romania, have condemned the "continued aggression" on Gaza, Al-Quds Al-Sharif and West Bank,…

15:25, 25.09.2023

Environmental organisations call for parliamentary inquiry committee on former EvirMin activity

Agent Green and the Animal Rights Coalition are calling on Parliament to set up a parliamentary inquiry committee to analyse the work of former Environment Minister Barna Tanczos, who they claim "blocked the implementation…

22:15, 19.09.2023

Employers' org leader says tax package leads to blockages without gov't reaching collection targets

Employers' org leader says tax package leads to blockages without gov't reaching collection targetsThe package of tax measures published on Tuesday by the government poses a series of major problems, with the most…

19:11, 07.09.2023

Senate chair Ciuca: Admission to the OECD, an important national objective of Romania

Senate chair Ciuca: Admission to the OECD, an important national objective of RomaniaAt a meeting on Thursday with Deputy Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ulrik…

12:10, 29.08.2023

Iohannis: Romania's accession to OECD remains a major foreign policy objective

Iohannis: Romania's accession to OECD remains a major foreign policy objectivePresident Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that Romania's accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)…

16:20, 19.07.2023

Restrictive fiscal measures contemplated by Gov't would blow up Romanian tourism potential (employers' organisation)

The elimination of holiday vouchers for the public sector would encourage the re-emergence of "black" tourism, and the increase of the hospitality VAT to 19 percent would result in an increase by a minimum 10 percent…

14:05, 15.07.2023

Computer science R&D organisation turns 53

The National Institute for Computer Science Research and Development (ICI) is turning 53 today, reflecting on its journey from the development of Romania's first national computer network to the first European…