Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:01, 24.03.2021

Simona Halep focused on titles and Olympic gold over ranking

Simona Halep says she has her priorities set on winning another Slam and on a gold medal at the Olympics in Tokyo this summer, according to tennishead.net. Simona Halep who is currently the world No. 3, says she…

23:00, 18.03.2021

I-a sugerat unei actrițe să se deghizeze în porc: Directorul artistic al JO de la Tokyo a demisionat

Directorul artistic al Jocurilor Olimpice de la Tokyo, Hiroshi Sasaki, a demisionat după publicarea unor comentarii ofensatoare la adresa fizicului actriței Naomi Watanabe (foto). Un tabloid nipon a dezvăluit că…

10:31, 18.03.2021

"Olympig" - Un oficial al JO de la Tokyo a demisionat după ce a insultat o actriță japoneză

Directorul artistic al Jocurilor Olimpice de la Tokyo, Hiroshi Sasaki, şi-a anunţat joi demisia după publicarea unor comentarii ofensatoare la adresa fizicului unei celebrităţi japoneze, o nouă bătaie de cap pentru…

17:50, 24.02.2021

Olympic official Covaliu meets ForMin Aurescu on Romania's participation in Olympic Games

Chairman of the Romanian Olympic Committee (COSR) Mihai Covaliu and Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu met on Wednesday to discuss Romania's participation in the Olympic Games in Tokyo this year, according to a press…

13:01, 24.02.2021

Simona Halep: I want to go to the Olympics, hope to get a medal

Tennis player Simona Halep declared on Wednesday that she wants to participate in the Olympic Games and that she hopes to win a medal, regardless which, according to AGERPRES. "I 100% want to go to the Olympics…

18:01, 17.02.2021

Romanians pull out first win in men's water polo Olympic qualifier

Romania's men's water polo national team secured today its first victory in the Olympic qualification tournament in Rotterdam, defeating Germany 12-7 (1-1, 5-5, 4-1, 3-1) in Group B. After two tied quarters, Team…

13:30, 29.11.2020

OlympicGames most awarded rower Lipa: Don't need studies to know sport cuts hospitals' patients

Elisabeta Lipa, the most awarded rower in the history of the Olympic Games, with five gold medals, two silver and one bronze says that sedentariness is a serious problem in Romania and that there is no need for…

12:05, 27.10.2020

Romania wins bronze at European Rowing Coastal Challenge 2020

Romania won a bronze medal at the European Rowing Coastal Challenge 2020, a competition that took place at Marina di Castagneto Carducci (Italy), October 23-25, according to a press statement released by the Romanian…

11:10, 14.10.2020

Constantina Dita, named ambassador 2020 Gdynia Athletics Half Marathon World Championships, in Poland

Former great Romanian athlete Constantina Dita, Olympic marathon champion in 2008, has been named ambassador by World Athletics Half Marathon Championships Gdynia 2020, according to the World Athletic Forum Website,…

21:20, 02.09.2020

Lecturi de weekend: Anarhetipul sau... un frate tânăr

Autor:  Stelian ȚURLEA Cu foarte mare întârziere semnalez/prezint cartea apărută la Editura Eikon. Îl mai țineți minte pe Dorin Liviu Zaharia - cei din generația mea? Sau cei mai tineri știți câteva ceva despre…

12:26, 29.07.2020

Maricica Puica at 70, on joy of being an athlete in communism and in recent years, too

As soon as she crosses the finish line, she throws her hands up in relief, just seconds after she'd taken a look back to see that Britain's Wendy Sly couldn't take her Olympic gold. She smiles somewhat shy, talks…

21:30, 29.05.2020

IntMin Vela:Activity of open air, indoor and olympic swimming pools is in no way resumed from June 1

Minister of Internal Affairs Marcel Vela stated on Friday that the open air, indoor, and olympic swimming pools, will not be open since June 1, only beaches, in certain conditions."In the open air or indoor swimming…

14:43, 26.05.2020

Studiu: Avantajele pe care le au alergătorii care zâmbesc în timpul curselor

Alergătorii care zâmbesc în timpul curselor consumă mai puţin oxigen, au un ritm mai economic şi au un nivel mai scăzut de efort, dezvăluie un studiu realizat de universităţile din Ulster şi Swansea,…

13:32, 17.04.2020

VIDEO Cel mai spectaculos exercițiu de gimnastică văzut în perioada izolării

​Măreția unui vis nu poate fi oprită de nicio perioadă de izolare din lume, iar dormitorul personal se poate transforma în tot ceea ce-ți dorești. Vrei să execuți un exercițiu la sol precum marile campioane?…

16:17, 10.02.2020

Romania's Olaru, wins gold, silver at Tashkent weightlifting competition

Romanian weightlifter Raluca Olaru won one gold and two silver medals on Monday in the women's 64 kg class of the sixth edition of the International Solidarity Weightlifting Championships in Tashkent, Uzbekistan,…

19:39, 29.01.2020

Weightlifting: Loredana Toma wins three gold medals at World Cup in Rome

Romanian athlete Loredana Toma won three gold medals in the 64 kg category, on Wednesday, at the World Cup in Rome - a SILVER Tokyo 2020 Olympics qualification competition. Toma won the gold medal in the 113 kg…

16:33, 27.01.2020

Romania's Andries finishes 4th at Weightlifting World Cup Rome

Romanian athlete Elena Ramona Andries finished 4th on Monday in the women's 49 kg class of the 2020 IWF Weightlifting World Cup Rome, a competition qualifying for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Andries came in…

19:22, 24.01.2020

Table tennis: Romania's women's team qualifies for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Romania's women's table tennis team qualified for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on Friday, after defeating India, 3-2, in the decisive match of the 2020 ITTF World Team Qualification Tournament in Gondomar (Portugal),…

10:46, 09.12.2019

#CyberFiles Cum au atacat hackerii Jocurile Olimpice de Iarna 2018. Inca se cauta vinovatul

Confuzia si "amprentele" pentru piste false sunt doar doua dintre caracteristicile operatiunii de spionaj cibernetic Olympic Destroyer, demarata cu putin timp inainte de inceperea Jocurilor Olimpice de Iarna 2018…

19:20, 06.12.2019

Una dintre marile rivale ale Simonei Halep a anunțat că se retrage din tenis: ”Am realizat tot ce am visat vreodată pe teren”

Caroline Wozniacki, una dintre marile rivale ale SimoneiHalep în circuitul feminin, cea care i-a luat titlul de la Australian Open în2018, a anunțat că se va retrage din sport la finalul primului grand slam alanului…

16:42, 06.12.2019

Caroline Wozniacki și anunțul surprinzător: Se va retrage după Australian Open

Jucătoarea daneză de tenis Caroline Wozniacki, fost lider WTA, a anunţat, vineri, că se va retrage din activitatea competiţională după ediţia de anul viitor a turneului Australian Open, transmite News.ro.“Am…

18:32, 29.11.2019

​Atletism: Mo Farah revine pe pistă - Britanicul va participa la JO 2020

​Britanicul Mo Farah (cvadruplu campion olimpic) a anunțat că va reveni la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo din 2020, unde va participa la proba de 10.000 de metri, informează Mediafax.Farah, cvadruplu campion olimpic…

15:23, 23.10.2019

Former world number one tennis player Halep to bear Romania's flag at 2020 Summer Olympics

President of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee (COSR) Mihai Covaliu said on Wednesday that former world number one tennis player Simona Halep will be recommended to be Romania's flag bearer at the 2020…

10:53, 22.10.2019

VIDEO JO 2024: S-a lansat logo-ul Olimpiadei de la Paris

Organizatorii Jocurilor Olimpice şi Paralimpice de la Paris din anul 2024 au prezentat, luni, logo-ul definitiv al evenimentelor, total diferit de precedentul, o Marianne aurită, informează AFP, potrivit Agerpres.Într-un…

12:22, 08.10.2019

Gymnast Marian Dragulescu, 50th Romanian athlete qualified for 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo

Marian Dragulescu has become the 50th Romanian athlete qualified for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, after earning the ticket for the vault event final, on Monday, at the 2019 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships…

12:29, 13.09.2019

AGERPRES lansează proiectul editorial #CyberFiles

Agenţia Naţională de Presă AGERPRES demarează, începând de luni, 16 septembrie, proiectul editorial #CyberFiles, în cadrul căruia vor fi prezentate unele dintre cele mai importante atacuri cibernetice petrecute…

14:23, 28.08.2019


Acesta este cel mai mare eveniment sportiv dedicat persoanelor ”speciale” The post JOCURILE NAȚIONALE SPECIAL OLYMPICS SE VOR DESFĂȘURA ÎN JUDEȚ appeared first on Stiri din judetul Hunedoara .

11:58, 20.08.2019

Romania's Novac wins Motonet GP 2019 javelin throw event

Romanian athlete Alexandru Novac of CSM Bucharest has won the men's javelin throw event at the Motonet EspooGrand Prix 2019 competition in Espoo, Finland, with a 79.70m throw, according to the website of the Romanian…

17:26, 14.08.2019

Romanian athletics aims for a medal at Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics

The Romanian athletics, the branch with four athletes currently qualified for the Olympic Games, aims for a medal at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics, President of the Romanian Athletics Federation (FRA) Florin Florea…

19:28, 20.07.2019

Fencing: Bianca Pascu secures bronze medal in sabre individual event of World Fencing Championships

Romanian Bianca Pascu secured the bronze medal in the women sabre individual event, within the World Fencing Championships of Budapest, after her qualification on Saturday for the semifinals, where she will face…