Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:16, 17.06.2024

PM Ciolacu, two-day official visit to Bavaria State, joint meeting of Romanian and Bavarian governments

PM Ciolacu, two-day official visit to Bavaria State, joint meeting of Romanian and Bavarian governments

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is paying an official two-day visit to the Bavarian State in the Federal Republic of Germany starting from Monday, where he will participate also in a joint meeting of the Romanian…

08:55, 17.06.2024

Crown Custodian Margareta, Prince Radu paying official visit to Finland

Crown Custodian Margareta, Prince Radu paying official visit to Finland

Custodian of the Romanian Crown Margareta and Prince Radu on Sunday started a visit to Finland that ends on June 21.Margareta and Radu on Sunday afternoon were welcomed at Helsinki Airport by Romania's ambassador…

07:27, 14.06.2024

Gafă uriașă comisă de NASA, s-a stârnit panică pe Pământ. Conspiraționiștii au înroșit rețelele de socializare

Gafă uriașă comisă de NASA, s-a stârnit panică pe Pământ. Conspiraționiștii au înroșit rețelele de socializare

Nebunia globală a izbucnit în momentul în care canalul de YouTube al Administraţiei Naţionale pentru Aeronautică şi Spaţiu (NASA) a difuzat o înregistrare audio în care se putea auzi o voce feminină care le cerea…

15:50, 13.06.2024

Gafă uriașă comisă de NASA, s-a stârnit panică pe Pământ. Conspiraționiștii au înroșit rețelele de socializare

Gafă uriașă comisă de NASA, s-a stârnit panică pe Pământ. Conspiraționiștii au înroșit rețelele de socializare

Nebunia globală a izbucnit în momentul în care canalul de YouTube al Administraţiei Naţionale pentru Aeronautică şi Spaţiu (NASA) a difuzat o înregistrare audio în care se putea auzi o voce feminină care le cerea…

13:35, 03.06.2024

National Bank to launch silver coin dedicated to 100 years since Romanias first Olympic medal

National Bank to launch silver coin dedicated to 100 years since Romania's first Olympic medal

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) will launch on Wednesday a silver coin dedicated to 100 years since Romania won its first Olympic medal.According to an announcement by the central bank published in the Official…

18:26, 30.05.2024

Over half billion PET bottles, cans, bottles recovered under Romanias deposit-refund system (official)

Over half billion PET bottles, cans, bottles recovered under Romania's deposit-refund system (official)

Over half a billion PET bottles, cans and glass bottles have been recovered so far under Romania's deposit-refund system RetuRo, which confirms that we are reaching our targets and indicators, Minister of the Environment,…

13:00, 21.05.2024

Draft on minimum wage stipulates no salary cuts (official)

Draft on minimum wage stipulates no salary cuts (official)

The draft minimum wage stipulates that there will be no salary cuts and the formula to be established will take into account, among other things, the level of average gross salary earnings and labour productivity,…

18:30, 17.05.2024

Tamiga & 2Bad – Bella Bella | Official Video Extended

Tamiga & 2Bad – Bella Bella | Official Video Extended

Tamiga & 2Bad lansează o nouă melodie cu numele „Bella, Bella”. Este un cântec captivant și fermecător, care trage de coarda inimii cu melodia sa obsedantă și versurile puternice. Cântecul spune o poveste despre…

23:25, 15.05.2024

Attractive Romania platform expected to increase number of foreign tourists by 20pct (official)

'Attractive Romania' platform expected to increase number of foreign tourists by 20pct (official)

The 'Attractive Romania' programme is an important step the country is taking to reactivate lesser-known but relevant cultural objectives for national and European history and culture, Razvan Popescu, undersecretary…

18:01, 14.05.2024

Pilgrims from Hungary to Sumuleu Ciuc to be welcomed by Sfantu Gheorghe officials

Pilgrims from Hungary to Sumuleu Ciuc to be welcomed by Sfantu Gheorghe officials

Pilgrims from Hungary who will participate in the Catholic Pentecost procession in Sumuleu Ciuc at the end of this week will be greeted by the Romanian authorities at the railway station in Sfantu Gheorghe.

22:51, 10.05.2024

Mallorca şi Ibiza, restricţii privind consumul de alcool

Mallorca şi Ibiza, restricţii privind consumul de alcool

Mallorca şi Ibiza, două insule spaniole recunoscute pentru vacanţele pe plaje şi petrecerile zgomotoase, impun restricţii în ceea ce priveşte consumul de alcool pe domeniul public în încercarea de a pondera comportamentele…

14:15, 09.05.2024

Romania is a fantastic investment opportunity (tax official)

Romania is a fantastic investment opportunity (tax official)

Romania is a fantastic investment opportunity on a market with a well-trained workforce, with an abundant portfolio of natural resources and an excellent geopolitical positioning in terms of economic corridors…

09:50, 26.04.2024

VIDEO Vice President of the Republic of Turkey paying visit to Bucharest

VIDEO Vice President of the Republic of Turkey paying visit to Bucharest

Vice President of the Republic of Turkey Cevdet Yilmaz will pay an official visit to Romania on Friday.The Turkish official will be welcomed by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu at the Victoria Governmental Palace…

20:00, 25.04.2024

Miners Rampage case/Petre Roman, Gelu Voican-Voiculescu officially indicted

Miners' Rampage case/Petre Roman, Gelu Voican-Voiculescu officially indicted

The General Prosecutor's Office officially announced on Thursday the indictment of former prime minister Petre Roman and former deputy prime minister Gelu Voican-Voiculescu for crimes against humanity in the June…

16:10, 25.04.2024

Satoshi a venit să ia tot – “1K1” – official video

Satoshi a venit să ia tot – “1K1” – official video

Sunt pregătit, oricare ar fi regulile… Descoperă universul îndrăzneț al lui Satoshi în noul său videoclip oficial pentru single-ul “1K1”, extras de pe proaspătul lansat album: “+373”. O adevărată explozie de energie…

22:25, 22.04.2024

Three Miles to the End of the World, directed by Emanuel Parvu, selected in Cannes official competition

"Three Miles to the End of the World", directed by Emanuel Parvu, selected in Cannes' official competition

The film "Three Miles to the End of the World", directed by Emanuel Parvu, was selected in the Official Competition of the 77th edition of the Cannes International Film Festival which will take place between May…

15:05, 22.04.2024

Road freight transport lost EUR 2.55 billion in 2023 due to delays at borders (employer official)

Road freight transport lost EUR 2.55 billion in 2023 due to delays at borders (employer official)

Romania's road freight transport industry lost EUR 2.55 billion in 2023 due to delays at borders, from EUR 2.41 billion in 2022, Radu Dinescu, secretary general of the National Union of Romania's Road Hauliers…

21:15, 17.04.2024

Jewish Communities focus on stopping increasingly present attempts to rehabilitate war criminals (official)

Jewish Communities focus on stopping increasingly present attempts to rehabilitate war criminals (official)

Over the last four years, the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania (FCER) has focused on combatting anti-Semitism and stopping attempts to rehabilitate war criminals, increasingly present in the public space,…

12:35, 11.04.2024

PM Ciolacu: Official data prove vision proposed at my term takeover was correct

PM Ciolacu: Official data prove vision proposed at my term takeover was correct

Investments increase the economy and, in particular, investments in large infrastructure are the solution to reduce the gaps in less developed areas, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said, stressing that official…

10:46, 11.04.2024

Romanias National Cancer Plan to include reimbursable services for the uninsured from July 1 (official)

Romania's National Cancer Plan to include reimbursable services for the uninsured from July 1 (official)

Chair of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) Valeria Herdea told AGERPRES on Thursday that Romania's National Cancer Plan includes free healthcare services for uninsured patients that become available on…

15:20, 09.04.2024

DRS packaging collected from consumers will exceed 100 million in April (official)

DRS packaging collected from consumers will exceed 100 million in April (official)

Packaging collected from consumers in Romania under the RetuRo Deposit-Return System (DRS) will exceed 100 million items in April 2024, Anca Marinescu, corporate affairs and communication manager at RetuRo, told…

20:05, 04.04.2024

Senate President Ciuca, Czech officials discuss concerns about rising populism and extremism in Europe

Senate President Ciuca, Czech officials discuss concerns about rising populism and extremism in Europe

Senate President Nicolae Ciuca said in Prague on Thursday that the discussions he had with Czech officials also focused on concerns about the rise of populism and extremism in Europe, in the context of the European…

15:20, 30.03.2024

Romania switches to summer time

Romania switches to summer time on the night between Saturday and Sunday, with 3.00 to become 4.00 am. Thus, the official time of Romania goes from GMT+2 to GMT+3, the summer time being applied until the last Sunday…

11:35, 20.03.2024

Trucurile incredibile ale stewardeselor. De ce stau cu mâinile sub fund în timpul decolării și aterizării? - VIDEO

Dacă nu știai, scaunele de siguranță sunt locurile pe care membrii echipajului pot sta în timpul decolării și aterizării. Prin plasarea mâinilor sub fese, însoțitorii de bord se pun în așa-numita „poziția de întărire”,…

11:15, 20.03.2024

Trucurile incredibile ael stewardeselor. De ce stau cu mâinile sub fund în timpul decolării și aterizării? - VIDEO

Dacă nu știai, scaunele de siguranță sunt locurile pe care membrii echipajului pot sta în timpul decolării și aterizării. Prin plasarea mâinilor sub fese, însoțitorii de bord se pun în așa-numita „poziția de întărire”,…

19:30, 05.03.2024

Ursula von der Leyen, officially registered in race for EPP's candidate for EC president

The Political Assembly of the European People's Party in Bucharest validated on Tuesday evening the registration of Ursula von der Leyen in the competition for the nomination of the EPP candidate for president…

14:50, 05.03.2024

Top EU officials propose plans to boost bloc’s defense in the face of Russian threats

Top European Union officials on Tuesday outlined ambitious plans to boost its defense industry at an unprecedented pace as the bloc seeks to respond to the threat posed by Russia’s war on Ukraine and a trans-Atlantic…

11:35, 05.03.2024

Kucova NATO airbase officially opens in Albania

NATO’s Kucova air base in Albania was officially opened on Monday in the presence of key government officials, including Prime Minister Edi Rama, who described it as an important security element for the Western…

14:55, 04.03.2024

Finance ministry plans to borrow RON 6.52 billion from commercial banks in March

The Finance Ministry (MF) planned for March 2024 loans from commercial banks amounting to RON 5.8 billion, to which RON 720 million may be added through additional non-competitive bidding sessions related to bond…

20:30, 29.02.2024

Senate's head to pay official visit to Chisinau on Friday

The President of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca, will be on an official visit to Chisinau, in the Republic of Moldova, on Friday. The visit begins with a meeting with the president of the Parliament of the Republic…