Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:12, 20.05.2020

Parliament approves state of alert

Parliament on Wednesday passed a decision approving the establishment of a state of alert in Romania, 372 to 37 and seven abstentions. "It is hereby approved the state of alert and the measures established by Government…

20:00, 18.05.2020

Decision on state of alert, published in the Official Journal

The decision adopted by the Government on Monday, under the provisions of Law No. 55/2020, on the establishment of the state of alert in the entire country starting with May 18 for 30 days has been published in…

16:39, 16.05.2020

GCS: Outdoor restaurants remain closed during state of alert

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) mentioned, on Saturday, that outdoor restaurants are to remain closed in the period of state of alert."Outdoor restaurants remain closed during the state of alert, according…

16:36, 16.05.2020

GCS: Not wearing mask in enclosed spaces punishable by fine between 500 and 2,500 RON

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) mentioned, on Saturday, that persons not wearing masks in the enclosed spaces mentioned by the Decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situation (CNSU) may be fined…

09:13, 13.05.2020

Ion Stefan: We will fundamentally reorganize Public Works Ministry; all positions to be filled by contest

Minister of Public Works, Development and Administration Ion Stefan said on Tuesday that the reorganization of the ministry he leads "goes in a straight line", the Government decision has been published and all…

13:27, 11.05.2020

Law enforcement opens 559 criminal files over hampering diseases control

As many as 559 criminal files have been open so far over hampering diseases control, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official coronavirus communication task force, reported on Monday after-noon. Police…

10:53, 09.04.2020

OUG extending local public administration authorities' terms of office published in Official Journal

Emergency Ordinance No. 44/2020 that extends the terms of office of local public administration authorities, lays out a set of measures for the organization of 2020 local elections and also amends the Government's…

10:44, 01.04.2020

Environment Ministry to withdraw authorizations of companies involved in illegal logging

The Ministry of Environment, through the Committee that authorizes economic operators for the logging activity, will withdraw the authorization of any company that is discovered to/or its employees are discovered…

12:39, 27.03.2020

Distribution outside of Romania, during pandemic, of biocidal products - temporarily suspended

The distribution outside of Romania, during the pandemic, of biocidal products used to ensure the prevention of the diseases associated with the infection with the new coronavirus has been temporarily suspended,…

12:39, 27.03.2020

Nicolae Dragos Garofil - appointed secretary of state at Health Ministry

Nicolae Dragos Garofil has been appointed as Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, by decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban published Thursday in the Official Journal.Previously, Garofil held the position…

17:54, 16.03.2020

Decree for state of emergency establisment is published in Official Journal

The decree of President Klaus Iohannis on the establishment of the state of emergency in Romania was published on Monday in the Official Journal.The state of emergency is an exceptional measure that can be instituted…

22:37, 26.02.2020

Decree on designation of Florin Citu as PM - published in the Official Journal

Decree on the designation of Florin Citu as Prime Minister was published on Wednesday in the Official Journal. "Mr. Vasile-Florin Citu was designated as candidate for the office of Prime Minister, and he will ask…

17:12, 24.02.2020

PM Orban: Until publication in the Official Journal, CCR decision does not generate effects

Interim Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday stated that the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) decision according to which there is a legal conflict between the President and Parliament regarding his designation…

12:30, 13.02.2020

PM-designate Orban: Decision not to publish OUG on European funds, I asked for other legislative solutions

Prime Minister designate Ludovic Orban announced on Thursday, in the Government meeting, that he has decided to withdraw from the publication in the Official Journal of the emergency ordinances regarding the European…

08:48, 06.02.2020

Dismissed PM Orban: All ordinances will have the necessary approvals to be published in the Official Journal

Dismissed Prime Minister Ludovic Orban responded to Victor Ponta's accusations regarding the necessary approvals for the adoption of the 25 emergency ordinances (OUG) passed in the last Government meeting, saying…

15:33, 30.01.2020

HealthMin on accusation regarding private clinics: Fake news

Health Minister Victor Costache labelled on Thursday as fake news the information emerged in the central media, according to which he would have introduced under an order five private clinics on the list of hospitals…

16:43, 27.01.2020

Daniel Dragos Tanasoiu, appointed head of PM's Control Body

Daniel Dragos Tanasoiu was appointed head of the Prime Minister's Control Body, under a decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban. He will replace Constantin Robu, who was released from office.The two PM's decisions…

19:26, 17.01.2020

Latest appointments to senior positions at Foreign Ministry

Cornel Feruta has been appointed senior global affairs and diplomatic strategy official at the Foreign Ministry (MAE) under a decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban published on Friday in the Official Journal.…

17:14, 17.01.2020

Electricity transmission tariffs, down 1.96pct in Romania as of January 16

Transelectrica reduced its electricity transmission tariffs by 1.96pct as of January 16, 2020, as a result of a cut in the contribution paid to the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) from 2pct to 0.2pct…

20:28, 16.01.2020

Chisinau professor appointed to senior position at Department for Relations with Moldova

Ana Gutu has been appointed state secretary with the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova under a decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban. Gutu is a university professor in Chisinau and held a…

11:00, 16.01.2020

Daniela Zaharia, new President of the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO

Daniela Zaharia has been appointed as President of the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO.  The decision signed by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban was published in the Official Journal. The National Commission…

22:01, 14.01.2020

Eugen Stefan-Dorel Cojoaca appointed head of National Agency for Public Procurement

Eugen Stefan-Dorel Cojoaca was appointed head of National Agency for Public Procurement, in rank of Secretary of State, through a decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban published in the Official Journal on Tuesday.…

09:59, 07.01.2020

Official Journal of Romania publishes Laws of State Budget and Social Insurance Budget on 2020

The 2020 State Budget Law and the State Social Insurance Budget Law on 2020 were published in the Official Journal of Romania on Monday evening. President Klaus Iohannis signed the decrees for promulgating the…

13:54, 31.12.2019

Emilia Gane is Romania's new gov't agent for European Court of Justice

Emilia Gane has been appointed for the position of government agent of Romania to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) through a decision by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, published Tuesday in the Official…

13:36, 25.12.2019

Claudita Selavardeanu - released from ANRP vice president office; under DNA criminal prosecution

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban released Claudita Selavardeanu from the office of National Authority for Property Restitution (ANRP) vice president, against whom the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) initiated…

13:27, 25.12.2019

Ion Munteanu, appointed governor of the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban appointed Ion Munteanu as governor of the Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation.  According to a PM decision, published in the Official Journal on Tuesday, Ion Munteanu…

08:53, 10.12.2019

Laurentiu Tent - appointed president of National Public Pension House

Ioan Petru Caprariu was dismissed from the position of president of the National Public Pension House (CNPP) and Laurentiu Tent was appointed to the vacated position.  According to a decision of the prime minister…

13:12, 15.11.2019

Cristian Tudor Bacanu appointed Secretary of State with Justice Ministry

Cristian Tudor Bacanu has been appointed State Secretary with the Justice Ministry, through a decision of Prime Minister Ludivic Orban, published in the Official Journal of Romania on Friday.  Through another decision…

13:12, 15.11.2019

Nicolae Turdean appointed as President of National Agency for Mineral Resources

Nicolae Turdean has been appointed as President, in rank of state secretary, of the National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM), through a decision of Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, published in the Official Journal…

14:04, 14.11.2019

PM Orban dismisses ANSVSA management

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Thursday dismissed the chair and a deputy chair of the National Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA).  According to PM's decisions published in the Official Journal, Geronimo…