Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:12, 13.11.2019

Deputy PM Raluca Turcan, in charge of coordinating seven ministries

Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan will coordinate the activity of seven ministries, among which Education and Research, Health, Public Works, Development and Administration, according to a decision by Prime Minister…

08:42, 15.10.2019

Gov't spokesman Barbu, appointed consul general of Romania in Shanghai

Nelu Barbu, the spokesperson for Romania's government, has been appointed Romania's consul general in Shanghai by a decision approved by the government at a meeting on Monday, according to official sources.  The…

22:02, 04.10.2019

Tezaur program:Retail government securities with interest rates between 3.5 and 4.5 pct as of Monday

The Finance Ministry is launching on Monday new retail government securities under the Tezaur Program, with interest rates ranging from 3.50 to 4.5 percent per annum, depending on maturity.According to the issue…

14:14, 21.08.2019

Liviu Vasilescu, appointed new chief of General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police

Quaestor Liviu Vasilescu was appointed on Wednesday as Inspector General of the Romanian Police.  According to the Official Journal, Vasilescu was appointed inspector general of the General Inspectorate of the…

09:45, 18.07.2019

Mihai Huzau - appointed Secretary of State at the Ministry for liaison to Parliament

Under a decision of the Prime Minister published on Wednesday in the Official Journal, Mihai Huzau was appointed Secretary of State at the Ministry for liaison to Parliament.  Under another two decisions, the Premier…

08:26, 17.07.2019

Diana Severin - relieved from position of Secretary of State in Ministry of Relations with Parliament

Diana Severin was relieved, upon request, from the position of Secretary of State with the Ministry of Relations with Parliament, according to a decision of the Prime Minister published on Tuesday in the Official…

17:15, 14.06.2019

Catalin Tibuleac to replace Malin-Matei Musetescu as governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration

Premier Viorica Dancila removed Malin-Matei Musetescu from office as governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration, appointing in his place Catalin Tibuleac, at the proposal of the Minister of Environment.…

16:24, 03.06.2019

Mihaela Triculescu replaced by Mirela Calugareanu as head of ANAF

Mihaela Triculescu has been replaced by Mirela Calugareanu as head of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF), by decisions of Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, published in the Official Journal on Monday.Triculescu…

20:43, 25.04.2019

#European Parliament elections2019/MAE: 441 polling stations abroad; 76 in Italy

Romanians in the Diaspora will be voting in 441 polling stations opened abroad, according to the order of Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu published in the Official Journal on Thursday.A record number…

17:44, 18.03.2019

Speaker Liviu Dragnea delegates attributions to Florin Iordache at Chamber of Deputies' helm

The Chamber of Deputies' Speaker Liviu Dragnea has delegated his attributions to Florin Iordache, the Chamber's Deputy Speaker for the period 16 - 24 March, a decision published on Monday in the Official Journal…

18:16, 04.02.2019

ANRE: All energy producers will have to supply electricity to population with a regulated profit of 5 pct

All energy producers will have to supply electricity to population for a regulated price to ensure them a 5 per cent profit of justified costs, according to Order No. 10/2019 of the National Regulatory Authority…

15:07, 09.11.2018

Gov't passes legal framework for differentiated minimum wage (sources)

The government on Friday approved a draft emergency ordinance that sets the legal framework for granting the minimum wage differentiated by educational attainment and seniority, according to government sources.The…

22:18, 22.10.2018

PM Dancila decides to set up the National Committee on Waste

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has decided to set up the National Committee on Waste, as an inter-ministerial body to be presided by the Minister of Environment.According to the decision published on Monday in…

18:23, 10.10.2018

JusMin Toader: 'Section for investigating crimes in Justice to take over DNA cases'

As soon as it is called into operation, the Section for investigating crimes in the Justice field will take over both pending DNA (National Anti-corruption Directorate) cases and solved ones, Justice Minister Tudorel…

12:18, 05.10.2018

Romania's Judges' Forum asks Ombudsman to notify CCR on amendments brought to Law regarding CSM

Romania's Judges' Forum announced having sent to the Ombudsman a request for the notification of Romania's Constitutional Court (CCR) in relation to the amendments brought to Law No.317/2004 regarding the Superior…

00:08, 09.09.2018

Government emergency ordinance on state budget revision published in Official Journal

The government's emergency ordinance on the revision of the 2018 state budget, and the complementary emergency ordinance on the revision of the 2018 social security budget were published on Friday in the Official…

08:35, 01.08.2018

Deputy PM Paul Stanescu to hold PM Dancila operative position in gov't 6 to13 August

Deputy Prime Minister Paul Stanescu, Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration will hold the operative position of Prime Minister Viorica Dancila from 6 to 13 August.  A decision in this respect…

17:42, 08.07.2018

PSD's Tutuianu to chair Senate between 9-11 July

The leadership of the Senate will be ensured between 9-11 June by Social Democrat Senator Adrian Tutuianu.  According to a decision published in the Official Journal of Romania, President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu…

17:03, 04.06.2018

PSD's Dragnea: We'll not tolerate anyone being above the law, the Constitution

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea said on Monday that the impeachment of President Klaus Iohannis is not a subject to be discussed in the party for the time being, adding that the…

11:57, 31.05.2018

Transgaz's natural gas transmission rate to drop by 6 pct, as of 1 October

Transgaz's average natural gas transmission rate will drop by 6 percent between 1 October 2018 - 30 September 2019, according to an order of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE) published in the…

13:41, 26.04.2018

Iohannis informs CCR about law transferring "Monitorul Oficial" under Deputies Chamber's authority

President Klaus Iohannis sent the Constitutional Court, on Thursday, a referral of unconstitutionality concerning the Law for the amendment and completion of Law no. 202/1998 on the organisation of "Monitorul Oficial"…

13:27, 03.04.2018

PM Dancila orders establishment of e-Gov't steering committee

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has ordered the establishment of an e-Government steering committee under a decision published on Monday in the Official Journal. The e-Government Steering Committee, an inter-ministerial…

13:27, 03.04.2018

PM Dancila appoints Gabriela Mihaela Voicila as State Secretary with Business Ministry

Gabriela Mihaela Voicila was appointed Secretary of State with the Ministry for Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship through a decision of Prime Minister Viorica Dancila. The decision was published…

22:27, 16.02.2018

Iuliana Mihaela Zobuian, appointed office manager at PM Dancila's office

Iuliana Mihaela Zobuian has been appointed office manager at Prime Minister Viorica Dancila's office in rank of state secretary, under a decision signed by Dancila and published on Friday in the Official Journal.…

19:35, 09.02.2018

ANRM issues order establishing gas reference price be calculated depending on Vienna stock exchange

The National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM) issued on Friday the order establishing that the reference price for natural gas extracted in Romania, depending on which the royalty owed by producers to the state…

18:24, 31.01.2018

Andreea Pastirnac - appointed secretary of state with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Andreea Pastirnac, former Minister for Romanians Abroad, has been appointed secretary of state with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), through a decision of Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, published in the…

20:17, 30.01.2018

Darius Valcov - appointed state adviser in PM's working apparatus

Darius-Bogdan Valcov has been appointed state adviser in the Prime Minister's working apparatus, through a decision belonging to PM Viorica Dancila, published in the Official Journal on Tuesday.In the same day,…

23:53, 18.01.2018

Gigi Dragomir appointed head of National Agency for Mineral Resources by interim PM Fifor

Gigi Dragomir was appointed as the new head, in rank of secretary of state, of the National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM), through a decision of the interim Prime Minister Mihai Fifor, on Thursday published…

23:40, 18.01.2018

President Iohannis asks Parliament to reexamine law moving Official Journal under subordination of Deputies' Chamber

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday sent Parliament for reexamination the Law on modification and completion of the Law no. 202/1998 regarding the organization of the Official Journal of Romania, with the law…

13:13, 11.11.2017

PM Tudose's decision to dismiss Senior transport official Cercel published in the Official Journal of Romania

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose's decision to remove from office senior official with the Transport Ministry Ninel Cercel was published on Friday evening in the Official Journal of Romania.National Anti-Corruption…