Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:44, 06.11.2017

PM Tudose: Law on public private partnerships to be published in the Official Journal next week at the latest

The Law on public private partnerships (PPP) could be published in the Official Journal next week "at the latest," Prime Minister Mihai Tudose announced on Monday, while participating in the meeting of the Romanian…

15:24, 10.10.2016

Green House programme is starting with a 60 million lei budget

Individuals can apply within the "Green House" Programme ("Case Verde"), starting October 10, while companies can lodge files starting 17 October.For this year, the budget of the "Green House" Programme reaches…

10:58, 29.04.2016

President Iohannis: I've promulgated the debt discharge law

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday announced having promulgated a debt discharge law. "I have promulgated the law, and it will be published in the Official Journal today," Iohannis said at the Cotroceni…

16:09, 18.04.2016

Decree appointing Pislaru labour minister, published in Official Journal

A decree appointing Dragos Pislaru labour minister was published on Monday in the Official Journal. Also published was a decree attesting to former office holder Ana Costea resigning her position and the closure…

16:58, 11.02.2016

Deputy chief tax officer Vatasoiu, fired by PM Ciolos (sources)

Deputy Chairman of National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) Mihai Gogancea-Vatasoiu was dismissed from office by Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos on Thursday, official sources told AGERPRES. The dismissal decision…

16:34, 01.02.2016

The law banning smoking in public areas has been enacted by president Iohannis

The law prohibiting smoking in public places has been enacted Friday by President Klaus Iohannis, the Presidential Administration informs. Thus, smoking will be banned in restaurants and clubs starting mid-March,…

17:30, 25.07.2012

Comisia Europeană a adoptat o nouă Directivă privind deşeurile de echipamente electrice

Noua Directivă 2012/19/UE privind deşeurile de echipamente electrice şi electronice (DEEE), publicată oficial, Marţi, în Official Journal of the EU, introduce ţinte superioare de colectare a DEEE-uri. Din momentul…

17:40, 24.07.2012

CE a adoptat o nouă Directivă DEEE

Noua Directivă 2012/19/UE privind deşeurile de echipamente electrice şi electronice (DEEE), publicată oficial, marţi, în Official Journal of the EU, introduce ţinte superioare de colectare a DEEE-uri, se arată…