Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:50, 07.08.2023

Romanian Defence minister on an official visit to Republic of Moldova

Minister of National Defense Angel Tilvar pays an official visit to the Republic of Moldova on Monday, at the invitation of his counterpart from Chisinau, Anatolie Nosatii.According to the ministry, the agenda…

17:05, 04.08.2023

Epson oferă până la 700 de lei cashback la achiziția unei imprimante din gama EcoTank

Clienții Epson pot primi până la 700 de lei înapoi dacă vor achiziționa până la 31 octombrie o imprimantă EcoTank înscrisă în promoție. Campania include o selecție variată de imprimante şi multifuncționale, color…

11:15, 04.08.2023

Retail trade volume in Romania advances 3pct in H1 2023

Retail trade volume in Romania advances 3pct in H1 2023Retail trade volume, except trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles, increased in Romania in H1 2023, y-o-y, by 3% unadjusted and by 2.9% adjusted for working…

14:45, 03.08.2023

De la office la ocazii speciale - poarta o jacheta tip camasa cu stil

De la completarea unor tinute office la completarea unor tinute pentru ocazii speciale, exista numeroase moduri in care poti combina aceasta piesa vestimentara versatila si eleganta, jacheta tip camasa. Aceasta…

14:20, 31.07.2023

Filmul Barbie face rozul popular în business. Compania Mattel a relansat vânzările păpușii iconice

Filmul lui Barbie face furori la box-office, dând speranțe companiei Mattel de relansare a vânzărilor păpușii sale iconice. O schimbare de strategie în direcția divertismentului și o mulțime de produse legate de…

09:05, 28.07.2023

UE a deschis o investigaţie antitrust împotriva Microsoft, legată de combinarea aplicaţiei Teams cu alte produse Office

Comisia Europeană, braţul executiv al UE, a declarat că aceste practici pot constitui un comportament anticoncurenţial. Este prima investigaţie antitrust a UE împotriva Microsoft din peste un deceniu. ”Comisia…

17:35, 27.07.2023

Labour Minister, European officials discuss public pension system and public sector pay reform

Labour Minister, European officials discuss public pension system and public sector pay reformLabour Minister Simona Bucura-Oprescu on Thursday had a first working meeting in videocall format with Celine Gauer,…

14:00, 27.07.2023

Banca austriacă Raiffeisen Bank International nu a părăsit nici acum Rusia

În luna ianuarie 2023, a doua mare bancă austriacă, Raiffeisen Bank International, a publicat un profit record de 3,6 miliarde de euro pentru anul 2022. Dar 60% din aceste profituri provin de la filiala sa din…

10:31, 26.07.2023

Fire at Romanian children’s hospital forces evacuation

A fire broke out at a children’s hospital in Romanian capital Bucharest late on Tuesday and 110 people were evacuated without any casualties, the government’s emergency response unit said, according to Reuters.…

14:50, 25.07.2023

More than 600 illegal foreigners, removed under escort from Romania in first part of year

In the first half of this year, immigration police officers carried out more than 600 removals under escort of foreigners from the country, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) said in a press release.According…

11:05, 25.07.2023

Romania hosts fourth Ministerial Meeting on Agreement on Strategic Partnership in Green Energy Development and Transmission

Officials from Romania, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Hungary are meeting in Bucharest on Tuesday for the fourth Ministerial Meeting regarding the Agreement on Strategic Partnership in the field of Green Energy Development…

10:50, 25.07.2023

We want a leaner, more efficient public service system (LabMin)

The government wants a leaner and more efficient public apparatus, so that there is a balance between the private sector's output and public spending, Labor Minister Simona Bucura Oprescu told private TV broadcaster…

19:25, 24.07.2023

Romania's CoD Petrescu on official visit to US : Romanian military supported the consolidation of UN's leadership role

Romania's CoD Petrescu on official visit to US : Romanian military supported the consolidation of UN's leadership roleThe Romanian military has supported the consolidation of the leading role of the United Nations…

10:10, 24.07.2023

Elevi de la Bariţiu IT-şti la Lisabona

Proiectul 2022-1-RO01-KA121-VET-000052500, derulat de Colegiul Tehnic „George Bariţiu” Baia Mare, a bifat ultimul stagiu internaţional de practică în Lisabona (Portugalia). Au participat 17 elevi de la calificările…

23:05, 23.07.2023

Tom Cruise şi ''Mission: Impossible'' domină box-office-ul nord-american

''Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning'', în care Tom Cruise se luptă cu o inteligenţă artificială scăpată de sub control, domină box-office-ul nord-american, potrivit estimărilor provizorii ale companiei de specialitate…

09:15, 21.07.2023

Compania germană alfaview a făcut o plângere antitrust la UE împotriva Microsoft

Compania de software din SUA se află în atenţia autorităţilor de aplicare a concurenţei din UE din 2020, când aplicaţia de mesagerie pentru spaţiul de lucru deţinută de Salesforce, Slack, s-a plâns de legătura…

16:45, 20.07.2023

Tudor Giurgiu's latest movie Libertate to feature in Sarajevo Film Festival official competition

Tudor Giurgiu's latest movie Libertate/Freedom was selected in the official competition of the Sarajevo Film Festival, where it will vie for the top award, the Heart of Sarajevo, distribution company Transilvania…

12:45, 20.07.2023

PM Ciolacu requests suspension from office of heads of AJPIS from seven counties and from Bucharest

PM Ciolacu requests suspension from office of heads of AJPIS from seven counties and from BucharestPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu asked the new Minister of Labour on Thursday to suspend from office the heads of…

14:40, 18.07.2023

Ultimate Transportation Equipment caută Junior Project Manager şi lăcătuşi mecanici 

Ultimate Transportation Equipment, cu sediul în Craiova, parte a grupului international Ultimate, vrea să îşi mărească echipa şi este în căutarea unui Junior Project Manager şi a trei lăcătuşi mecanici.  Pentru…

13:35, 18.07.2023

Lichidator judiciar Constanta: Gugus Liviu - DOBROGEA INSOLVENCY IPURL

Practicieni in insolventa definitivi asociati in societati profesionaleLichidator judiciar Constanta: Gugus Liviu DOBROGEA INSOLVENCY IPURLAdresa: Constanta Str. DECEBAL nr.75 et.1 judet ConstantaTelefon: 0720085403E…

12:25, 18.07.2023

Lichidator judiciar Constanta:Dumitru Gabriela - GEDEX IPURL

Practicieni in insolventa definitivi asociati in societati profesionaleLichidator judiciar Constanta:Dumitru Gabriela GEDEX IPURLAdresa: Constanta Bd. FERDINAND nr.53 bl.A8 sc.B PARTER ap.40 judetConstantaTelefon:…

11:31, 18.07.2023


Practicieni definitivi asociati in societati profesionaleLichidator judiciar Constanta: CRISTEA ADRIAN CRISTEA amp; CO INSOLVENCYAdresa:Constanta Str. CUZA VODA nr.54 et. ap.2 cod postal 900682 judetConstantaTelefon:…

17:30, 14.07.2023

Cyber-security official Cimpean: Critical infrastructure operators in Romania have relatively low level of cyber-security maturity

Cyber-security maturity in some critical infrastructure operators, especially in the area of healthcare, is relatively low in Romania, but we are talking about a somewhat waidespread situation at the level of the…

11:40, 14.07.2023

VIDEO - Prime Minister of Bulgaria - received by Prime Minister Ciolacu at Victoria Palace of Government

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu received on Friday at the Victoria Palace of Government the Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, who is on a working visit to Bucharest.The two high officials will have a one-on-one…

11:40, 14.07.2023

Decree taking note of resignation of Marius Budai as Minister of Labour, published in Official Journal

The decrees taking note of the resignation of Marius Budai as Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity and appointing Deputy Prime Minister Marian Neacsu as interim Labour minister were published on Friday in the…

22:05, 13.07.2023

Torture in old age care homes/ Two inspectors detained for abuse of office

Two inspectors with the Ilfov County Payments and Social Inspection Agency (AJPIS) were detained on Thursday by the anti-corruption prosecutors in a case in which they are accused of having carried out a formal…

17:20, 13.07.2023

Șeful politicii externe a Chinei a avut întâlniri cu Blinken şi Lavrov în marja reuniunii ASEAN

Şeful politicii externe a Chinei, Wang Yi, a avut joi, 13 iulie, întâlniri bilaterale cu miniştrii de externe din Rusia şi Statele Unite, în Indonezia, în marja unei reuniuni ASEAN, organizaţia care reuneşte ţări…

15:25, 13.07.2023

TVR journalist Mihai Constantin appointed spokesperson for government

Journalist Mihai Constantin has been appointed the new government spokesman.The appointment decision was published on Thursday in the Official Journal. CITESTE SI Deputy PM Neacsu to act as labour ministry pending…

14:55, 13.07.2023

Japan expects EU to lift food import restrictions, official says

Japan expects the European Union to announce it is lifting import restrictions on Japanese food products imposed in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, according to Bloomberg. Ending the restrictions would…

09:35, 12.07.2023

De ce criticii de film boicotează `Sound of Freedom`, în ciuda succesului de box office – Nicio recenzie în New York Times, Los Angeles Times

În ciuda succesului său semnificativ în box office, filmul anti-trafic de copii, Sound of Freedom, a fost boicotat de majoritatea criticilor de film de prestigiu. Publicații precum New York Times, Los Angeles Times…