Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:10, 19.01.2024

EU court lifts restrictions on buying agricultural land in Bulgaria

The EU Court of Justice lifted the restrictions EU citizens face when buying agricultural land in Bulgaria in a ruling published on Thursday, more than 17 years after the country joined the bloc, according to Euractiv.…

11:31, 11.07.2023

Australia PM Albanese to push to overcome EU trade obstacles with Macron

Australia‘s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said it was important for exporters to gain access to European markets under any EU free trade deal, and he would raise obstacles to an agreement in talks with French…

16:51, 22.09.2022

PG Scutea: Amendments made to justice laws between 2017-2019 are a major obstacle in DNA's functioning

Prosecutor General Gabriela Scutea stated on Thursday that the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) continued last year to obtain good results in the investigation of high corruption cases, although the amendments…

12:55, 22.10.2021

Petro Welt Technologies closes operations in Romania due to pandemic

Vienna-based oil field services provider Petro Welt Technologies announced that it has decided to close its operations in Romania due to obstacles caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to See News.  “Due…

12:55, 30.07.2021

British ambassador: Ignorance about the past of Roma slavery - a major obstacle to lesson learning

Most Romanians are unaware that the Roma were enslaved in the past, British ambassador in Bucharest Andrew Noble said on Thursday, stressing that ignorance about the past of slavery is a major obstacle to lesson…

10:15, 21.07.2021

Contribuția orașului Târgu Neamţ la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo

Obstacolele de călărie ale nemţeanului Mihai Simion au ajuns să fie livrate şi la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo ce se desfăşoară în perioada 23 iulie-8 august. Despre Mihai Simion, Mesagerul de Neamţ a publicat…

09:30, 21.07.2021

Obstacole de călărie din Târgu Neamţ la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo

Obstacolele de călărie ale nemţeanului Mihai Simion au ajuns să fie livrate şi la Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo ce se desfăşoară în perioada 23 iulie-8 august. Despre Mihai Simion, Mesagerul de Neamţ a publicat…

19:16, 24.01.2021

Opposition leader Ciolacu: I am certain this year we are overcoming pandemic

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu says he is convinced that Romanians will succeed this year, through unity and solidarity, in overcoming the obstacles caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a statement…

09:20, 14.09.2020

EduMin Anisie to pupils at the beginning of school year: You can overrun any obstacle

Minister Monica Anisie has sent a message to pupils, at the beginning of the school year, telling them that they must be aware of the importance of education and also that they need to observe measures of prevention…

14:05, 02.11.2019

Mihai Simion – Nemţeanul care a cucerit lumea

Despre Mihai Simion se ştie prea puţin în România. Din păcate. Târgnemțean de loc, are o poveste de viaţă care ar merita ecranizată. În 1991, a ajuns în Franţa, a fost în Legiunea Străină, a fost printre cei mai…

23:02, 28.08.2019

PM Dancila: We'll go to Parliament and try to get support to carry mandate through

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Wednesday said that the Government she is heading will continue its activity in spite of the "obstacles" over the recent days and it will go to Parliament to get the necessary…

14:24, 06.05.2019

OTP AM's Dragos Manolescu: Legislation in force is obstacle, measure that prevents you from investing

The legislation in force is an obstacle, it is a measure that prevents you from investing and accessing investment funds, it does not encourage you, Dragos Manolescu, deputy general manager of OTP Asset Management…

17:27, 07.09.2018

PM Dancila about Pitesti-Sibiu motorway: I have sent control body to identify obstacles

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced, on Friday, that she sent the control body in order to identify the obstacles that are blocking the construction of the section of Pitesti-Sibiu motorway.  "It is true,…

13:27, 08.06.2018

Ambassador Kuzmin, optimistic: Russia - Romania relations positive overall, despite various obstacles and complications

Russia - Romania relations have been through all sorts of problems, obstacles and complications, but are positive overall, Russia's Ambassador in Bucharest Valery Kuzmin told a press conference on Thursday.  Commercial…