Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:08, 04.06.2019

SOURCES - PSD loses a MEP to Brexit: equal to USR-PLUS on the number of seats

PSD is the great loser of the 'roulette' of the 33rd MEP from Romania. Official sources told ŞTIRIPESURSE.RO that Victor Negrescu, the 9th candidate on the PSD list, will take up his mandate only after the legal…

15:48, 10.04.2019

Cetățenia europeană activă la Liceul Teoretic ”Vasile Alecsandri” Iași

Un prim exemplu îl constituie dreptul de a circula liber pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene, de care a beneficiat un grup format din 5 elevi si 2 profesori, prin participarea la activitati de predare, învatare si formare,…

15:03, 21.03.2019

Senate's Tariceanu: Please, UK, postpone Brexit forever

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu says that however "imperfect" the European Union may be, it could be improved, a reason why he calls on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to "postpone…

22:17, 07.03.2019

Consultation with Romanian nationals in UK, representatives of political parties on elections to EP

Romania's Embassy in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Wednesday organised a session of consultations with representatives of the political parties and of the Romanian citizens' associations…

17:05, 01.02.2019

President Iohannis: Agreement on Brexit, negotiated, most efficient mechanism; limits negative consequences for EU citizens

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday welcomed at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace the Foreign Affairs Secretary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Jeremy Hunt, in which context he showed…

19:07, 30.01.2019

Brexit and Romanian community discussed by Minister Intotero with British Ambassador

Brexit, the Romanian community in the UK and a better information with respect to this topic, as well as events organised by Romania while holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union were…

00:11, 30.01.2019

Romanian Ambassador to UK Mihalache: British, Romanian universtities have constant dialogue while collaborating in research projects

Romanian Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Dan Mihalache voiced his confidence that post-Brexit developments won't affect the dialogue British and Romanian universities constantly…

18:05, 29.01.2019

PM Dancila meets UK Ambassador to Romania Noble and tackles issue of UK's withdrawal from EU

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met on Tuesday with Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania Andrew Noble, context in which the issue of UK's withdrawal from the EU was especially…

19:02, 16.01.2019

Ambassador Dan Mihalache: Presidency at Council of EU, a chance for Romania to strengthen its role in EU

"The Romanian presidency at the Council of the EU is an excellent chance for Romania to reaffirm its commitment to the values of the European Union and strengthen its role among the EU member states and, at the…

11:42, 09.01.2019

MAE on Romanians attacked in Northern Ireland: Consulate in Edinburgh took note; such acts, unacceptable

Romania's Consulate General in Edinburgh took note following the information emerged in the media referring to what would have been a hate attack against five Romanian citizens in the Newtownabbey district, the…

15:13, 14.12.2018

Klaus Iohannis, Theresa May meet in Brussels; talks about Brexit and Romanians in UK

President Klaus Iohannis Friday had a meeting in Brussels with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Theresa May, with whom he discussed the Brexit agreement and the situation…

13:40, 08.11.2018

Klaus Iohannis, Theresa May, to tackle topics such as presidency of EU Council and Brexit negotiations

President Klaus Iohannis will carry out an official visit, next Wednesday, to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, context in which he will meet with British Prime Minister Theresa May and…

18:38, 07.11.2018

MAE informs that Romania opened new Consulate General in Edinburgh

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informs that, as of Wednesday, Romania's Consulate General in Edinburgh is open to the Romanian citizens seeking consular services.The existing Consular office in Edinburgh converted…

22:46, 11.10.2018

President Iohannis receives agreed ambassadors of Montenegro, Denmark, UK and Oman Sultanate

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday received at the Cotroceni Palace Goran Poleksic, the agreed ambassador of Montenegro in Romania, Soren Jensen, the agreed ambassador of the Denmark Kingdom, Andrew Noble, the…

10:41, 04.10.2018

Romania voices solidarity with UK over hostile cyber-actions

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) expresses its solidarity with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland over the statement by the British Foreign Office on hostile cyber-actions.  "Romania, as an…

16:43, 03.09.2018

Ana Birchall: Updating and deepening Strategic Partnership with UK, an important objective for Romania

Deputy Prime Minister Ana Birchall conveyed on Monday to British Ambassador Andrew Noble that an important objective for our country is to update and deepen the Strategic Partnership with the United Kingdom.  "I…

20:04, 23.08.2018

ForMin Melescanu, UK ambassador Noble on importance of Strategic Parthership between the two states

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Teodor Melescanu, received, on Thursday, the ambassador agreed of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania, Andrew Noble, with the latter presenting his…

23:24, 26.06.2018

Minister for Romanians Abroad Intotero discusses with British officials on situation of Romanian community in UK

Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero had meetings on Monday with British government officials and representatives of the local authorities on her visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern…

10:17, 28.02.2018

Atenţionare de călătorie în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii

Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetăţenii români care se află, tranzitează sau doresc să călătorească în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord că, în conformitate cu datele transmise de oficiul…

23:25, 27.02.2018

MAE român: Avertizare de călătorie în Marea Britanie şi Irlanda de Nord de condiţii de vreme severă

Potrivit Met Office (https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/), temperatura va înregistra valori negative, minimele înregistrând valori de -3°C în Londra şi Inverness, -4°C la Edinburgh şi Cardiff şi -5°C la Manchester.MAE…

18:34, 10.11.2017

Haţegan, jignit de soţia jucătorului nord-irlandez Corry Evans. Evans: “Aş vrea să-mi cer ieratre “

Ovidiu Haţegan a fost jignit şi făcut “ţigan român” de Lisa Evans, soţia mijlocaşul nord-irlandez Corry Evans, după ce arbitrul a acordat un penalti împotriva gazdelor la meciul Irlanda de Nord – Eleveţia, din…

10:03, 03.08.2017

Brexitul ar putea schimba harta Europei. La Dublin se vorbește despre unificarea Republicii Irlanda cu Irlanda de Nord

O comisie parlamentară de la Dublin, care verifică impactul pe care îl va avea Brexitul asupra Republicii Irlanda, a venit cu propunerea de unificare amiabilă cu Irlanda de Nord, informeazaă BBC News. Comisia a…

20:57, 31.07.2017

Romanian gov't submits bid to European Commission to take over hosting European Medicines Agency

The Romanian Government has filed a bid for the relocation of the European Medicines Agency to Bucharest in the context of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the Union…

15:23, 23.05.2017

Iohannis sends condolences message to Queen Elizabeth II following Manchester attack

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message of condolences on Tuesday to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland following the suicide attack in Manchester, informs the Presidential…

13:13, 31.03.2017

Elisabeta Palace: Constant relation between British Royal Family and Royal Family of Romania

The Romanian Royal Family has had in the 150 years since its foundation, a constant connection to the Royal Family of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, based on admiration, affection and respect, both officially…

15:29, 03.10.2016

Botoșăneanul Iulian Rotariu, fruntaș în Ultramaratonul din Atacama-FOTO

Prima etapă a Ultramaratonului Deșertul Atacama, din Chile, la care participă și plt. maj. Iulian Rotariu, din cadrul Inspectoratului Județean pentru Situații de Urgență Botoșani, aduce vești bune. Botoșăneanul…

08:03, 26.06.2016

Ce spune HBO despre Brexit si cum va afecta productia serialului Game of Thrones

Productia serialului &"Urzeala tronurilor/ Game of Thrones&", realizat de HBO si turnat partial in Irlanda de Nord, nu va fi afectata de deciza Marii Britanii de a parasi Uniunea Europeana, au anuntat vineri reprezentantii…

08:27, 24.06.2016

Marea Britanie a votat IEȘIREA din Uniunea Europeană

Răsturnare de situație în referendumul pentru Brexit. Britanicii au votat la referendum pentru ieşirea ţării lor din Uniunea Europeană, conform proiecţiilor realizate vineri dimineaţă de BBC şi Sky News, după numărarea…

16:13, 08.06.2016

Dan Mihalache released as presidential advisor, accredited ambassador to UK

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decrees releasing Dan Mihalache as presidential advisor and accrediting him as ambassador of Romania to the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Presidential…

11:33, 12.05.2014

Turul Italiei se întoarce în Peninsulă » Cum stau favoriţii şi ce etape interesante urmează săptămîna aceasta

Turul Italiei se întoarce pe continent, după trei zile petrecute în Irlanda. Marcel Kittel a cîştigat cele două etape de sprint, în timp ce Orica GreenEDGE s-a impus în contratimpul inaugural. Dintre favoriţi,…