Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:20, 29.07.2023

Paul Georgescu crosses Bristol Channel over its historic distance

Swimmer Paul Georgescu managed to cross, for the first time for Romania, the Bristol Channel on its historic distance, between Coney beach in Porthcawl and Lynmouth in Devon.The distance in a straight line is 25…

14:40, 29.07.2023

National Anthem Day, in messages by high-ranked politicians

It is essential to fight for the respect of the ideals and values that define modern Romania: freedom, democracy, pluralism, respect for the law, but also for ensuring the security and prosperity of our country,…

13:20, 01.02.2023

Senate's first ordinary parliamentary session of 2023 opened with 'Orfeu' Choir's National Anthem performance

Senate's first ordinary parliamentary session of 2023 started on Wednesday, with the National Anthem being performed in the opening of the meeting by the "Orfeu" Choir from Curtea de Arges, told Agerpres. Fii la…

12:36, 29.07.2022

National Anthem celebrated in birth city of tune lyrics' author, alongside Romanian diaspora guests

The children of the Romanian diaspora who came to spend part of their summer holiday in the camp organized through the ARC program of the Department for Romanians Everywhere in the Sangeorz-Bai resort - Bistrita-Nasaud…

10:20, 29.07.2022

PM Ciuca: National anthem, flag, and coat of arms define our identity

The national anthem, the flag and the coat of arms define our identity and represent the lasting link between the past, the present and the future of our people, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca conveyed, on Friday,…

08:26, 05.02.2022

VIDEO | Sute de manifestanţi, cu zeci de camioane, ocupă centrul oraşului Ottawa. Poliția a declarat ILEGAL protestul

Confruntat cu exasperarea populaţiei locale care denunţă ameninţările, hărţuirea şi poluarea fonică din cauza claxoanelor neîncetate, şeful poliţiei Peter Sloly a promis că va ''pune capăt acestei manifestaţii…

19:40, 02.02.2022

Parliament's solemn session dedicated to 15th anniversary of Romania's accession to EU

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies met on Wednesday in a solemn session, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of Romania's accession to the European Union, the event being attended by the Minister for Europe and…

11:46, 23.12.2021

Solemn sitting devoted to 1989 Romanian Revolution 32-year celebration begins

The Senate and Chamber of Deputies met on Thursday in a solemn joint plenary siting devoted to the 1989 Romanian Revolution 32-year celebration. The sitting began with the performance of the National Anthem and…

13:01, 29.07.2021

Bogdan Aurescu: National anthem 'Awaken Thee, Romanian!' carries special significance for country's diplomatic missions

The national anthem "Desteapta-te, romane/Awaken Thee, Romanian!" is a landmark for the Romanian national identity, providing to the entire world a musical and symbolic representation thereof when it is played,…

09:50, 29.07.2021

Iohannis: It is our duty to honor our National Anthem, to remain united around national symbols

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, on the occasion of the National Anthem Day in Romania, that it is our duty to cherish and honor the Anthem and to remain united around national symbols. "It is our duty…

22:30, 21.12.2020

Deputies take the oath in new legislature of Chamber of Deputies

The deputies are taking the oath on Monday evening in a solemn meeting that began with the intonation of the National Anthem. The swearing-in is done individually, by each member, from the rostrum of the Chamber…

08:16, 19.11.2020


Day of the Researcher and Designer Tobacco free National Day (3rd day of Thirsday of November) 1377 - The first documented mention of Bran Castle by the act issued by Louis I, Duke of Anjou (1342-1382) by which…

16:00, 29.07.2020

Romania's anthem performed by tens of artists at 2,000 m altitude, nearby Caraiman Cross

Romania's anthem was performed on Wednesday by tens of artists led by pan flute player Nicolae Voiculet at an altitude of more than 2,000 m, nearby the Heroes' Cross on the Caraiman Peak, with hundreds of persons,…

12:49, 16.12.2019

Parliament: Solemn session dedicated to 30th anniversary of Revolution begins

The solemn session of Parliament dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 has begun.  The session started with the singing of the National Anthem, after which a moment of silence…

11:26, 29.07.2019

Iohannis: National Anthem Day, moment we look forward with confidence and optimism to nation's future

President Klaus Iohannis passed on a message on Monday on the occasion of Romania's National Anthem Day, stating that this is the moment when "we look forward with confidence and optimism to the future of our nation." …

08:26, 24.01.2019

Hong Kong se pregătește să criminalizeze jignirile aduse imnului național al Chinei

Legea controversată prevede pedepse cu închisoarea și amenzi pentru cei care folosesc un limbaj injurios la adresa imnului național al Chinei. Această inițiativă legislativă a stârnit un val de preocupări…

20:12, 01.12.2018

Protesters in Victoriei Square form national flag from colored cardboard, chant the National Anthem

The protesters who arrived Saturday in the Victoriei Square formed, around 19:00hrs, a banner out of cardboard colored in red, yellow and blue, that they lit up with the help of flashlights from their mobile phones.Over…

16:26, 26.08.2018

Donald Trump a colorat greșit steagul Statelor Unite n timpul unei vizite n Ohio

The opioid crisis is one of our top priorities at HHS, with a drumbeat of action on the full range of efforts where we can assist local communities. Today, I joined @POTUS & @FLOTUS in Ohio to learn how states…

19:24, 29.07.2018

Romania celebrates Day of National Anthem

The Day of National Anthem was celebrated on Sunday morning in the Bucharest's Tricolour's Square in front of the National Military Circle, being attended by several dignitaries, through a military and religious…

12:37, 17.09.2017

Ce ciudat! Cum a reacționat Donald Trump după ce Melania l-a introdus la un eveniment | VIDEO

Donald Trump și Melania Trump au atras de mai multe ori în ceea ce privește relația lor. Acum, cuplul prezidențial american a ajuns din nou în atenția presei. De această dată, afirmațiile făcute de liderul de la…

12:17, 29.07.2017

President Iohannis: I urge you to honor National Anthem - catalyst of national and social cohesion

President Klaus Iohannis has sent, on Saturday, a message on the occasion of the Day of the National Anthem of Romania."'The Day of the National Anthem', celebrated every year on July 29, is a solemn moment that…

08:52, 18.04.2017

Melania Trump l-a “înghiontit” pe Donald Trump să ducă mâna la piept în timpul imnului | VIDEO

Familia Trump a găzduit prima “Cursă cu ouă” la Casa Albă , unul dintre cele mai mari evenimente organizate la reședința președintelui Statelor Unite în decursul unui an. Melania Trump a fost în centrul atenției,…

23:12, 02.02.2017

Bucharest Protests: National Anthem chanted in Victoria Square

Most protesters who came to Bucharest's Victoria Square on Thursday evening, in front of the Government seat, have started chanting the National Anthem after 22:00. According to Gendarmerie representatives, approximately…

13:27, 19.06.2014

“Florida Kilos”, a lui Lana del Rey, remixată a ajuns hit!

Lana del Rey este cunoscută în toată lumea pentru vocea ei inconfundabilă. După colaborarea de succes pentru melodia National Anthem, Jay Z face un feat. superb cu artista. Melodia a fost scrisă mai de mult de…

12:02, 18.04.2013

Americanii stiu sa fie solidari! Momente emotionante la primul eveniment sportiv de dupa explozii (VIDEO)

boston Primul eveniment sportiv disputat în Boston, dupa exploziile de la Maraton, a prilejuit un moment emotionant. Pe gheata din Boston, echipa locala, Bruins, a disputat un meci contra celor de Buffalo…

09:44, 18.04.2013

VIDEO EMOŢIONANT » Unitate prin sport! Cum a reacţionat tribuna din Boston la primul eveniment sportiv de după explozii

Primul eveniment sportiv disputat în Boston, după exploziile de la Maraton, a prilejuit un moment emoţionant. Pe gheaţa din Boston, echipa locală, Bruins, a disputat un meci contra celor de Buffalo Sabres, iar…