Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:45, 24.09.2020

Ciolos: Unfortunately, PNL has taken PSD mayors in droves, wholesale

The co-chair of the Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS Alliance) said, on Wednesday, in a press conference, that in northeastern Iasi the Social Democratic Party (PSD)…

17:30, 10.09.2020

Local Elections 2020/Iasi: Minister Alexe informs Afterhills festival will receive money from gov't

The Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests, Costel Alexe, on Thursday informed in a press release that the largest festival held in the Moldavia region, in Iasi, more precisely, named Afterhills, will be financially…

09:26, 07.08.2020

Heatwave, thermal discomfort to grip Romania through Friday

Scorching heat and thermal discomfort will persist throughout Romania today and tomorrow, when highs will go up as much as 37 degrees Celsius, according to the forecast of the National Weather Administration (ANM).…

21:30, 29.07.2020

Lecturi de weekend: Cu prețul vieții

Autor:  Stelian ȚURLEA „Dintre toate experienţele mele din camera preparatorie, cea mai şocantă a fost aceea când oamenii din SS au mutat pacienţii din salonul de sus în camera de gazare de la Birkenau şi au revenit,…

11:40, 28.07.2020

Code Yellow for heat in 21 counties and Bucharest, Wednesday through Thursday

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued a Code Yellow of heat warning on Tuesday, valid on Wednesday and Thursday in 21 counties (out of 41, ed. n.) and in Bucharest.According to the weather forecast,…

16:20, 27.07.2020

Grampet group company buys over industrial platform of RAFO Onesti refinery

The Roserv Oil company, part of the Grampet group, has acquired the industrial platform of the RAFO Onesti refinery as part of a public tender coordinated by CITR, according to a press statement of the insolvency…

11:36, 24.07.2020

Code Yellow for storms in half of Romania, until Sunday evening

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Friday issued two Code Yellow alerts for high atmospheric instability, valid until Sunday evening in more than half of the country. According to the forecast,…

11:03, 22.07.2020

Code Yellow for showers, thunderstorms in 27 counties, today; unstable weather through Friday

The National Weather Administration (ANM) has issued today a Code Yellow warning for temporarily heightened atmospheric instability valid throughout the day in 27 counties, as well as a bad weather advisory covering…

10:39, 21.07.2020

Code Yellow for unstable weather in 19 counties, until Wednesday morning

On Tuesday, the National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued a Code Yellow warning for unstable weather, valid in 19 counties until Wednesday morning. According to meteorologists, between July 21 starting…

13:10, 20.07.2020

Code Orange for heavy showers in 16 counties; Code Yellow for unstable weather in 18 counties

The National Weather Administration (ANM) has issued today a Code Orange warning for heavy showers covering 16 counties throughout today, as well as a Code Yellow for unstable weather warning covering 18 counties.…

18:00, 03.07.2020

AgriMin Oros: Aviation to be used to increase rainfall

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Adrian Oros, said on Friday in Bistrita that aviation will be used to increase rainfall, with the creation of two regional centers in Moldavia and Muntenia. "We…

11:25, 25.06.2020

Code Orange of heavy rainfalls in more than half of Romania until 11.00 pm

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Thursday issued a Code Orange advisory for heavy rainfalls and high atmospheric instability, valid for more than half of the country in the next 13 hours. According…

11:12, 22.06.2020

ANM: Code Orange for storms in more than half of Romania, until Tuesday morning

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Monday issued a Code Orange for storms to be valid until Tuesday morning in more than half of Romania and also a Code Yellow alert for atmospheric instability…

13:13, 17.06.2020

LAPAR: Romania, one of European Union states severely affected by desertification process

Romania is one of the European Union (EU) states severely affected by desertification, the most affected by this phenomenon being the south of the Romanian Plain, Dobrogea and southern Moldavia, draws the attention…

15:25, 16.06.2020

Wizz Air announces a new operational base in Bacau; 12 new routes as of October

Wizz Air, the low-cost carrier will earmark, as of 29 October 2020, two Airbus A320 aircraft on the airport in Bacau, where it will locate its 31st base and will launch from this location 12 new routes to six countries,…

11:09, 10.06.2020

Code Yellow of storm in 32 counties, until Thursday morning; unstable weather in the next 3 days

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued, on Wednesday, a new Code Yellow alert of atmospheric instability, valid until Thursday morning in 32 counties, a bad weather alert, respectively, targeting…

11:12, 30.04.2020

Torrential rain, storms to grip 12 counties on Thursday; changing weather from May 1

The National Weather Administration (ANM) issued on Thursday a code yellow warning of showers, storms and thunderstorms valid for 12 counties in Moldavia, Dobrogea and Muntenia today, starting at 13:00hrs. According…

13:23, 26.04.2020

Prince Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza, historian and diplomat, dies in Paris, aged 86

Prince Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza, historian and diplomat, died in Paris at the age of 86, Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) Director General Filip-Lucian Iorga-Barbulescu announced on Saturday evening on his Facebook…

16:27, 24.04.2020

ANM: Code Yellow advisory for wind in 31 counties on Saturday

The National Weather Administration (ANM) on Friday issued a Code Yellow advisory for wind gusts valid on Saturday in 31 counties. According to the meteorologists, on Saturday, between 10 and 23 hours, there will…

13:48, 24.03.2020

Blizzard, moderate snowfall until Thursday night in most Romanian counties

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) on Tuesday issued a new Code Yellow warning of strong wind, targeting in a first stage almost three-quarters of the country, respectively a new Code Orange warning…

07:46, 23.03.2020

EXCLUSIV! Noi spații de carantină amenajate la Pensiunea Ellero, Hotel EMD, Moldavia și Speedpark. Cât costă cazarea suspecților de coronavirus

Dacă la începutul crizei provocate de coronavirus hotelierii băcăuani se fereau să își ofere spațiile de cazare pentru eventualele cazuri de carantină, acum au ajuns să facă solicitări la autorități pentru a intra…

22:40, 17.02.2020

230 de ani de la aparitia primului ziar din spatiul romanesc - Courier de Moldavie

Recenta participare a unei echipe a cotidianului ZIUA de Constanta la vernisajul expozitiei "191 de ani de presa romaneasca", ce a avut loc la Biblioteca Academiei Romane, ne ofera ocazia de a reveni asupra istoriei…

13:49, 13.02.2020

Biblioteca Academiei a sărbătorit printr-o expoziție cei ​191 de ani de presă românească. Poate că un efort mai consistent în direcția digitalizării colecțiilor…

​Expoziţia de publicaţii cu titlul "Din lumea presei româneşti - 191 de ani", care arată modul în care presa românească a reflectat momente decisive din istoria românilor şi transformarea…

14:51, 06.02.2020

Code Orange for blizzard in 18 counties; Code Yellow, advisories for strong wind, snow

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) updated on Thursday the Code Orange advisory for sustained wind intensifications and blizzard scattering the snow in 18 counties, and issued another two Code Yellow…

17:34, 14.01.2020

Cotroceni National Museum - to open its gates on Jan 24

The Cotroceni National Museum will open its gates for guests on January 24, on the occasion of the 161st anniversary of the Union of Moldavia with Wallachia, under the rule of Alexandru Ioan-Cuza, informs a press…

11:49, 06.01.2020

IntMin Vela: Four new SMURD helicopters will be operated by experienced pilots, called in from reserve

Four new Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD) helicopters will be operated by experienced pilots, called in from reserve, Interior Minister Marcel Vela has announced on Monday, in…

10:45, 06.01.2020

ANM issues Code Yellow advisory for strong winds for 19 counties,valid until Monday, at 22:00hrs

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) has issued a Code Yellow advisory for strong winds reaching speeds of 55 - 65 km/h, valid until 22:00hrs for the Dobrogea area, the eastern half of Muntenia and…

18:46, 05.10.2019

President Iohannis in Iasi; representatives of two associations asked him to further endorse the project of A8 motorway

Upon arriving on Saturday at the Agora Conference Center in Iasi, President Klaus Iohannis was welcomed by representatives of the "Moldavia wants Motorway" and "Together for A8" associations. Displaying a banner…

22:27, 22.09.2019

Vutcani – o fãclie moldavã

SÃRBÃTOARE…La începutul acestei luni, la poligonul din Delea, a avut loc un eveniment cu o mare încãrcãturã emotionalã, care a ajuns în anul 2019 la editia a VI-a. Fii ai comunei Vutcani, de toate vârstele, rãspânditi…

17:17, 30.07.2019

Iohannis: Ploiesti - Brasov motorway project, national interest strategic objective

President Klaus Iohannis announced that in the Supreme Council for National Defence (CSAT) meeting on Tuesday it was approved that the project of the Ploiesti - Brasov motorway be declared a national strategic…