Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:27, 23.07.2019

Code Yellow of atmospheric instability in 22 counties and Bucharest, until 23:00hrs

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued on Tuesday a Code Yellow advisory of atmospheric instability, valid until 23:00hrs, in 22 counties and Bucharest.  According to meteorologists, between 12:00hrs…

11:47, 02.07.2019

Yellow Code for storms in 14 counties on Tuesday, heatwave, thermal discomfort in most regions

Meteorologists issued a Yellow Code for storms for 14 counties in the northern half of the country where atmospheric instability will be high on Tuesday.  According to the National Meteorological Administration…

19:42, 17.06.2019

INHGA: Code Orange for flood on rivers in Moldavia and Transylvania until Tuesday morning

The National Hydrology and Water Management Institute (INHGA) on Monday issued code orange flood advisories comprising several hydrographic basins in Transylvania and Moldavia.According to hydrologists, until Thursday.…

14:46, 08.06.2019

Code Orange for showers in 11 counties, Code Yellow for instability in 20 counties, Bucharest; bad weather

The National Weather Administration (ANM) issued on Saturday a Code Orange warning for high atmosphere instability, valid in the next ten hours in 11 counties, and a Code Yellow for the same phenomena in 20 counties…

09:14, 01.06.2019

June 1 in history: 1996 - Romania becomes a full member of the Central European Initiative

1829 - Albina Romaneasca (Romanian Bee) biweekly magazine is released in Iasi, the first Romanian newspaper in Moldavia.1946 - Marshal Ion Antonescu, head of state between 1940 and 1944, was executed in the Jilava…

09:40, 30.05.2019

Acesta este traseul Camino de Santiago - varianta moldavă, care începe din Iași

Acest pelerinaj se poate face pe jos, cu bicicleta sau chiar cu calul si urmareste identificarea reperelor istorice ale cultului în cinstea Sfântului Iacob cel Mare în spatiul actual al României, mai ales în zonele…

22:08, 18.04.2019

PSD's Dragnea: 'Moldavia, lied to, exploited from an electoral perspective so far, not helped'

Moldavia has not been helped so far, but only "lied to and exploited from an electoral perspective", Liviu Dragnea (chairman of the Social Democratic Party, PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) said at Thursday's electoral…

08:56, 09.04.2019

Iata cum au votat Vasluienii in campania “Alege Prioritatile Orasului Tau”

Banca Mondiala, in parteneriat cu Federatia Zonelor Metropolitane si Aglomerarilor Urbane din Romania si cu sprijinul autoritatilor publice subnationale, a identificat o serie de proiecte prioritare cu impact metropolitan…

19:14, 05.04.2019


Un clasament al prioritatilor investitiilor pentru zona urbana IASI, a fost realizat de compania WORLD BANK GROUP. Clasamentul a fost realizat, pe baza unui chestionar on-line,realizat la nivel national si centralizat…

17:13, 15.03.2019

Commissioner Cretu: Funds can be provided for feasibility study of Moldavia motorway upon official request

European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said on Friday that a feasibility study for the construction of the Moldavia motorway could be funded by the European Commission under the current financial…

20:43, 13.02.2019

ALDE's Vosganian: As a first, there was no question of pensions being too low

Floor leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) deputies Varujan Vosganian said on Wednesday that, for the first time within the debates on the budget law, the issue of too little money for salaries…

10:14, 23.01.2019

Primăria Municipiului Vaslui invită cetățenii să se implice în demersul de ierarhizare a proiectelor prioritare pentru Zona Metropolitană Vaslui

Federația Zonelor Metropolitane și Aglomerărilor Urbane din România (FZMAUR) a încheiat un Banca Mondială un parteneriat, de identificare, în scopul prioritizării, de către autoritățile locale, a posibilelor viitoare…

14:18, 21.12.2018

Centennial of Romanian press, celebrated at Palace of the Patriarchate

A centenary of Romanian press was celebrated on Thursday, at a gala, at the Palace of the Patriarchate, where academician Eugen Simion, head of the Department of Literature and Philology with the Romanian Academy…

12:55, 04.12.2018

First Rabbi Rafael Shaffer, at reinauguration of Great Synagogue: Iasi enjoys fruits of tolerance of its ancestors

More than 100 people took part on Monday evening in the reinauguration ceremony of the oldest Mosaic worship center in Romania, the Great Synagogue in Iasi, a historical monument built in the 17th century.The event…

16:13, 07.10.2018

#FamilyReferendum. Metropolitan Teofan: 'If people don't go in enough number to vote, we deserve our fate'

The Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina, Teofan, expressed fear toward a possible invalidation of the referendum for the redefinition of the family, following the vote absenteeism. IPS Teofan told AGERPRES that…

13:31, 01.10.2018

President Klaus Iohannis supports need for building motorway to link Moldavia with Bucharest

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Monday voiced his support in Bucharest for the need for building a motorway to link Moldavia with Bucharest.  He stated, on the occasion of the opening of the new university…

13:32, 24.01.2018

Te Deum in memory of the founders of Romanian Principalities Union at Patriarchal Cathedral

A Te Deum in memory of the founders of the Romanian Principalities Union was delivered on Wednesday at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest.  Ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza, metropolitans Nifon of Wallachia and Sofronie…

13:44, 19.01.2018

Suspended classes in 38 school units due to bad weather

Classes are suspended on Friday due to bad weather conditions in 38 school units throughout the counties of Galati, Iasi, Tulcea, Constanta and Prahova (first four with the eastern province of Moldavia, last one…

12:52, 13.10.2017

„GUTUIA DE AUR – LE COING D’ OR” – 2017, ediția a XI-a Concurs pentru tinerii francofoni din Republica Moldova

Les reseaux sociaux: avantages et inconvénients pour moi-meme (Rețelele sociale – avantaje și inconveniențe personale) – aceasta este tema propusă pentru ediţia curentă, a XI-a, concursului pentru tinerii francofoni…

00:19, 05.09.2017

O soluție: introduceți taxa pe prostie!

Cea mai simplă metodă de a scăpa din criză sau de a face rost de bani este aceea de a mări taxele şi impozitele cetăţenilor. Că nu există nimic nou sub Soare şi că istoria se repetă ne demonstrează şi consulul…

13:52, 19.08.2017

Bătaie cu apă în Piața Unirii pentru promovarea unui festival: GFest

Festivalul GFest va avea loc între 25 si 27 august la Casa Pogor. Dar înainte va avea loc un eveniment de promovare a acestui festival, si anume „Bataia cu apa". Manifestarea este organizata de Asociatia Culturala…

16:32, 25.03.2017

Poetul inginer de la Bălțătești

Constantin Boca este la al treilea volum de versuri și, totodată, dă indicații pe șantierele firmei Conest, în calitate de inginer. De loc din satul Deleni, județul Iași, poetul inginer s-a stabilit din 2007, profesional…

13:14, 04.03.2017

Cutremurul din 1977 şi pagubele produse Buzăului. Amintirile unui îndrăgit artist buzoian despre marele dezastru

  Seismul din data de 4 martie 1977 s-a produs la ora 21:22:22., a avut o magnitudine de 7,2 pe Richter şi o durată de circa 55 de secunde. A avut efecte devastatoare asupra României, peste 1.570 de decese…

19:07, 14.01.2017

BACAU: O AVARIE MAJORA a lasat urbea moldava fara APA POTABILA

Localnicii din municipiul Bacau nu au apa potabila si apa calda, sambata, din cauza unei avarii la conducta care alimenteaza orasul. Primaria va distribui apa imbuteliata oamenilor si va propune Inspectoratului…

13:58, 05.01.2017

CURS BNR: Euro coboară la 4,51 lei după învestirea Guvernului Grindeanu

CURS BNR. Miercuri, BNR a afişat un curs de 4,5182 lei/euro. "În contextul în care noul guvern a depus jurământul ieri seară, mediul politic intern s-a mai calmat şi există tendinţe regionale favorabile, moneda…

11:57, 27.12.2016

A History of the Florescu’s: The Turbulent Century

After the achievement of the unification of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1859, followed by their emergence as a sovereign state in 1878, it was only natural for many Romanians to start thinking about their compatriots…

15:44, 14.10.2016

Tens of thousands of pilgrims praz at the holy relics of St. Paraskeva in Iasi City

Tens of thousands of people on Thursday came to the Metropolitan Church of Moldavia and Bucovina to pray at the reliquary with the relics of pious St. Paraskeva, says a release by the Gendarme Mobile Squad of Bacau.

13:17, 22.09.2016

Living in Byzantium after Byzantium - The Florescu family in 17th and 18th Century Wallachia

The “Phanariot period”, which lasted just over a century from 1715 to 1821 in Wallachia, has often been portrayed as a clear break from the past, due to the Ottomans’ decision, after the reigns of Constantin Brancoveanu…

12:08, 18.08.2016

BACAU: LOCUITORII din urbea moldava nu mai au APA POTABILA de cateva zile

Locuitorii din BACAU nu au APA POTABILA de aproape trei zile, dupa ce pe magistrala care alimenteaza orasul a aparut o noua avarie. Defectiunea a aparut la scurt timp dupa ce a fost reparata cea care a cauzat intreruperea…

10:17, 13.08.2016


Basarabia de Sud a cunoscut în perioada interbelică o frământare literară deosebită. A existat o grupare literară la Cetatea Albă, una la Ismail, dar cea mai importantă a activat la Bolgrad. Aici au…