Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:25, 24.06.2024

Unaccompanied minors or without supporting documents, Romanian citizens with annulled documents, identified at airports

Unaccompanied minors or without supporting documents, Romanian citizens with annulled documents, identified at airports

Last week, Border Police teams carried out more than 33,000 checks in the eDAC application, and during the checks carried out at airports they discovered several citizens who tried to leave the country, although…

15:20, 13.06.2023

USR, manoeuvres to delay anti-rape law that would combat sexual exploitation of minors

At a time when Romania is facing a serious problem in the field of trafficking in human beings, a situation highlighted in numerous international and US State Department reports, the USR party is delaying the adoption…

16:50, 22.05.2023

Romanian Police, U.S. Embassy cooperate on national campaign to prevent minors from intentionally going missing

The Romanian Police and the Kid's Hotline Association, with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest, kicked off a national campaign to prevent minors from intentionally going missing, respectively to reverse…

10:21, 21.03.2023

Statistical reports until 2021 show 20 pct annual increase in number of minor rape victims (magistrate)

Statistical reports until 2021 inclusively reveal that every year the number of minor rape victims increases by a fifth, judge Cristi Danilet on Monday told a World Vision Romania webinar on the sexual abuse of…

15:00, 01.09.2022

180 NGOs demand for a 16-year limit for valid consent in sexual relations with minors

As many as 180 nongovernmental organizations demand the deputies, in an open letter, to introduce into the law the age limit of 16 years for valid consent in the case of sexual relations with minors, a release…

17:46, 11.07.2022

COVID-19 testing clinics for minors to open in Bucharest City

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila told a news conference on Monday that COVID-19 testing clinics for minors will open in Bucharest City in a week or two. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

19:20, 21.12.2021

25 hearing rooms for minors, to be set up in courts

The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) signed on Tuesday an addenda to the financing contract related to the project "Professional training and capacity building at the level of the judiciary", carried out in…

08:46, 17.12.2021

15-year-old minor, detained in case of Constanta block fire

One of the two minors suspected of causing the fire in the underground parking lot of the building in Constanta, which was later completely caught by the fire, was detained for 24 hours, Constanta County Police…

11:55, 19.10.2021

Border police catch two westbound Afghan families that illegally crossed the Danube by boat

Two Afghan families consisting of four adults and five minors, including a one-year-old baby, were caught by the Moldova Veche border police on the Romanian side of the Danube, as they crossed the river in an inflatable…

16:20, 29.07.2021

JusMin supports setting up of inquiry chambers for minors at every prosecutor's office

A working group set up at the level of the Ministry of Justice analyzes with priority the practice of courts and prosecutor's offices in cases of sexual offences with minor victims, one of the proposed solutions…

10:01, 16.07.2021

Car collision on A2 motoway/17 casualties, including 5 minors

A number of 17 people, including five minors, were injured, on Friday, following the car collision on the southeast A2 motorway Bucharest - Constanta, in the area of Medgidia municipality, the General Inspectorate…

14:40, 22.06.2021

Prime Minister Florin Citu: More than 98,000 minors aged between 12 and 17 have been immunized to date

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Tuesday that, according to data obtained so far, as many as 98,134 minors aged between 12 and 17 have been immunized against COVID-19, specifying that parents and guardians are…

19:45, 03.06.2021

PNL's Gorghiu: Safety of minors is a priority for current majority

PNL (National Liberal Party Senator Alina Gorghiu has said that the Chamber of Deputies voted on Thursday the imprescription of serious crimes such as slavery, trafficking in human beings and minors, pimping, sexual…

20:15, 12.04.2021

Criminal Code, amended: trafficking in human beings, minors and child pornography - imprescriptible crimes

The Senate adopted, on Monday, in plenary, unanimously, with 134 votes "in favour", as the first notified Chamber, the legislative proposal to amend the Criminal Code according to which slavery (art. 209), trafficking…

16:15, 04.06.2020

Three minors investigated for terrorism; Henri Coanda airport among the targets

Three minors are being investigated for committing terrorist acts and participating in terrorist threats, one of their targets being the Henri Coanda Airport in Bucharest. The offenders belong to a group of young…

11:42, 18.03.2020

DSU: Average age of patients with COVID-19 is 41; 50pct women, 45pct men, 5pct minors

Of the 246 persons diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, 5 pct are minors, 50 pct are women, 45 pct are men, a statistical analysis provided by the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU) shows.The average age…

16:28, 08.01.2018

Suspect heard by Police in case of sexual assault of two minors

Policemen caught on Monday a 45-year-old man, suspect in the case of sexual assault of the two minors that occurred on 5 January 2018.  "Currently, at the Bucharest Police headquarters, a possible suspect of the…

13:43, 03.04.2017

Mastercard lansează ghidul „Plăți Mai Sigure Pentru Copii”

 Mastercard şi Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) lansează un ghid de ultimă oră cu privire la produsele de banking și plăți pentru minori. Unic prin abordarea sa, ghidul “Plăţi mai sigure…

16:38, 04.03.2016

Convicted for sexual relations with minors, Guru Bivolaru asks no to be extradited to Romania

Gregorian Biovolaru won’t come to Romania. The MISA leader has asked the French authorities to release him under judicial control and most of all not to extradite him to Romania. Bivolaru will find out if judges…

14:32, 08.01.2016

Romanian arrested on child pornography charges

The owner of a transport company in Cluj has been arrested under charges of child pornography, recruitment of underage sex workers and sex trafficking of minors. For more than four years, Robert Tiberiu Man allegedly…

12:18, 22.06.2013

Mergeți la Jazz in the Park? Ce concerte vor fi sâmbătă și la cât începe Marea Hămăceală - FOTO

Parcul central din Cluj-Napoca a fost luat cu asalt de iubitorii de muzică de jazz, dar și de cei care vor să se relaxeze pe iarbă. Sâmbătă, 22 iunie, vor fi concerte: Gabriela Costa&Alex Man,…

18:26, 19.06.2013

Jazz in the Parc readuce și Marea Hamaceală în Parcul Central. Citește amănunte

Festivalul Jazz in the Park va avea deschiderea oficială vineri, de la ora 19.00. O orchestră compusă din artiști ai Academiei de Muzică &"Gheorghe Dima&" din Cluj-Napoca, Big Dimm A'Band, va inaugura seria de…

13:54, 14.06.2013

Festivalul Jazz in The Park weekend-ul viitor. Vezi aici programul complet

Festivalul Jazz in the Park va începe vineri, 21 iunie, iar Parcul Central din Cluj-Napoca fi gazda a 20 de artiști, Jazz & Wine Bar, târguri vintage, de carte și de antichități, hamace, expoziții…

16:24, 11.06.2013

Jazz in the Park - Program complet. Vor fi 20 de concerte pe aleile Parcului Central

Festivalul Jazz in the Park se va desfășura la Cluj-Napoca, în Parcul Central, după un concept importat din America. Vor fi 20 de concerte pe scenele de pe aleea principală, foișor și clădirea Casino.Vor…