Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:55, 28.06.2024

Police to mandatorily test certain motorists for alcohol or psychoactive substances

Police to mandatorily test certain motorists for alcohol or psychoactive substances

The police will mandatorily test certain motorists for consuming alcohol or psychoactive substances, according to an Emergency Ordinance for the amendment and completion of some normative acts in order to increase…

09:11, 13.05.2024

Handbalistele de la Gloria Bistrița-Năsăud, vicecampioane europene, după finala EHF European League

Handbalistele de la Gloria Bistrița-Năsăud, vicecampioane europene, după finala EHF European League

Echipa de handbal Gloria 2018 Bistrița-Năsăud a jucat ieri seară finala EHF European League. După un final de meci de infarct, handbalistele din Bistrița au pierdut finala EHF European League fața sportivelor de…

10:20, 04.03.2024

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 128.73 billion as of end-January

The assets held by Romania's privately-managed pension system (Pillar II) stood at RON 128.73 billion end-January 2024, up 28.5 Year-over-Year, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) reports. "To an extent of…

13:20, 23.01.2024

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 121.56 bln as of end-November

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at RON 121.56 bln as of end-NovemberTotal assets held by Romania's privately-managed pension system (Pillar II) stood at RON 121.56 billion as of end-November…

22:10, 19.01.2024

PM Ciolacu welcomes Financial Supervisory Authority's decision on mandatory vehicle insurance for hauliers

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Friday welcomed the decision of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) Council through which hauliers will have access to a "reasonable" premium rate in the case of mandatory…

20:00, 29.12.2023

Changes to law on mandatory insurance: electric scooters, bicycles - must be insured

The Government approved on Friday a draft law regarding the mandatory car insurance, which stipulates, among other things, that electric scooters and bicycles must be insured, and the vehicles temporarily or permanently…

19:45, 19.12.2023

Extending capping of mandatory civil liability car insurance puts huge pressure on insurers (UNSAR)

Extending the capping of the mandatory civil liability car insurance (RCA) puts huge pressure on insurers, increasing the risk of other players leaving a market that has only six companies authorized and regulated…

17:55, 17.11.2023

NATO's Geoana: Aerostar is mandatory support point for large aeronautical and aerospace industry cluster

NATO's Geoana: Aerostar is mandatory support point for large aeronautical and aerospace industry clusterAerostar Bacau is a mandatory support point for a large aeronautical and aerospace industry cluster, the Deputy…

18:30, 26.09.2023

Within coalition, no amendment was discussed regarding changes to mandatory pensions Pillar II (PM)

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu stated, on Tuesday, before the Government meeting, that no amendment was discussed within the governing coalition to modify Pillar II of mandatory pensions.In this sense, the head…

22:25, 07.08.2023

Ministry of Health says 2030 strategy establishes vaccination not mandatory

The Ministry of Health (MS) informs, on Monday, that the draft government decision on the national vaccination strategy in Romania until 2030, which was put up for public debate the other day, does not impose mandatory…

09:20, 21.07.2023

Pași mari spre adevăr! Simona Halep pare tot mai aproape de revenirea în tenis

Simona Halep este tot mai aproape să afle verdictul în cazul de dopaj. Acceptul primit pe lista preliminară de la US Open, precum și un pasaj din regulamentul WTA îi dau speranțe, informează freelancer-ul Daniel…

12:45, 20.07.2023

Environment Ministry: About half of Romanians do not know that separate waste collection is mandatory

Environment Ministry: About half of Romanians do not know that separate waste collection is mandatory. Approximately half of Romanians do not know that they are required to collect waste separately and say they…

15:45, 10.07.2023

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at 107.43 bln RON this May

Total assets held by Romania's privately-managed pension system stood at 107.43 billion RON as of end-May, up 22 percent YoY, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) reports.To an extent of 91 percent, investments…

11:40, 09.05.2023

PSD's Ciolacu: We signed amendments that make it mandatory for at least 30pct of the candidates to be women

PSD's Ciolacu: We signed amendments that make it mandatory for at least 30pct of the candidates to be women.Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu announced that he signed on Tuesday the amendments…

12:26, 23.03.2023

Hauliers' assoc: State authority wants mandatory car insurance price capping at 2022 highest price

The Confederation of Authorized Operators and Carriers of Romania (COTAR) requests the rejection of the project regarding the capping of the mandatory car insurance (RCA) tariffs, on the grounds that this freeze…

11:10, 16.03.2023

Court to consider challenge to law on mandatory monthly report of agricultural produce stockpiles

The Constitutional Court of Romania will consider today a challenge filed by the Save Romania Union (USR) and the Right Force (FD) against a law mandating agricultural producers to report their monthly stockpiles…

08:56, 06.03.2023

Mandatory private pension funds reach assets of 100.17 billion RON in January

Mandatory private pension funds (Pillar II) had assets worth 100.17 billion RON at the end of January, up by 11.75% compared to the level recorded at the same date in 2022, according to the statistics of the Financial…

14:50, 08.01.2023

Kraken, subvarianta XBB.1.5 de coronavirus, se răspândeşte mai rapid faţă de tulpinile Omicron dominante în prezent

Subvarianta XBB.1.5 de coronavirus, numită şi Kraken, se răspândeşte mai rapid faţă de tulpinile Omicron dominante în prezent, potrivit Agenţiei UE de control al bolilor, scrie Politico. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

14:50, 08.01.2023

Mandatory private pension funds reach assets of 95.62 billion RON in November

Mandatory private pension funds (Pillar II) had assets worth 95.62 billion RON, at the end of November 2022, an increase of 11 pct compared to the level recorded on the same date in 2021, according to the statistics…

14:11, 27.09.2022

Minister Firea: Ordinance on women's mandatory presence in state enterprises boards, shortly on the Government's table

The emergency ordinance (OUG) based on which women's presence shall be mandatory in the administration boards of state-owned enterprises will soon get on the Government's table, Minister of family, youth and equal…

09:00, 22.09.2022

UDMR's Kelemen: Energy saving in homes can be recommended, making it mandatory is difficult

Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor, leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), says that household consumers cannot be forced to save energy in their own homes, they can only be recommended to…

15:26, 27.06.2022

EU countries adopt mandatory gas storage amid Russia’s cuts

European Union countries agreed on Monday that all natural gas storage in the 27-nation bloc should be topped up to at least 80% capacity for next winter as they prepare for the possibility of Russia further reducing…

20:41, 07.06.2022

EU agrees to make common charger mandatory for Apple iPhones and other devices

EU countries and EU lawmakers on Tuesday agreed to a single mobile charging port for mobile phones, tablets and cameras, according to CNBC. The European Commission is going to force smartphone manufacturers like…

11:51, 30.05.2022

EduMin Cimpeanu: Semester averages, mandatory mid-term examinations, to be dropped

Minister of Education Sorin Cimpeanu announced on Monday that the semester averages, mandatory mid-term examinations will be dropped and only one general average will be required at the end of the school year,…

19:00, 12.05.2022

Ciuca: Establishing ANDIS, mandatory, in order to build hospitals

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca declared on Thursday that at the level of the Ministry of Health it is mandatory to establish the Health Infrastructure Development Agency (ANDIS), in order to start building new hospitals…

23:46, 28.04.2022

Legislative proposal on introduction of mandatory contributions for companies affects market principles (FIC)

The legislative proposal on the introduction of mandatory contribution for economic actors affects market principles and restricts the principle of free association, according to the representatives of the Foreign…

15:05, 25.03.2022

Pensioners request pension increase by 13% and abolishment of Pillar II mandatory private pension fund

Pensioners are requesting the Government to increase pensions by 13% until September, due to the accelerated price increase, the chairman of Romania's National Pensioners Federation (FNPR), Preda Nedelcu, declared…

15:01, 13.03.2022

Assets of privately managed mandatory pension funds at 89.63 bln RON, up 15 pct, in January

Mandatory private pension funds had assets worth 89.63 billion RON at the end of January 2022, up 15% from the level recorded on January 31, 2021, shows data of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF). Fii la…

15:40, 09.03.2022

COVID-19, negative test no longer mandatory to enter Romania, PLF remains in force

People entering Romania no longer have to produce a COVID-19 digital green certificate or the negative result of a test for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus, spokesperson for the Romanian government Dan Carbunaru…

14:10, 22.02.2022

Safety glass mandatory for taxis, according to European standards

Taxis will have to have safety glass, according to European standards, otherwise they will not obtain the Romanian Automotive Register (RAR) product certification, according to the draft law for the amendment of…