Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:36, 16.09.2019

Letter of Understanding with IBRD on down payment destined to Justice District submitted to Parliament for ratification

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Monday the decree regarding the submission to Parliament for the ratification of the Letter of Understanding between Romania and the International Bank for Reconstruction and…

14:14, 24.06.2019

More than 600 members of the PNL Bucharest organization, letter for Rareş Bogdan: calls for him to take the lead / DOCUMENT

More than 600 members of PNL Bucharest, from all the party's statutory forums, sent an open letter to MEP Rareş Bogdan asking him to take over the leadership of PNL Bucharest. The President of PNL Bucharest is…

20:40, 12.06.2019

President Iohannis writes EU leaders a letter on situation in Republic of Moldova

President Klaus Iohannis this Wednesday sent President of the European Council Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker a letter regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova, the…

19:46, 16.05.2019

Corina Cretu: No vote in College of Commissioners to send letter on behalf of European Commission to warn Romania

European Commissioner Corina Cretu said on Thursday that here was no vote in the College of Commissioners to send a letter on behalf of the European Commission to warn Romania about the changes to the laws of justice,…

18:23, 16.05.2019

PSD's Dragnea on European Commission warning letter: Corina Cretu has voted against Romania

Chairman of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea said on Thursday that if the College of Commissioners has unanimously voted on the letter whereby the European Commission warns Romania about the…

18:03, 16.05.2019

ECB asks Romanian authorities to consult it on future bills related to the National Bank of Romania

The European Central Bank (ECB) has recently sent Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea a letter cautioning that the national authorities are required to consult the ECB on the legislative proposals…

20:32, 15.05.2019

In letters to PM Dancila, President Iohannis says ministerial picks lack necessary expertise

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday sent Prime Minister Viorica Dancila the letters on PM's picks for justice minister, minister for Romanians abroad and minister of European funds - Eugen Nicolicea, Liviu-Tit…

17:12, 15.05.2019

PM Dancila calls Timmermans's letter inappropriate politicking

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Wednesday that it is inappropriate for the first Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans to send a new letter to Romania two weeks before the elections…

10:07, 14.05.2019

PSD's Dragnea on letter from Timmermans: None of the articles in law adopted by Parliament are unconstitutional

Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber Liviu Dragnea has stated that none of the articles recently adopted by Parliament in the justice laws violates "such principles or existing articles of the Criminal Codes" in the…

18:16, 24.04.2019

UDMR urges PM Dancila to look into two-billion euro transfer to regional operational programme

The Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) has sent a letter to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila asking for an analysis to be made into the reapportionment of 2 billion euros to operational programme regional…

17:26, 14.03.2019

UNI-MEI global unions urge Romanian national television CEO Gradea be dismissed

UNI Europa organisation of artists and creators, UNI-MEI, is voicing solidarity with members of the MediaSind trade union at the Romanian National Television Broadcasting Corporation (SRTV) who demand the urgent…

20:57, 08.03.2019

Tajani sends Ciamba notification letter that L.C.Kovesi is EP candidate for position of European Chief Prosecutor

President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani on Friday sent George Ciamba, Romanian Minister-delegate of European Affairs and President-in-Office of the Council of the EU, the official letter announcing…

17:24, 07.03.2019

Gov't assumes letter sent by JusMin Toader to Financial Times, says Deputy PM Suciu

The Romanian Government assumes the letter sent by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader to the Financial Times, Deputy Prime Minister Daniel Suciu on Thursday told a press conference at the ruling Social Democratic…

17:07, 07.03.2019

Reacția DNA la scrisoarea trimisă de ministrul Justiției către Financial Times împotriva lui Kovesi

Direcția Națională Anticorupție a transmis publicației Financial Times o adresă prin care rectifică unele informații transmise de Tudorel Toader, într-o scrisoare adresată aceleiași publicații. Șeful interimar…

17:38, 25.02.2019

PNL to send letter to PACE asking for notification of Venice Commission on ordinance on justice

National Liberal Party (PNL) on Monday decided at the meeting of the Executive Bureau on the content of the letter to be sent to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), in which it asked for…

13:47, 21.02.2019

Opposition USR draws letters to European institutions complaining about justice legislation amendments

The opposition Save Romania Union (USR) has prepared letters to the European institutions complaining about government emergency ordinance 7/2019 amending justice legislation, USR national leader Dan Barna said…

11:25, 07.02.2019

President Iohannis rejects Lia Olguta Vasilescu's appointment as Minister of Development

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday sent a letter to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila informing her of his decision to reject the appointment of Lia Olguta Vasilescu as Deputy PM, Minister of Regional Development…

13:06, 29.01.2019

FOTO | Cum a ajuns o vilă în valoare de 1.7 milioane de dolari să fie vândută cu 25 de dolari

Vila aflată în Calgary, regiunea Alberta, Canada, este deținută de Alla Wagner, o femeie care, din cauza problemelor mari de sănătate, a decis să își ofere casa drept premiu pentru un concurs de eseuri.  Femeia…

13:19, 21.01.2019

PM sends letter to President, proposing Vasilescu and Draghici as Development and Transport ministers again

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Monday sent a letter to President Klaus Iohannis asking him again to issue the presidential decrees by which Lia Olguta-Vasilescu to be appointed Deputy PM, Minister of Regional…

12:57, 09.01.2019

President Iohannis, letter to JusMin Toader: Arguments for rejecting Adina Florea appointment still there

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday sent a letter to Justice Minister Tudorel Toader, in reply to the request to reassess the proposal for appointing Adina Florea as National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA)…

07:12, 19.12.2018

Preliminarii la dispariția unei națiuni

Serial documentar - România şi românii 1. Extincţia populaţiei. Emigrare masivă, forţată de slăbirea rapidă şi dramatică a economiei naţionale şi de existenţa unei săracii care plasează România pe locul doi în…

09:57, 14.11.2018

ALDE's Tariceanu: EP resolution - totally unbalanced, I am profoundly disappointed; I will send a letter to European ALDE group

The European Parliament's resolution on Romania analyses a series of events, from an eminently political perspective, without a balanced documentation, without a single mention to the official standpoint of the…

14:14, 07.11.2018

Chief justice Tarcea: Top court in unprecedented situation of explaining why adhered to letter & spirit of law

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) is in an "unprecedented situation" where it has to explain why it applied the law "in both its letter and spirit," top court President Cristina Tarcea said during…

14:18, 10.10.2018

Lawyer says OLAF letter shows DNA investigation against Liviu Dragnea is evidence-less

The High Court of Cassation and Justice on Wednesday ruled on a challenge filed by Social Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea, asking for the lift of the warrants of distraint ordered by the National Anti-Corruption…

16:58, 07.10.2018

Noted historian, literary critic, theoretician Paul Cornea passes away at 94

Literary historian and critic Paul Cornea passed away on Sunday at 94 years old, the National Museum of the Romanian Literature (MNLR) announces in a release sent to AGERPRES. Paul Cornea was born on 3 November…

18:24, 19.09.2018

Dragnea on PSD leaders' letter:I understand that we must allign with Iohannis, SRI, SPP, DNA

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea mocked on Wednesday the letter in which leaders of the party request his resignation as leader of the party and as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. …

15:52, 19.09.2018

MEP Ivan: Open letter for Dragnea's resignation shows that PSD can no longer be reformed

The open letter that requests "the immediate resignation" of Liviu Dragnea as chairman of the Social-Democratic Party and as Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, signed by three PSD party leaders, shows in fact…

20:28, 17.09.2018

3SeasInitiative: Documents for the fathering of Chambers of Commerce network, Investment Fund inked Monday

The officials of the Three Seas Initiative platform have inked on Monday at the Business Forum at Romexpo in northern Bucharest, the Joint Declaration on the fathering of the Chambers of Commerce network of the…

21:04, 28.08.2018

ALDE's Tariceanu: I find Giuliani's letter very useful

National leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), minor at rule, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, also chairman of the Romanian Senate, said on Tuesday that Rudolph Giuliani's letter was welcomed, arguing…

13:56, 28.08.2018

US Embassy's reaction to Giuliani's letter: US government does not comment on individual opinions

The Government of the United States of America does not comment on the opinions or conclusions of individuals, American citizens, said spokesman of the US Embassy in Bucharest Donald L. Caroll in connection with…