Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:11, 11.02.2021

Bruce Springsteen, pus sub acuzare pentru că a fost prins conducând băut

Muzicianul american Bruce Springsteen, 71 de ani, a fost reținut în New Jersey, SUA, pe 14 noiembrie 2020, după ce a fost prins băut la volan şi acum fost pus sub acuzare, au confirmat autorităţile. Artistul urmează…

14:25, 18.01.2021

Conductor Ion Marin becomes Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of French Republic

Conductor Ion Marin received the distinction of Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of the French Republic, according to the press office of the National Chamber Choir "Madrigal - Marin Constantin," quoting…

18:26, 13.01.2021

Guvernul a transmis Parlamentului proiectul de lege pentru realizarea ”Capabilităţii de luptă împotriva navelor de suprafaţă”/ Valoarea estimată a proiectului…

”Textul proiectului de lege prevede ca, pentru realizarea acestei capabilităţi, Guvernul României să atribuie Guvernului Statelor Unite ale Americii contracte de tip Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA), specifice…

18:15, 13.01.2021

MApN: Guvernul a transmis Parlamentului proiectul de lege pentru realizarea Capabilitatii de lupta impotriva navelor de suprafata

Textul proiectului de lege prevede ca, pentru realizarea acestei capabilitati, Guvernul Romaniei sa atribuie Guvernului Statelor Unite ale Americii contracte de tip Letter of Offer and Acceptance LOA , specifice…

15:10, 04.01.2021

Law on loan agreement between Romania and IBRD worth EUR 500 million, promulgated

President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Monday the law for the ratification of the Loan Agreement (Programme based on results in the Romanian health sector) between Romania and the International Bank for Reconstruction…

20:01, 28.12.2020

Loan agreement between Romania, IBRD, worth 500ln euros, adopted

The Senate adopted, on Monday, the bill initiated by the Government regarding the ratification of the Loan Agreement (result-based program in Romania's health sector) between Romania and the International Bank…

10:36, 31.10.2020

Noi avioane de luptă în dotarea armatei române

Două noi avioane de vânătoare au intrat în dotarea armatei române. Aeronavele au ajuns deja în baza aeriană de la Borcea. Cea de-a treia și cea de-a patra aeronavă F-16 Fighting Falcon – din noul lot de cinci care…

08:35, 30.10.2020


Day of Military Public RelationsDay of patient with burns 1497 - Battle of Cernauti: Stephen the Great defeats last troops of invading Polish armies. The Polish military campaign ends in total disaster 1724 - Erection…

10:20, 28.10.2020

Dresda speră să sărbătorească finalul epidemiei cu o expoziţie istorică Vermeer în 2021

În primăvara lui 2021, Dresda va găzdui o expoziţie consacrată lui Johannes Vermeer. Un proiect ambiţios care, speră toată lumea, va coincide cu acalmie în epidemia de coronavirus. Printre cele zece tablouri ale…

13:35, 22.10.2020

Noted economists write open letter to caution against 40 pct increase of pension point

A 40 percent increase of the pension point at this moment must be avoided, because the economy cannot support it, and should the measure be implemented, the gradual fiscal/budgetary consolidation that would protect…

21:55, 12.09.2020

Nou album pentru Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen a făcut anunţul-surpriză al revenirii sale cu un nou album, printr-o piesă intitulată „Letter To You”. Este vorba despre cel de-al 20-lea album al artistului american, care va fi lansat pe 23...

23:30, 11.09.2020

Bruce Springsteen revine cu un nou album, la vârsta de 70 de ani (VIDEO)

Bruce Springsteen a făcut anunţul-surpriză al revenirii sale cu un nou album printr-o piesă emoţionantă, „Letter To You”. Acesta este al 20-lea album al artistului american și va fi lansat pe 23 octombrie, relatează…

10:10, 11.09.2020

Următorul album Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band va fi lansat în octombrie

Următorul album Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band va fi lansat în luna octombrie, a anunţat joi muzicianul american, iar titlul acestuia este „Letter To You”, potrivit news.ro.Primul single, care dă şi titlul…

20:16, 10.09.2020

Bruce Springsteen lansează în octombrie un nou album de studio, cu E Street Band

Bruce Springsteen va lansa la data de 23 octombrie un nou album rock, intitulat ''Letter to You'', pe care l-a înregistrat live în studioul din casa sa din New Jersey împreună cu E Street Band,…

20:20, 14.08.2020

Primele aeronave F-16 Fighting Falcon au ajuns în România

Următoarele două aeronave vor fi livrate până la sfârşitul acestui an, iar ultima în primul trimestru al anului 2021, a anunţat MApN, printr-un comunicat de presă transmis RomaniaTV.net. Cele cinci aeronave sunt…

13:06, 05.08.2020

„Profeția inexistentă”: Adevărul despre textul din 1942 care ar fi prevestit pandemia de acum

Este evident că fake news-ul este un fapt. Mai ales în era Covid. De ceva timp se tot vehiculează afirmația conform căreia scriitorul britanic C. S. Lewis a scris un pasaj din cartea „The Devil’s Letters to His…

08:36, 29.06.2020


Religious holiday: Holy Apostles Peter and PaulDay of Corrections Officers of Romania 120 - A military diploma is found at Porolissum mentioning for the first time a governor of Upper Dacia, Consul Minucius Faustinus…

15:18, 27.06.2020

Anniversary letter exchange between Aurescu-Pompeo at 140 anniversary of Romania-US diplomatic relations establishment

Secretary of State of the USA, Mike Pompeo, addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, an anniversary letter on the occasion of celebrating, in June, 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic…

21:43, 25.06.2020

CCR: Through certain articles of pandemic combat law, Parliament cumulates legislative and executive functions

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) determined on Thursday that through certain articles of Law 55/2020 on specific measures for the prevention and combat of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Parliament…

13:03, 23.06.2020

USR asks President Iohannis to promulate Law on smells

USR (Save Romania Union) MPs ask President Klaus Iohannis, in an open letter, to promulgate the Law on smells, already adopted by Parliament. The open letter addressed to the President has been signed by 6,000…

19:21, 19.05.2020

Standing bureaus approves letter from president on army participation in humanitarian assistance missions in Moldova, US

At a joint sitting on Tuesday, Parliament's standing bureaus approved a letter from President Klaus Iohannis informing Parliament that he approved the participation of the Romanian armed forces with people, means…

11:37, 11.05.2020

Crown Custodian Margareta congratulates Luxembourgian royal heirs on birth of their first child

Romania's Crown Custodian Margareta and Prince Radu sent letters to the Royal Family of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the royal heir's first child. "Her Majesty Margareta and Prince Radu have sent letters to…

11:07, 16.04.2020

In Easter letter Patriarch Daniel urges believers not to lose hope, ask Christ for help

Faith in the Resurrection helps us not lose hope in the face of adversity, but to ask the crucified and risen Christ for help, Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Christian Orthodox Church (BOR) says in his Easter…

09:14, 10.04.2020

PM Orban on party leaders' meeting absence: I prefer not to be invited through letters sent to media

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Thursday evening that he prefers to be invited directly to a discussion with the leaders of the parliamentary parties, not through letters sent to the media, as long as he answers…

23:28, 18.02.2020

Several of Constantin Brancusi's love letters to Florence Meyer to go under the hammer

A collection of Constantin Brancusi's love letters to Florence Meyer, spanning roughly two decades, will be put up for auction by Artmark on March 4 at the Bucharest Cesianu-Racovita Palace.Titled ''A Love Story''…

20:04, 11.12.2019

Deputaţii au votat continuarea programului "Avion multirol"

Deputaţii au votat continuarea programului "Avion multirol" Ministerul Apărării Naționale salută adoptarea astăzi, 11 decembrie, în Camera Deputaților, a Legii pentru continuarea dezvoltării capabilității…

16:54, 21.11.2019

Ambassador Ramis decorates seven cultural personalities for successful France-Romania Season

Seven cultural personalities were welcomed to the Order of Arts and Letters by Ambassador Michele Ramis for their "remarkable" contribution to the success of the France - Romania Season, according to a press statement…

19:56, 11.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/PSD requests, in letter to PNL, organizing at least two debates between candidates

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) calls on the National Liberal Party (PNL) to jointly organize at least two debates between Viorica Dancila and Klaus Iohannis, before the 24 November runoff of the presidential…

14:53, 04.11.2019

INTERVIEW Diaconu: Order of law must be respected in letter and spirit, only path for Romania

Mircea Diaconu, independent candidate for the presidential election supported by the "Un om" (A human being) electoral alliance, made up of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) and PRO Romania, said in…

19:12, 29.10.2019

Dancila: Ursula von der Leyen requested the speeding up of European Commissioner nomination, Iohannis knew

Demoted Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated, on Tuesday, in northwestern Cluj, that the elected head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, asked her to "urgently" nominate the person to be designated…