Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:01, 29.11.2022

Washingtonul a aprobat vânzarea de rachete Finlandei

Washingtonul a aprobat vânzarea a peste 80 de rachete de precizie Finlandei pentru un total de 323 de milioane de dolari. Despre aceasta a anunţat luni, 28 noimebrie, Departamentul de Stat, în contextul în care…

09:10, 28.11.2022

December 1/ Parliament convenes on Monday in joint solemn session

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies will convene on Monday in a joint solemn session to mark Romania's National Day - December 1. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

19:45, 23.11.2022

PM Ciuca invites new Romania-Spain joint gov't meeting in 2023 in Romania

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca extended to his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez the official invitation to hold a new joint meeting of the Romanian and Spanish governments next year in Bucharest or another Romanian…

16:20, 23.11.2022

Premiers Ciuca, Sanchez joint declaration: Working group on granting double citizenship to Romanians in Spain

Romania and Spain agree to establish a working group in order to analyze the solutions for granting double citizenship to the members of the Romanian community in Spain, reads the joint declaration adopted, on…

16:10, 23.11.2022

Romania-Spain joint gov't meeting/ Joint statement of Prime Ministers Ciuca, Sanchez

Spain reiterates its support for the "prompt" and "full" integration of Romania into the Schengen area, reads the joint statement of Prime Ministers Nicolae Ciuca and Pedro Sanchez issued on Wednesday, as the Romanian…

14:16, 23.11.2022

Romania-Spain joint gov't meeting / PM Ciua welcomed by his Spanish counterpart Sanchez

Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Wednesday was welcomed with military honours in Castellan de la Plana, the venue of the first joint meeting of the national governments of Spain and Romania, by President…

08:35, 23.11.2022

Atentat la Ierusalim: Cel puțin 7 victime după o explozie într-o stație de autobuz

O explozie în apropierea unei stații de autobuz la intrarea în Ierusalim a rănit miercuri cel puțin șapte persoane, a anunțat serviciul de ambulanță din Israel, citat de Reuters. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

08:26, 23.11.2022

Joint meeting of Romania's and Spain's Gov'ts, in Castellon de la Plana

Romania's and Spain's Governments shall gather on Wednesday, in Castellon de la Plana, in a first joint meeting, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

15:35, 18.11.2022

Soldiers from Romania, France, Poland, Portugal, US to conduct joint training at Cincu

Approximately 600 troops, soldiers of the 20th Dolj Infantry Battalion of the Multinational Brigade South-East in Craiova and NATO soldiers from France, Poland, Portugal and the US will participate in a "Black…

21:11, 15.11.2022

IntMin Bode: Ministerial Conference of Salzburg Forum has the role to coagulate joint standpoints of member states

Interior Minister Lucian Bode stated on Tuesday, at the opening of the Ministerial Conference of the Salzburg Forum, that the latter has the role "to coagulate" at strategic and political level the joint standpoints…

14:00, 14.11.2022

Mazda se retrage din joint venture-ul rusesc creat împreună cu Sollers

Tot mai mulți producători de automobile se retrag de pe piața din Rusia sau din companiile în care au intrat alături de entități din această țară. După Renault și Nissan, Mazda anunță oficial că și-a vândut acțiunile…

20:26, 19.10.2022

EU Strategy for the Danube Region forum adopts joint declaration condemning Russia's aggression in Ukraine

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu participated, on Wednesday, in the ministerial meeting of the 11th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), in videoconference format, where he stressed…

09:25, 19.10.2022

Minor din Timişoara, prins de poliţiştii locali cu un joint

Un minor din Timişoara a fost prins de poliţiştii locali cu o ţigaretă confecționată artizanal cu substanțe susceptibile a avea proprietăți psihoactive. Conform acestora mama băiatului ştia de problemele fiului…

22:05, 13.10.2022

Meeting between president of Parliamentary Committee for relationship with UNESCO and ambassador of Republic of Moldova

Consolidating the cultural dimension of bilateral relations Bucharest - Chisinau was the main topic addressed on Thursday, at the meeting between the president of the Joint permanent committee of the Chamber of…

13:41, 13.10.2022

PM Ciuca: Joint procurement of defence equipment deserves all the attention

The idea of joint procurement by Romania and other European countries of defence equipment is an idea that deserves all our attention and we have to look at ways to enter this project, Romania's Prime Minister…

11:40, 04.10.2022

Top EU officials call for joint borrowing to deal with energy crisis

Two top European Commission officials called on Tuesday for joint borrowing by the 27-nation European Union to finance a response to the energy price crisis that is threatening to plunge the bloc into recession,…

11:40, 01.10.2022

Joint initiative by gas TSOs Bulgartransgaz, Transgaz, FGSZ and Eustream

The gas transmission operators of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia propose an initiative for natural gas transport through the integrated gas transmission networks. Bulgartransgaz, Transgaz, FGSZ and Eustream…

15:36, 22.09.2022

EU says members will need joint position on Russians arriving at borders

The European Union will need to establish a joint position on requests for entry by Russians fleeing their country due to the war in Ukraine, the bloc’s executive said on Thursday, according to Reuters. The European…

17:06, 21.09.2022

Over 200 Romanian gendarmes, carabinieri from Republic of Moldova participate in Galati joint training exercise

More than 200 Romanian gendarmes and carabinieri from the Republic of Moldova participated in the international tactical training exercise with forces in the field (LIVEX) "Danubius Shield 2022", organized in Galati,…

18:00, 15.09.2022

MP Tenita with IPAC backs joint action need against 'China's human rights' abuses'

Deputy Catalin Tenita, co-chair of the Romanian branch of the Inter-parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), said at a meeting of this group in Washington that the democratic world needs joint action "to limit China's…

16:20, 14.09.2022

Joint training of the Romanian and French military, at 22nd Mountain Hunters Battalion Ciresoaia

The French military deployed in Romania to strengthen NATO's Eastern Flank defense are participating, together with the Romanian military, in a training course of approximately two weeks at the 22nd Mountain Hunters…

16:15, 30.08.2022

Scientific research projects, affected by war in Ukraine, have nevertheless achieved their goals

The scientific research projects were affected by the war in Ukraine, but the scientists have achieved the goals set within them, for which the Tulcea researchers are grateful, the specialist of the National Institute…

21:11, 07.07.2022

Romanian, Greek Energy Ministers to sign joint projects memorandum

The Romanian and Greek Energy Ministers will sign a memorandum for the continuation of joint energy projects in the medium and long term, Romanian Minister Virgil Popescu wrote on Thursday on Facebook. Fii la curent…

19:25, 30.06.2022

Klaus Iohannis: Romania supports adoption of a new NATO-EU joint declaration as soon as possible

At the NATO summit in Madrid on Thursday, President Klaus Iohannis reconfirmed Romania's support for NATO's co-operation with the European Union. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

18:25, 18.06.2022

Romanian, Moldovan Parliaments adopt joint declaration

The representatives of the Parliaments of the Republic of Moldova and Romania signed on Saturday a joint declaration reiterating the "unconditional support" pledged over time by all political forces in Romania…

20:00, 17.06.2022

Romania, Moldova sign joint common digital space statement

Romania's Minister of Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation Sebastian Burduja and Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister for Digital Transformation Iurie Curcanu signed a joint statement on Thursday in Chisinau…

16:40, 14.06.2022

Snoop Dogg tocmai a mărit salariul asistentului angajat cu rularea joint-urilor

Consumul (excesiv) de marijuana este cu siguranță parte din brand-ul lui Snoop Dogg: în emisiuni TV, în videoclipuri, pe social media, în concerte…. rapper-ul american nu și-a ascuns această plăcere nici atunci…

14:01, 26.05.2022

Romanian Defence Minister Vasile Dincu: Romania supports U.S. involvement in joint efforts for European defence consolidation

Romania supports the involvement of the United States of America in the joint efforts aimed at consolidating European defence, Romanian Defence Minister Vasile Dincu said on Thursday, at the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest…

09:30, 14.05.2022

CRIZĂ la Ford Craiova! Angajaţii, trimişi în şomaj!

Criza semiconductorilor, care lovește tot mai multe companii auto, a lovit şi la Ford Craiova. Din nou. Angajaţii acestei companii au fost trimiși în șomaj tehnic timp de o săptămână, începând de luni. Informaţia…

13:21, 12.05.2022

Klaus Iohannis: „România este un susţinător ferm al politicii uşilor deschise a NATO şi este gata să susţină Finlanda”

„Salut declaraţia comună a preşedintelui Finlandei Sauli Niinistö şi a prim-ministrului Marin Sanna cu privire la aderarea la NATO a Finlandei.România este un susţinător ferm al politicii uşilor deschise a NATO…