Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:45, 14.01.2022

COVID-19 bed occupancy rate at 16pct nationwide in Romania; 34pct in Suceava County

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila said on Friday that the average COVID-19 bed occupancy rate in Romania is 16% nationwide, with the highest value, 34%, reported by Suceava County, Agerpres reports. The clarifications…

22:55, 13.01.2022

CNSU: Courses with physical presence, depending on the county occupancy rate of COVID beds

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) has decided that based on a joint order of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, the conduct of courses with physical presence in pre-university…

20:00, 11.01.2022

Ambassador of Republic of Moldova: Organizing a joint meeting of Governments of Romania and Moldova, priority zero

The organization of a joint meeting of the Governments of Romania and the Republic of Moldova represents the priority zero of the diplomacies of these states, Victor Chirila, the ambassador of the Republic of Moldova…

20:55, 05.01.2022

Mask mandatory outdoors as of publication of Health and Interior Ministers' joint order in Official Journal

Head of the Emergency Situations Department (DSU) Raed Arafat said today that the protective mask - medical grade or FFP2 - will become mandatory both indoors and outdoors from the moment the joint order of the…

14:06, 23.12.2021

PM Ciuca, Polish counterpart set up a new joint meeting of the governments of the two states

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had a telephone conversation on Thursday with his Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawieski, with whom he arranged for the next joint meeting of the two governments to take place on March…

13:20, 23.12.2021

Customs authorities in Romania, Republic of Moldova to have joint measures during winter holidays

The customs authorities of Romania and the Republic of Moldova have joint measures, during the winter holidays, to streamline the traffic of goods and passengers at the border, a National Agency for Fiscal Administration…

18:00, 16.12.2021

Romania will grant assistance to Republic of Moldova to attract investments

The Minister of European Investments and Projects, Dan Vilceanu, on Thursday discussed with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Development of the Republic of Moldova Andrei Spinu the stage…

14:15, 10.12.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Romania is firmly committed to joint efforts to strengthen Eastern partners' resilience

Romania is firmly committed to supporting joint efforts meant to strengthen the resilience of Eastern partners, with the common strategic interest being to facilitate a climate of security and democratic stability…

11:20, 30.11.2021

News agencies to create joint ‘European Newsroom’

Sixteen news agencies are to operate a joint EU-funded “European Newsroom” from January 2022 that will put out information on the bloc and aspiring member states said officials, according to Euractiv.  “With this…

19:20, 24.11.2021

Vasile Dincu clears Parliament joint select committees for minister of National Defense

Nominee for Minister of National Defense Vasile Dincu received Wednesday the favourable opinion of the Parliament joint select committees. There were 34 votes "in favour" and six "against". The committees' opinion…

09:25, 24.11.2021

Ministers proposed in Ciuca Cabinet - heard in joint committees

The ministers proposed to be part of the Nicolae Ciuca Cabinet will be heard on Wednesday in the specialized parliamentary commissions, agerpres reports. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister-Designate Nicolae Ciuca submitted…

13:05, 11.11.2021

Joint Statement on the Seventh Round of the Strategic Dialogue between the United States and Romania

The Governments of the United States and Romania* held the seventh round of the U.S.-Romania Strategic Dialogue in Washington, D.C. on November 9, 2021, following political consultations between Romanian Foreign…

11:26, 11.11.2021

Joint Declaration after Romania - U.S. Strategic Dialogue meeting: security, investment, energy, of strategic importance

The Romanian and U.S. delegations, headed by strategic affairs senior official Dan Neculaescu and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried, signed a joint statement at the end…

08:41, 08.11.2021

ForMin Aurescu to visit US for talks with SecState Blinken

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu will have consultations today in Washington DC with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, as part of a visit to the US November 8-9, at the invitation of his American…

16:40, 02.11.2021

Bugatti Rimac își începe oficial activitatea. ...

La începutul lunii iulie, compania croată Rimac a preluat, oficial, controlul Bugatti. Astfel, producătorul din Molsheim urma să facă parte dintr-un joint-venture Bugatti-Rimac, în care compania fondată de Mate…

13:01, 31.10.2021

Parliament to hear Ciuca gov't members Tuesday, cast confidence vote next day

At a joint meeting on Saturday, Romanian Parliament's standing bureaus decided that the ministers recommended by Prime Minister-designate Nicolae Ciuca will be heard next week, on Tuesday, by the specialist committees,…

13:35, 27.10.2021

Iohannis in Cairo: We must continue to encourage business people in Egypt and Romania to start joint projects

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that business people in Egypt and Romania should be encouraged to start up joint projects both bilaterally and in third markets, agerpres reports. "In our conversation,…

09:05, 30.09.2021

Parliament convening in plenary session Thursday to hear PSD motion of censure

Parliament is convening today in a joint plenary session at 14:00hrs to consider a motion of censure initiated by 157 Social Democratic Party (PSD) lawmakers called "Stop poverty, price increases and convicts.…

12:15, 29.09.2021

Virtual class order to change after talks with health emergency officials

Education Minister Sorin Cimpeanu on Wednesday voiced readiness to sign together with the health minister a change in their joint order that says when the 14-day cumulative COVID-19 reporting rate exceeds six per…

11:40, 22.09.2021

Prins drogat la volan: Deși oprit de poliție, a continuat să-și fumeze joint-ul!

Un tânăr a fost prins în miez de noapte conducând sub influența drogurilor. Deși oprit de poliție, acesta a continuat să-și fumeze joint-ul ca și cum n-ar face nimic ilegal. Un autoturism a fost oprit azi-noapte,…

17:50, 16.09.2021

Grupul IVECO și NIKOLA anunță deschiderea unei fabrici joint-venture, în Germania, pentru producția de camioane electrice

Totodată, cei doi parteneri au semnat și un acord de colaborare cu Autoritatea Portuară din Hamburg, pentru testarea vehiculelor Nikola Tre BEV și dezvoltarea infrastructurii de încărcare pentru vehicule comerciale…

12:45, 14.09.2021

Senate's Dragu: Challenge submitted to CCR cannot suspend motion of no confidence

Senate President Anca Dragu (USR PLUS - Save Romania Union, Freedom, Unity, Solidarity Party) believes that the no confidence motion procedure cannot be stopped by the challenge filed by the Government with the…

16:45, 13.09.2021

Muniz: Romania has fought side by side with the US in some of toughest theaters of operations

Romania has fought side by side with the United States and other Allied forces in some of the world's toughest and deadliest theaters of operations, US Embassy in Bucharest chargé d'affaires ad-interim David Muniz…

17:20, 09.09.2021

Reading of no-confidence motion begins

The presentation of the no-confidence motion started, on Thursday, in the joint plenary sitting of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The motion submitted by the USR PLUS and AUR parliamentarians is read by…

17:31, 08.09.2021

National minority floor group to be absent from joint plenary sitting of Parliament

The floor group of national minority MPs will not participate in any of the plenary sittings dealing with the motion of censure, an item that is not on the Romanians' agenda, the group's leader, MP Varujan Pambuccian…

16:00, 08.09.2021

PSD MPs to participate on Thursday in joint plenary session in which the censure motion will be read

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) parliamentarians will participate on Thursday in the joint plenary session in which the censure motion will be read. The leader of the PSD senators, Lucian Romascanu, declared…

15:40, 07.09.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Romania will try to soon finalise agreement on development assistance to Moldova

A new agreement on non-repayable assistance provided to Moldova by Romania will be made "as soon as possible," before a joint meeting of the national governments of the two countries, Romania's Foreign Minister…

08:20, 23.08.2021

Premier Citu pays visit to Ukraine, to attend Crimean International Platform's launch summit

Prime Minister Florin Citu is paying a visit to Ukraine, in Kvyv, on Monday to attend the summit for the launch of the Crimean International Platform, in which context he will also have a meeting with his Ukrainian…

14:46, 17.08.2021

Fortech Investments susține start-up-urile tinere, dar și antreprenorii experimentați

Fortech Investments este noul braț de investiții al Fortech, compania românească ce de aproape 20 de ani oferă servicii de outsourcing pentru dezvoltare de software. Noua ramură vrea să susțină start-up-urile aflate…

14:05, 16.08.2021

Bugatti va începe în 2024 livrările supermașinii de 4 milioane de euro Bolide

​Bugatti a arătat pentru prima oară publicului în week-end cea mai puternică mașină din istoria sa, un model numit Bolide care poate fi condus doar pe circuit, va costa 4 milioane euro și poate atinge 500…