Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:36, 07.08.2019

Mining Watch: Thousands of people ask anti-graft head to take over file on Certej mining project

Over 2,000 people have sent the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) head Calin Nistor a letter, asking him to take over from DNA Alba the file regarding the mining project of Certej, the Mining Watch Romania…

13:33, 06.08.2019

Continuă cercetările în Caracal

Continuă cercetările în Caracal Romanian gendarmes stand guard next to flowers and candles displayed by locals at the gates of the home of Gheorghe Dinca alleged killer of Alexandra, 15, who has being murdered…

19:37, 05.08.2019

Anchetatorii spun că au găsit rămășițe umane într-o pădure de lângă Caracal

Anchetatorii spun că au găsit rămășițe umane într-o pădure de lângă Caracal Romanian gendarmes stand guard next to flowers and candles displayed by locals at the gates of the home of Gheorghe Dinca alleged killer…

09:07, 31.07.2019

Acting IntMin Fifor, go-ahead on behalf of PM for radical process to fight crime

Acting Interior Minister Mihai Fifor affirms that he received the go-ahead from Prime Minister Viorica Dancila to initiate "a radical process to fight crime and reform the system".  "I have taken over the interim…

17:17, 30.07.2019

Deputy PM Fifor proposed as interim IntMin

Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Fifor was proposed by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila to take over the interim Interior Minister office, Social-Democrat sources told AGERPRES on Tuesday.Nicolae Moga announced on Tuesday…

11:43, 25.07.2019

IntMin Moga calls August 10 riot police intervention unfortunate

The new Interior Minister, Nicolae Moga, said on Thursday that the controversial riot police's clampdown on an August 10 street rally was "an unfortunate event," adding that he wants no more citizens being battered…

09:54, 24.07.2019

President Iohannis signs decree appointing new IntMin Moga, ForMin Manescu, Deputy PM Fifor

President Klaus Iohannis signed on Wednesday the decrees appointing Nicolae Moga as Interior Minister and Ramona Manescu as Foreign Affairs Minister, according to a Presidential Administration release.  Furthermore,…

21:39, 15.07.2019

Nicolae Moga picked for Interior Minister, Ramona Manescu - ForMin, Mihai Fifor - Deputy PM

Senator Nicolae Moga was validated on Monday by the Executive Committee (CEx) of the majority Social Democratic Party (PSD) for the office of Interior Minister, while Mihai Fifor was validated for Deputy Prime…

21:39, 15.07.2019

PSD's CExN meeting validates senator Nicolae Moga for Interior Minister office

The National Executive Committee (CExN) meeting of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) validated senator Nicolae Moga for the Interior Minister office, replacing Carmen Dan who announced her resignation, sources…

14:09, 15.07.2019

Carmen Dan resigns as Interior Minister

Carmen Dan announced that she has resigned as Interior Minister, following a discussion that she had with Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Monday.  "A sincere and direct discussion, as I think it is normal for…

22:05, 29.05.2019

Iohannis: I request removal from office of Foreign Affairs and Interior Ministers

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday requested the immediate removal from office of the Foreign Affairs and Interior ministers, Teodor Melescanu and Carmen Dan, for the way the elections were organized."Because…

15:38, 11.01.2018

PM Tudose: My firm conviction is Government restructuring is needed

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose on Wednesday said that a Government restructuring is needed to a number beginning with "1," however he pointed out that besides the Interior Minister, Carmen Dan, he has no problems…

11:26, 11.01.2018

PM Tudose: I believe that, if allowed, Carmen Dan will resign; if she does so, I will accept it

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose on Wednesday said that "if allowed," Carmen Dan will resign as Interior Minister.  "She voiced her opinion on Monday and ever since Monday she said she is willing to resign. (...) At…

21:37, 23.09.2016

Former Deputy PM Gabriel Oprea: I resign from Romania Senate

Former Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea, former Interior Minister announced on Friday that he will resign from the position of senator. "I don't hide behind the immunity and, as well as Gigina's family, I wish…

19:08, 07.09.2016

Iohannis tells new Interior minister that general elections are paramount to unfold safely

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday told the new Interior Minister, Dragos Tudorache that it is paramount for the parliamentary elections to unfold safely, so "we have the certainty that the outcome is not altered…

11:42, 02.09.2016

DNA request to prosecute Deputy PM Gabriel Oprea reaches Senate

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) request on initiating the prosecution in the case of Senator Gabriel Oprea, former Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, charged with culpable homicide in the…

13:38, 26.01.2016

Oprea faces fresh abuse of power charges

Anticorruption prosecutors have called for a criminal investigation against Gabriel Oprea, three months after motorcycle policeman Bogdan Gigină's tragic death while riding in the former Interior Minister's motorcade.…

14:05, 20.01.2016

Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus... in Romania?

The Prosecutor General's Office has called for starting a criminal investigation against a former Interior Minister of the late communist regime. The latter is charged with complicity to crimes against humanity.…

11:18, 16.11.2015

High expectations from ministers of interior and justice

 The new Cabinet headed by Dacian Cioloş will have to pass the supreme test... that of the the men in the street, who called for a new and apolitical government. According to Octavian Berceanu, vicepresident…

17:34, 29.10.2015

Ion Ţiriac to the rescue of Gabriel Oprea

 Businessman Ion Ţiriac jumps to the rescue of Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea, at a height of the scandal over the death of a traffic policeman. Ţiriac says there is way too much talk about Oprea's political…

15:02, 27.10.2015

President Iohannis advises Oprea to step down as Interior Minister

President Klaus Iohannis summoned Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea to the Cotroceni Palace and suggested him to step down as Interior Minister. The head of state said that Oprea made a mistake when he failed…

14:02, 12.09.2015

Klaus Iohannis, dissatisfied with the refugees quota allotted to Romania

President Klaus Iohannis stated Thursday that Romania will not accept compulsory refugees quotas, adding that the timing is inappropriate and setting up compulsory quotas is not a solution, adding that he is dissatisfied…