Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

07:45, 11.03.2021

26 de morți în Indonezia, după ce un autobuz plin cu elevi aflați în excursie s-a prăbușit într-o prăpastie

Cel puțin 26 de persoane și-au pierdut viața joi, 11 martie, după ce un autobuz școlar a căzut într-o râpă, pe insula indoneziană Java. 66 de elevi și părinți se întorceau dintr-o excursie, informează cotidianul…

14:05, 18.01.2021

Pitaya, fructul dragonului cu nume de poveste

Cunoscute mai degrabă drept fructele dragonului, fructele de pitaya sunt roadele unor cactuși din zonele calde ale Americii. Fructele roz, cu solzi de dragon și semințe mici și negre au un aspect totodată straniu…

08:36, 14.01.2021

Motivul pentru care Indonesia a ales să vaccineze tinerii înaintea persoanelor în vârstă

Indonesia a lansat un program de vaccinare anti COVID-19 gratuit, în masă, în încercarea de a opri răspândirea virusului și de a pune din nou economia în funcțiune. Dar țara are o abordare complet diferită față…

16:01, 11.01.2021

Vaccinările anti-Covid nu vor aduce imunitatea de grup la nivel mondial în 2021, spun mai mulți experți în sănătate

Campaniile de vaccinare anti-Covid demarate deja în multe țări nu vor asigura o imunitate de grup la nivel mondial în 2021, au declarat, luni, mai mulți experți în domeniul sănătății, conform Agerpres, care citează…

15:21, 11.01.2021

Experți: Vaccinările anti-COVID nu vor asigura dobândirea imunităţii de grup în 2021 la nivel mondial

Campaniile de vaccinare împotriva noului coronavirus, demarate deja în multe ţări, nu vor asigura o imunitate de grup la nivel mondial în faţa pandemiei de COVID-19 în acest an. Anunțul a fost făcut astăzi de mai…

17:35, 10.01.2021

Imagini sfâșietoare de la locul unde s-a prăbușit avionul din Indonezia. Echipele de salvare au scos din mare haine de copii

De la o oră la alta echipele de salvare indoneziene scot la suprafață tot mai multe obiecte și lucruri care risipesc speranțele familiilor, care încă mai așteaptă vești de la rudele aflate în avionul companiei…

14:26, 10.01.2021

Președintele Maia Sandu a transmis un mesaj de condoleanțe omologului sau indonezian

CHIȘINĂU 10 ian - Sputnik. Președintele Maia Sandu a adresat un mesaj în care și-a exprimat condoleanțele omologului său indonezian, în legătură cu accidentul aviatic de sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie, în care și-au pierdut…

09:16, 05.01.2021

Parliament: Nine candidates for the possition of ambassador to be heard Wednesday in relevant committees

Nine people nominated for positions of Romania's ambassadors abroad will be heard on Wednesday, starting at 11.30 am, in the joint parliamentary committees for foreign policy and for the Romanian communities abroad,…

17:05, 27.12.2020

GCS: Number of Romanians abroad confirmed with the new coronavirus remained at 7,044; deaths - 128

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed with the new coronavirus remained at 7,044, and that of deaths at 128, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Sunday. According to the quoted source, out of…

15:00, 11.12.2020

GCS: Number of Romanians abroad infected with novel coronavirus grows to 6,950

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus grows to 6,950, the number of deaths remaining 127, announced, on Friday, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), according to AGERPRES.…

12:35, 05.12.2020

ParliamentaryElection2020/ First voting day for Romanians abroad kicks off in Europe

The first day of foreign voting in the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies began in all the sections organized in Europe, with the opening at 9:00 (Romania time) of the polling stations organized…

14:21, 20.11.2020

Coronavirus/ Number of Romanians abroad confirmed with novel coronavirus increases to 6,864

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed with the novel coronavirus increases to 6,864, and the number of deaths remains at 126, informs, on Friday, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), according to AGERPRES.…

18:30, 06.11.2020

Ambassadors of four ASEAN countries tour Miroslava industrial parks

A delegation made up of ambassadors from four Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh - toured the industrial parks in the small town of Miroslava, Iasi…

08:45, 24.08.2020

China susține că a început vaccinarea anti-Covid încă din iulie

Guvernul de la Beijing ar fi început să administreze un potențial vaccin lucrătorilor din domeniile cheie încă din iulie, pe baza unor eșantioane selectate din rândul acestora. Cel puțin așa susține un înalt oficial…

13:35, 13.08.2020

GCS: 5,630 Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with novel coronavirus, 123 deaths

As many as 5,630 Romanians from outside the country were confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Thursday.According to the said source, the number of deaths…

14:05, 12.08.2020

SARS-CoV-2 case count of Romanians abroad reaches 5,629, out-of-country death toll steady at 123

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus is 5,629, while the number of out-of-country coronavirus-related Romanian fatalities remained steady since the last report at 123,…

14:50, 11.08.2020

SARS-CoV-2 case count of Romanians abroad steady at 5,627

Both the number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus and the number of out-of-country coronavirus-related Romanian fatalities remained steady since the last report at 5,627 and 123,…

14:55, 10.08.2020

COVID-19 case count of Romanians abroad reaches 5,627, out-of-country death toll steady at 123

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus is 5,627, while the number of out-of-country coronavirus-related Romanian fatalities remained steady since the last report at 123,…

15:20, 02.08.2020

GCS: 5,555 Romanians abroad confirmed infected with novel coronavirus, 123 dead figure unchanged

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reports that, as of Sunday, 5,555 Romanians abroad have been confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus, and the number of deaths of Romanian citizens outside the country,…

13:46, 31.07.2020

COVID-19 count case of Romanians abroad reaches 5,486, out-of-country death toll steady at 123

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus is 5,486, while the number of out-of-country coronavirus-related Romanian fatalities remained steady since the last report at 123,…

13:35, 30.07.2020

GCS: 5,479 Romanians abroad - confirmed as infected with novel coronavirus, 123 deaths

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) says on Thursday that 5,479 Romanians abroad have been confirmed as infected with SARS-CoV-2, and the number of deaths of Romanian citizens abroad, due to COVID-19, is 123,…

14:35, 29.07.2020

COVID-19 count case of Romanians abroad reaches 5,479, out-of-country death toll at 123

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus is 5,479, while the number of out-of-country coronavirus-related Romanian fatalities remained steady since the last report at 123,…

14:00, 28.07.2020

GCS: 5,479 Romanians abroad infected with coronavirus, number of deaths unchanged at 123

As many as 5,479 Romanians from outside the country, compared to 5,329 on Monday, were confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, the Strategic Communication Group reported Tuesday.According to the source, the number…

15:00, 27.07.2020

GCS: 5,329 Romanian nationals abroad confirmed infected with novel coronavirus, 123 deaths

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reports on Monday that 5,329 Romanians from outside the country have been confirmed as infected with SARS-CoV-2, and the number of deaths of Romanian citizens abroad due…

14:00, 26.07.2020

GCS: COVID-19 case count of Romanians abroad reaches 5,329, death toll - 123

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication task force, reported on Sunday that 5,329 Romanians abroad had been confirmed infected with the novel coronavirus, with the…

14:27, 16.07.2020

GCS: 5,146 Romanians abroad - confirmed as infected with novel coronavirus

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) says on Thursday that 5,146 Romanians abroad were confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus, and the number of deaths of Romanian citizens abroad, due to COVID-19,…

14:03, 14.07.2020

Coronavirus count case of Romanians abroad reaches 5,108

The Strategic Communication Group(GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication task force, reported on Tuesday that 5,108 Romanians abroad had been confirmed infected with the novel coronavirus, with a death…

17:18, 08.07.2020

5,095 Romanians abroad confirmed infected with novel coronavirus

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reports on Wednesday that 5,095 Romanians abroad have been confirmed infected with the novel coronavirus, and the number of deaths among them remains 122.Of the 5,095 Romanian…

17:45, 05.07.2020

As many as 4,996 Romanians abroad, confirmed as infected with novel coronavirus

A number of 4,996 Romanians abroad were confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus, and the number of deaths of Romanian citizens abroad due to COVID-19 remains at 122, the Communication Group (GCS) states…

16:30, 03.07.2020

GCS: COVID-19 out-of-country death toll hits 122 as seven more Romanians die in Germany

Seven more Romanian infected with the novel coronavirus have died in Germany, taking the COVID-19 death toll of Romanian citizens abroad to 122, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs on Friday. Of the…