Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:30, 26.06.2020

COVID-19 case count of Romanians abroad rises to 4,793; death toll constant at 115

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication task force, reported on Friday that 4,793 Romanians abroad had been confirmed as infected with SARS-CoV-2, and the number of…

13:31, 22.06.2020

COVID-19 case count of Romanian abroad reaches 3,531; death toll constant at 115

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication task force, reported on Monday that 3,531 Romanians abroad had been confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus as of Monday…

13:57, 12.06.2020

GCS: 3,393 Romanian citizens abroad, novel coronavirus positive

A number of 3,393 Romanian citizens abroad have tested positive for COVID-19, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs on Friday. Among these, a number of 1,885 are in Italy, 561 in Spain, 107 in France,…

13:45, 10.06.2020

Number of Romanians abroad infected with novel coronavirus stays at 3,304 citizens

The number of Romanian citizens living abroad have been confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 stays at 3.304, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Wednesday. Of these, 1,885 are in Italy, 561 in…

13:31, 08.06.2020

Romanians abroad count for 3,304 citizens infected with novel coronavirus

As many as 3,304 Romanian citizens living abroad have been confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Monday. Of these, 1,885 are in Italy, 561 in Spain, 84 in France,…

13:55, 05.06.2020

Number of Romanians abroad infected with SARS-CoV-2 unchanged: 3,084, same as no. of deceased: 114

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with SARS-CoV-2 remains at 3,084, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Friday, adding that in the past 24 hours there were no recorded deaths…

14:33, 04.06.2020

Eight more Romanians infected with coronavirus die in UK, taking number of deaths in diaspora to 114

Eight more Romanians infected with the novel coronavirus have died in the UK, taking the total number of deaths of Romanian citizens outside the country, due to COVID-19, to 114, the Strategic Communication Group…

13:55, 03.06.2020

3,084 Romanians abroad confirmed infected with novel coronavirus; 106 dead

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) said, on Wednesday, that 3,084 Romanian citizens abroad have been confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus, and the number of Romanians deceased abroad due to COVID-19,…

13:40, 02.06.2020

3,074 Romanians abroad confirmed infected with novel coronavirus

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) said, on Tuesday, that 3,074 Romanian citizens abroad have been confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus, and the number of Romanians deceased abroad due to COVID-19,…

14:24, 23.05.2020

GCS: 3,067 Romanians abroad infected with novel coronavirus; out-of-country death toll - 106

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs on Saturday that 3,067 Romanians abroad have been so far infected with the novel coronavirus, the Strategic Communication Group informed on Saturday. Of the 3,067…

13:00, 17.05.2020

Piețe umede, un pericol pentru omenire. Au fost redeschise în ciuda pandemiei globale

Piețe umede ce vând animale precum lilieci, câini și șerpi continuă să opereze în toată Asia de sud-est în ciuda pandemiei globale de Coronavirus , notează Dailymail . Fotografii șocante, dar și videoclipuri, arată…

16:36, 16.05.2020

GCS: Another 31 Romanian citizens abroad infected with novel coronavirus

Another 31 Romanian citizens abroad, all from Germany, were infected with the novel coronavirus, the total number of infections reaching 2,918, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Saturday.According…

13:27, 12.05.2020

GCS: Two more Romanians abroad infected with novel coronavirus die;out-of-country death toll - 102

Two more Romanians infected with the novel coronavirus have died in the UK, and the COVID-19 death toll of Romanian citizens abroad reaches 102, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs on Tuesday. Of the…

13:52, 06.05.2020

2,405 Romanians abroad confirmed with COVID-19, number of deaths - 96

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Wednesday that 2,405 Romanians abroad were confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, and the number of deaths of Romanian citizens abroad due to COVID-19 remains…

13:53, 03.05.2020

Number of Romanians infected with coronavirus abroad unchanged from Saturday reporting

The Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs on Sunday that the number of Romanians infected with coronavirus abroad remained unchanged from Saturday reporting, meaning that 2,349 Romanians abroad have been…

15:07, 26.04.2020

Oferte la lilieci într-o mare piață. Imagini cutremurătoare în plină molimă

Fără să de țină cont că în lume au murit, până acum, sute de mii de oameni, în Indonezia sunt piețe unde liliecii se vând ca delicatese. Pe 28 martie, adică în plină pandemie, o piață din Indonesia avea în „ofertă”…la…

16:27, 24.04.2020

The number of Romanians abroad dead of coronavirus reaches 70

Another four Romanians infected with the novel coronavirus have died in the United Kingdom, taking the caseload of deaths of Romanian citizens abroad due to COVID-19 is 70, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS)…

16:17, 22.04.2020

Two more Romanians have died in Italy of COVID-19; death toll of Romanians abroad - 64

Two more Romanian citizens infected with the new coronavirus have died in Italy, with the number of deaths of Romanians from the diaspora, due to COVID-19, reaching 64, informs the Strategic Communication Group…

14:52, 21.04.2020

COVID-19 infected Romanian dies in Belgium, bringing death toll of Romanians abroad to 62

A Romanian national infected with the novel coronavirus has died in Belgium, bringing the COVID-19 death tolls of Romanians abroad to 62, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official coronavirus communication…

13:22, 16.04.2020

COVID-19 death toll of Romanians abroad rises by 2 to 55

Two more Romanian citizens infected with the novel coronavirus have died abroad, one in the United Kingdom and one in Germany, bringing the COVID-19 death toll of Romanians abroad to 55, the Strategic Communication…

13:32, 15.04.2020

COVID-19 infected Romanian dies in France, bringing death toll of Romanians abroad to 53

A Romanian national infected with the novel coronavirus has died in France, bringing the COVID-19 death tolls of Romanians abroad to 53, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official coronavirus communication…

14:09, 14.04.2020

COVID-19 death tolls of Romanians abroad rises by 5 to 52

Five more Romanians infected with the novel coronavirus have died abroad - two in France and three in the United Kingdom, with the COVID-19 death toll of Romanian nationals abroad currently standing at 52, the…

14:41, 07.04.2020

GCS: 631 Romanian citizens abroad positive for coronavirus; in diaspora, number of deaths stands at 29

A total of 631 Romanian citizens abroad tested positive for the novel coronavirus, and the number of Romanians that died following infection with SARS-CoV-2, abroad, remains 29, the Strategic Communication Group…

14:21, 03.04.2020

GCS: 221 Romanian citizens abroad confirmed to have coronavirus; death toll stays at 25

As many as 221 Romanian citizens have been confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus abroad, with the death toll outside the country borders, because of COVID-19, staying at 25, informs the Strategic…

14:07, 02.04.2020

GCS: Romanian citizen infected with SARS-CoV-2 dies abroad; 217 Romanians abroad tested positive

A Romanian citizen who was infected with the novel coronavirus has died in Spain, with the death toll of Romanian citizens abroad, because of COVID-19, reaching thus 25. As many as 217 Romanians abroad have tested…

13:47, 01.04.2020

GCS: Five more Romanians abroad, infected with novel coronavirus, die; 196 - test positive

Five more Romanians who were infected with the novel coronavirus abroad - two in the UK and three in Spain - have died, with the number of Romanian citizens who tested positive for COVID-19 abroad thus reaching…

14:15, 30.03.2020

GCS: Four more Romanians die abroad because of coronavirus; total number of confirmed cases 86

Another four Romanians infected with the novel coronavirus have died abroad: one in Italy, one in Spain and two in France, the total number of Romanian citizens having tested positive for COVID-19 abroad thus reaching…

15:02, 25.03.2020

51 Romanians from abroad tested positive for coronavirus, 8 died

As many as 51 Romanian citizens from abroad were tested positive for the novel coronavirus, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs on Wednesday.According to the source, 38 are in Italy, 4 in Spain, 2 in…

15:16, 07.02.2020

Rusia simplifică vizele pentru 53 de țări, inclusiv România. SUA și Marea Britanie nu se regăsesc pe listă

Rusia simplifică procedurile de obținere avizelor electronice pentru 53 de țări, de anul viitor. România se regăsește pelistă, SUA nu.Turiști din întreaga lume s-au plâns că obținfoarte greu viză pentru Rusia și…

12:00, 30.01.2020

Bucureştiul este al patrulea cel mai aglomerat oraş din Europa. La nivel mondial, este pe locul 14

Capitala României este în grafic pentru a depăşi Ciudad de Mexico şi Bangkok, ambele oraşe cu peste 8 milioane de locuitori, potrivit site-ului TomTom, care realizează un index mondial al traficului.Aglomeraţia…