Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:35, 28.09.2023

Tate brothers get rid of prohibition to leave Bucharest, can move freely around the country

A judge from the Bucharest Tribunal decided on Thursday that the brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, tried for human trafficking and rape, can leave the Capital city and the Ilfov County, being free to move around…

12:01, 14.09.2023

Inflația în SUA – cea mai mare creștere lunară din acest an – TradeVille

Inflație Anuala De 9.4% In August 2023In luna august 2023 fata de luna august 2022, rata anuala a inflației a fost de 9.4%. In aceeași perioada, in baza indicelui armonizat al preturilor de consum, rata anuala…

13:15, 13.09.2023

Annual inflation rate slightly down in August, to 9.43pct

Annual inflation rate slightly down in August, to 9.43pctThe annual inflation rate slightly decreased in August this year, down to 9.43%, from 9.44% in July, in the context in which food prices rose by 11, 88%,…

11:30, 28.10.2021

DGPMB: 168 warrants to bring suspected falsification of vaccination certificates against COVID-19

Bucharest Police carry out on Thursday five searches and enforce 168 arrest warrants, in a case regarding the falsification of COVID-19 vaccination certificates. "In August 2021, police officers from the Sector…

10:30, 14.10.2021

INS: New orders in processing industry increased in nominal terms by 25.6% in the first 8 months

New orders in the processing industry increased in nominal terms by 25.6% between January 1 and August 31, 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics…

11:40, 30.09.2021

INS: More than 34,200 building permits for residential buildings issued in Jan-Aug

More than 34,200 building permits for residential buildings were issued in the first eight months of this year, up 30% from the same period in 2020, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) told AGERPRES on Thursday.…

17:15, 16.03.2021

O piatră de hotar! Drulă anunță mișcări la A8, cea mai scumpă autostradă din România

Săptămâna aceaasta se finalizează licitația și va fi desemnat câștigătorul pentru realizarea la cheie a etapei de proiectare pentru tronsonul cuprins între Târgu Neamț-Iași-Ungheni, parte din Autostrada 8, zisă…

16:10, 16.02.2021

Orban: Economy has responded well to Liberal economic programme adopted last year

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban states that "the economy responded well to the Liberal economic program adopted last year", stressing that the data…

19:15, 09.11.2020

PM Orban: Budget revenues for first 10 months up compared to same period last year

Budget revenues for the first 10 months of the year increased compared to the same period in 2019, in the midst of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, on Monday told Prime Minister Ludovic Orban the Chamber…

15:45, 17.10.2020

Clujenii câștigă mai bine în pandemie! Salariile din Cluj, pe locul doi pe țară

Clujul ocupă locul doi pe țară la salarii, în ciuda exploziei de cazuri de COVID-19. Salariul mediu net este de 3.970 de lei, conform alephnews.ro. Salariul clujenilor a crescut destul de mult în pandemie,…

12:26, 16.10.2020

INS: 17.3pct growth in volume of construction works in Jan-Aug, gross series

The total volume of construction works increased by 17.3 per cent, as gross series, in January-August 2020, show data published on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).At the same time, as series…

17:05, 14.10.2020

Eurostat: Romania among the EU Member States posting increases in industrial output, in August

In August 2020, a month marked by some relaxation of COVID-19 containment measures in many Member States, the seasonally adjusted industrial production rose by 0.7 per cent in the euro area and by 1.0 per cent…

13:00, 12.10.2020

Negative population growth continues in Romania into August 2020

Negative population growth in Romania intensified in August 2020 to minus 6,365 people, from minus 3,274 people in the same period of 2019, show data with the National Institute of Statistics (INS) released on…

11:55, 12.10.2020

Romania's trade balance deficit up by 642 million euros Jan-August

Romania's trade balance deficit (FOB/CIF) increased in the first eight months, compared to the same period in 2019, by 642 million euros, up to the value of 11.516 billion euros, shows data released by the National…

10:50, 30.09.2020

INS: Building authorizations for residential buildings down 7.1pct in Jan-Aug

The number of building authorizations issued for residential buildings in Romania dropped 7.1 per cent in January-August this year compared with the same period last year, showed data published on Wednesday by…

11:40, 17.09.2020

ACEA: Romania, Estonia report in August most significant decline in car sales in Europe

New car registrations in Europe fell 17.6% in August to 884,394 units, while Romania and Estonia reported the most significant decline, according to the data released on Thursday by the European Automobile Manufacturers'…

16:35, 31.08.2020

Jurnalist rus, atacat la Moscova şi rănit grav la cap. Este cunoscut pentru criticile la adresa lui Vladimir Putin

Egor Zhukov ar fi primit amenințări în trecut, după ce a realizat un interviu cu dizidentul Alexei Navalny, care în prezent este tratat într-un spital din Berlin, după ce se bănuiește că a fost otrăvit. "Potrivit…

12:45, 15.10.2019

Market services provided to enterprises advance 12.2 per cent in Jan-Aug

Market services provided to enterprises recorded an increased turnover in nominal terms, in the first eight months of the year, both as unadjusted series and as series adjusted depending on the number of business…

10:38, 15.10.2019

Construction works up 27 pct in January-August

The construction works volume advanced 27 per cent, unadjusted series, in January-August 2019, and by 20.6 per cent, as adjusted series depending on the number of business days and seasonality, against the same…

12:24, 10.10.2019

Natural population growth in Romania remains negative in August

The natural population growth in Romania remained negative in August this year, given that the number of people who died was higher by 1,368 compared to that of live newborns, according to the data published on…

10:56, 10.10.2019

Trade balance deficit climbs by 1.867bn euro in first eight months to 10.850bn euro

The balance of trade deficit (FOB / CIF) climbed to 10.850 billion euro in the first eight months of this year, higher by 1.867 billion euro than the one recorded between January and August 2018, according to data…

15:46, 31.07.2019

August cu dor de tradiții

În August, toate drumurile s-au croit pentru a te aduce înapoi în tarâmul în care emotiile capata profunzime – acasa. La Castel este locul în care dorul de casa se îmbraca în pasi traditionali si gusturi românesti!…

20:53, 15.07.2019

Horoscop august 2019: Zodiile care vor întoarce banii cu lopata

GemeniNici ei nu ştiu cum, de unde şi când mai exact se va întâmpla minunea, dar da. Gemenii vor avea noroc de bani. Cel mai probabil veţi ajunge la concluzia că trebuie să vă schimbaţi locul de muncă ori să porniţi…

16:03, 10.10.2018

Romania's natural population growth negative this August

In August 2018 Romania's natural population growth was negative at - 1,430, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Wednesday. According to INS comparative data 19,033 newborns were registered in…

12:17, 09.10.2018

Net average monthly wage goes down 1.4 percent in August, to 2,669 lei

The gross average monthly wage stood at 4,449 lei in August, 1.4 percent lower than in July, and the net one was 2,669 lei, dropping from the previous month by 39 lei (-1.4 percent), according to a press release…

10:18, 03.10.2018

Retail turnover goes up 5.7pct, Jan.-Aug. 2018

Romania's turnover of retail trade (except for the trade in vehicles and motorcycles) increased in the first eight months both as gross series by 5.7 percent and as adjusted for working days and seasonality by…

11:07, 02.10.2018

Industrial production prices up 5.9 pct in August 2018 compared to August 2017

Industrial production prices for both the domestic and foreign market increased by 5.9 percent in August 2018 compared to August 2017, with the highest jump in the energy industry, namely 14.17 percent, according…

14:55, 28.09.2018

PMP's Basescu: Romanian language - strongest binder of nation; for Dragnea, Romania has become stall

People's Movement Party (PMP) Senator Traian Basescu criticizes the Government's decision regarding Romanian language classes in the minority-language schools and argues that for Social Democratic party (PSD, major…

13:36, 31.07.2017

Povestea Berthei Benz: prima femeie șofer din lume

În prezent, femeile sunt egale în drepturi cu bărbații și milioane de femei din întreaga lume se descurcă de minune la volan. Și totuși, care a fost prima femeie care a condus un autombil? Numele Berthei Benz a…

04:37, 09.02.2017

Politicianul român, „desenat“ de Mihai Eminescu acum 140 de ani: „Toată lumea să peară, numai Manea să trăiască“

Mihai Eminescu a început să scrie în 1877 la ziarul „Timpul”, publicaţie apropiată de gruparea conservatoare.  Apropierea de cotidianul amintit este datorată şi faptului că prieteni buni de-ai poetului precum…