Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:33, 05.12.2013

Concert to help hurricane Sandy victims raises $23 mln

A live televised concert by US rock and pop stars to benefit victims of Hurricane Sandy has raised $23 million, the US Weekly reported on Sunday. The one-hour, commercial-free broadcast was organized by NBC Universal...

17:22, 30.12.2012

TOP 10 cuvinte căutate pe Google în 2012

Vrei să afli ceva... orice? E simplu! Dai un search pe Google şi te-ai scos. Găseşti mai multe informaţii decât ai fi avut nevoie, chiar dacă unele sunt eronate. Ce au căutat oamenii pe Google în 2012? De toate,…

15:08, 30.10.2012

HMS Bounty, the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean, sunk by hurricane Sandy (VIDEO)

The Canada-built replica of HMS Bounty, featured in two Pirates of the Caribbean films as the "Black Pearl", suffered a grim fate, after it became stranded on Sunday night about 90 miles southeast of Hatteras,…