Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:15, 12.12.2022

EU to discuss Russia, Iran sanctions, top up of Ukraine arms fund

European Union foreign ministers will meet on Monday to try to agree on further sanctions on Russia and Iran and an additional 2 billion euros for arms deliveries to Ukraine, according to Reuters. It remained unclear…

14:01, 08.12.2022

Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary register the lowest hourly labour costs in the EU

In 2020, the average hourly labour cost in the EU was 28.9EUR and the lowest hourly labor costs, expressed in EUR, were recorded in Bulgaria and Romania, according to the data published on Thursday by the European…

10:31, 08.12.2022

Lines of trucks at the border on Thursday because of the insufficient Hungarian policemen

The lines of trucks are still in place on Thursday, at the border with Hungary, stretching for approximately 3 kilometres on the Pan-European motorway at the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point, with the Romanian authorities…

13:10, 07.12.2022

5-km line of trucks ahead of Nadlac II border crossing point;drivers wait at least 150 minutes

A five-kilometer line of trucks has formed on Wednesday, up ahead the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point, on the pan-European highway, and the waiting time to complete the border crossing formalities to enter Hungary…

10:25, 07.12.2022

Ce au scris românii furioși pe pagina de Facebook a Ambasadei Austriei (FOTO)

Austria a anunțat marți că refuză oficial primirea României în Schengen. Mesajul a stârnit imediat un val de furie în rândul compatrioților noștri care au luat cu asalt paginile ambasadei de la București pe rețelele…

22:05, 06.12.2022

Ungaria neagă vehement că a blocat ajutorul pentru Ucraina - Viktor Orban acuză un fake news: „Nu există niciun șantaj!”

Relatările media că Ungaria s-a opus prin veto ajutorului financiar al Uniunii Europene pentru Ucraina sunt "fake news" ("ştiri false"), a scris marţi pe Twitter premierul ungar Viktor Orban, ca reacţie la informaţiile…

20:55, 06.12.2022

Viktor Orban, după ce Ungaria s-a opus prin veto ajutorului UE pentru Ucraina: „Fake news”

Relatările media că Ungaria s-a opus prin veto ajutorului financiar al Uniunii Europene pentru Ucraina sunt „fake news” („ştiri false”), a transmis marţi pe Twitter premierul ungar Viktor Orban, informează Agerpres…

15:20, 06.12.2022

Hungary vetoes Ukraine aid, EU seeks alternative solution

The Hungarian government Tuesday blocked agreement on an €18 billion aid package for Ukraine, forcing the European Commission and the other EU countries to seek an alternative solution to ensure Kyiv gets much-needed…

12:40, 30.11.2022

Congestion on way out of country at beginning of mini-vacation, two-hour wait time at Nadlac II border crossing point

The border crossing points in Arad county are crowded on Wednesday, on the way out of the country, because thousands of Romanians are going abroad on a mini-vacation, and at Nadlac II the line of cars is over 4…

13:40, 29.11.2022

52 foreign nationals detected in two trucks, trying to illegally cross the border

The border police caught 52 foreign citizens that were trying to illegally cross the border in Hungary hidden in two trucks through Nadlac and Nadlac II, according to a press release issued on Tuesday by the Romanian…

14:45, 27.11.2022

Two lorries with used products returned from Romania to Hungary

Two lorries loaded with used products consisting of textiles, furniture, household appliances, plastic and rubber have been returned to Hungary from Petea customs in Romania, as they were denied entry, the Sighetu…

12:20, 24.11.2022

Poland vows to press Orban to back Finnish and Swedish NATO bids

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said he will seek to win a pledge from his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban to back the NATO bids of Finland and Sweden as quickly as possible, according to Bloomberg.…

11:40, 23.11.2022

Lines of trucks of up to 8km ahead of border, at Nadlac II and Varsand border crossing points

Lines of trucks of up to eight kilometers formed, on Wednesday, up ahead the Nadlac II and Varsand Border Crossing Points, where drivers have been waiting at least two and a half hours for the border crossing formalities…

15:46, 22.11.2022

Romania, a large importer of agri-food products, but also of inflation, INS head says

Romania is a large importer of agri-food products from three important countries, namely Germany, Hungary and Poland, but, together with these products, we also import inflation, the chairman of the National Institute…

20:16, 18.11.2022

Orban: „Ungaria are mai mulți prieteni în politica internațională”

Premierul Viktor Orban a spus că „Astăzi Ungaria are mai mulți aliați, mai mulți prieteni în politica internațională decît înainte”. Potrivit Adevărului European, acesta a făcut declarația respectivă la o ședință…

12:21, 18.11.2022

17 migrants caught attempting to sneak into Hungary hidden in plastic boxes

Arad border police on Friday night caught 17 migrants of African and Asian origin as they attempted to illegally cross into Hungary hidden in plastic boxes transported by a truck that was in for customs clearance…

13:45, 17.11.2022

Eurostat: Romania, one of 13 EU member states with growing inflation in October

The annual inflation rate in the European Union continued to rise in October to 11.5 percent from 10.9 percent in September, with the highest annual rates being recorded in Estonia (22.5 pct), Lithuania (22.1 pct),…

00:15, 17.11.2022

Discrimination watchdog publicly condemns 'hate speech' by Hungary's PM Orban in Romania

The National Council for Combatting Discrimination (CNCD) decided on Wednesday to publicly condemn statements by Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban on July 23 at Tusnad, Romania, calling them "hate speech"…

13:35, 16.11.2022

43 foreign illegal border crossers found hidden in two westbound trucks

Bihor and Arad County border police detected in the past 24 hours 43 citizens of African and Asian origin as they attempted to illegally cross the border into Hungary hidden in two trucks loaded with plastics and…

20:30, 15.11.2022

ForMin Aurescu meets Hungary's PM Orban in Budapest

On an official visit to Budapest, Hungary, on Tuesday, Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu met Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, and the two discussed, among other topics, "the issue of private visits…

14:00, 15.11.2022

ForMin Aurescu: Romanian-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, to be inaugurated next year

The Romanian-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, based in Budapest, is to be inaugurated next year, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu, on an official visit to Hungary, announced on Tuesday, told Agerpres. Fii…

11:36, 15.11.2022

Several Turkish and Afghan citizens, discovered at border hiding in two trucks

The authorities from the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point caught 15 citizens from Turkey and Afghanistan who tried to illegally cross the border into Hungary, hidden in two trucks going to Western Europe, told Agerpres.…

12:10, 10.11.2022

Eighty migrants found hiding in vehicles on border with Hungary

In the last 24 hours, the Arad border police found 80 migrants from different countries trying to cross the border illegally into Hungary hidden in four lorries and a van, with the largest group being of 33 people…

15:40, 09.11.2022

Hungary denies tying NATO expansion to EU spat but still delays

Hungary denied it’s holding up the NATO entry bids of Finland and Sweden as part of its fight over billions of euros in European Union aid but won’t vote on expanding the military alliance until it passes laws…

12:55, 07.11.2022

Arad border police finds 46 migrants hidden in two trucks

Arad border police discovered 46 migrants from Syria, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh attempting to illegally cross the border into Hungary, hidden in two trucks loaded with detergents and metal bars, told Agerpres.…

09:10, 07.11.2022

Romania becomes world champion at Fitness Challenge, in Santa Susanna, Spain

Romania has become world champion at the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Fitness Challenge after defeating Hungary in the final event of the competition which took place in Santa Susanna,…

18:01, 04.11.2022

ActiveWatch şi Reporteri fără Frontiere, despre ameninţarea jurnalistei de la Radio România: Solicităm Parchetului General să se sesizeze din oficiu

Organizația de monitorizare a presei ActiveWatch a anunţat vineri că își exprimă solidaritatea cu Parászka Boróka, jurnalistă a radioului public de limbă maghiară Radio România Târgu Mureș, după ce un politician…

14:30, 01.11.2022

Nokian Tyres to build in Oradea first zero CO2 emission factory in tire industry

The board of directors of the Finnish tire manufacturer Nokian Tyres has decided to invest 650 million euros in Romania for the construction of a tyre factory, the first factory with zero CO2 emissions in the tyre…

12:10, 01.11.2022

Finland urges Turkey, Hungary to swiftly approve Swedish, Finnish NATO bids

Finland‘s Prime Minister Sanna Marin on Tuesday urged Hungary and Turkey to swiftly approve the Swedish and Finnish applications for membership of the NATO defence alliance, according to Reuters.  Hungary and Turkey…

11:30, 01.11.2022

Eight migrants found hidden in long-haul truck bound for Spain

Police at the western Nadlac II Border Crossing Point caught eight migrants from Egypt, Bangladesh and India as they attempted to illegally cross the border into Hungary hidden in irrigation hose rolls transported…