Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:35, 15.06.2021

M Hospital – cel mai nou complex de servicii medicale din București

România are nevoie, mai mult decât oricând, de servicii medicale de calitate, iar românii au dreptul de a beneficia de tratamente eficiente și analize făcute la timpul potrivit. De aceea, a apărut M Hospital, cel…

15:25, 15.06.2021

Official Ciobanu: 178 hospitals ask for approval to increase number of non-COVID beds

Magdalena Ciobanu, director general with the Ministry of Health, told a press conference on Tuesday that 178 of the 243 hospitals that treated including coronavirus patients or exclusively coronavirus patients…

12:00, 08.06.2021

Nutriție și sănătate: Caloria este întotdeauna o calorie? Nu și când este vorba despre migdale

Cercetătorii de la Universitatea din Toronto au aflat că o calorie de pe etichetă nu este același lucru cu o calorie digerată și absorbită atunci când sursa alimentară sunt migdalele, relatează SciTechDaily.…

15:05, 06.06.2021

HealthMin: In PNRR we centralized projects worth 8.1 billion euro in hospital infrastructure

Health Minister Ioana Mihaila said, on Sunday, in Dumbraveni, that as part of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) projects for hospital infrastructure worth 8.1 billion euro have been centralized…

13:41, 06.06.2021

320 patients in ICU out of 1,678 persons hospitalized

As many as 1,678 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 320 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Sunday, according to data from the…

13:30, 04.06.2021

341 patients ICU units, 1,829 persons admitted to hospital

A number of 1,829 persons with COVID-19 are admitted to healthcare units, of which 341 are in ICU units, announced, on Friday, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), agerpres reports. In total, 4,517 persons…

13:45, 03.06.2021

365 patients - in intensive care in 1,929 hospitalized persons

A number of 1,929 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, of whom 365 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Thursday, agerpres reports. Overall,…

13:45, 30.05.2021

443 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 2,372 hospitalisations

As many as 2,372 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of whom 443 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

14:30, 27.05.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 485 patients - in ICU; hospitalized persons - 2,841

A number of 2,841 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 485 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Thursday. In total, 8,304 people…

13:40, 26.05.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 493 patients in ICU; hospitalized persons - 3,079

A number of 3,079 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 493 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Wednesday. In total, 8,124 people…

05:30, 26.05.2021

Medicaţia pentru somn ar trebui luată pe termen scurt

Tulburările de somn sunt din ce în ce mai frecvente în rândul populaţiei adulte şi multe persoane recurg la medicamente pentru a scăpa de insomnii. Însă administrarea unui astfel de tratament pe termen lung nu…

14:20, 25.05.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 545 patients in ICU; hospitalized persons - 3,332

A number of 3,332 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 545 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Tuesday. In total, 8,444 people confirmed…

12:15, 25.05.2021

PM Citu: I want a clear procedure; in case something happens, to return to COVID hospitals fast

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Tuesday stated that he asked the Minister of Health for a clear procedure regarding the release of hospitals from the tasks related to the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 patients, so that,…

14:16, 24.05.2021

580 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 3,585 hospitalisations

As many as 3,585 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of whom 580 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

14:31, 23.05.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 590 patients in intensive care, 3,549 people hospitalized

A number of 3,594 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of which 590 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Sunday. In total, 10,623…

16:00, 18.05.2021

Doctor Gheorghita: Vaccination campaign in medical units kicks off this week

The anti-COVID vaccination campaign in the medical units is starting this week, the head of the National Committee for Coordination of Activities regarding the Vaccination against SARS-Co-V-2 (CNCAV), Valeriu Gheorghita,…

13:46, 18.05.2021

Coronavirus/ 716 patients in ICU out of 4,677 persons hospitalized

As many as 4,677 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 716 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Tuesday. Per total, 12,780 people…

14:00, 14.05.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 809 patients in ICU; hospitalized - 5,276

A number of 5,276 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 809 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Friday. In total, 14,993 people confirmed…

13:56, 13.05.2021

829 patients in ICU; hospitalized - 5,475

A number of 5,475 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 829 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Thursday. In total, 16,007 people…

13:30, 12.05.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 874 patients in ICU; hospitalized persons - 5,733

A number of 5,733 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 874 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Wednesday, agerpres reports. In total,…

11:30, 11.05.2021

Gheorghita: Vaccination can start for patients of hospitals having immunisation centres

The vaccination activity of hospital patients can start in the medical units where immunisation centres already operate, the chairman of the National Coordinating Committee for activities on vaccination against…

14:10, 06.05.2021

(Publicitate) PONDERAS ACADEMIC HOSPITAL lansează, în premieră în România, primul call-center în care foștii pacienți devin mentorii pacienților care…

Ce presupune call center-ul *8700? Cui ii este destinat? În general, obezitatea este interpretată drept o suferință individuală. În mod particular, în România nu există experiența organizării de grupuri pentru…

16:25, 04.05.2021

Vaccination centers in military hospitals, open non-stop for a week

The vaccination centers of military hospitals in Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta, Craiova, Iasi and Timisoara are open, starting Tuesday, 8:00 AM, for the general population that wants to immunize against COVID,…

14:35, 02.05.2021

Coronavirus/ 1,253 patients in ICU, out of 8,067 persons hospitalized

As many as 8,067 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of which 1,253 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group announced on Sunday, report agerpres. Per total, 27,486…

14:30, 30.04.2021

Nine hospitals in Bucharest to ensure emergency medical assistance in April 30 - May 3 period

Nine hospitals and the Bucharest Ambulance Service will ensure emergency medical assistance in Bucharest over April 30 - May 3, during the Easter Holidays. According to the Bucharest City Public Health Directorate,…

13:30, 30.04.2021

GCS: 1,284 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 8,245 hospitalisations

As many as 8,245 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of whom 1,284 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

13:35, 29.04.2021

1,295 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 8,892 hospitalisations

As many as 8,892 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of whom 1,295 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

13:40, 28.04.2021

1,325 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 9,373 hospitalisations

As many as 9,373 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of whom 1,325 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

13:35, 27.04.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 1,336 patients in intensive care 9,851 persons hospitalized

A number of 9,851 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, of which 1,336 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Tuesday. In total, 32,687…

13:30, 26.04.2021

Coronavirus/GCS 1,354 patients in intensive care, 10,443 patients hospitalized

A number of 10,443 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 1,354 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Monday. In total, 38,062 persons…