Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

18:30, 21.04.2021

President Iohannis signs decree on appointment of Ioana Mihaila as Minister of Health

On Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis signed the decree on the appointment of Ioana Mihaila as Minister of Health. The swearing-in ceremony will take place at the Cotroceni Palace, at 6.15 pm. Ioana Mihaila was…

12:40, 21.04.2021

Ioana Mihaila - USR PLUS proposal for position of Minister of Health

Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (USR PLUS) proposed on Wednesday Ioana Mihaila, currently Secretary of State with the Ministry of Health, to take over the leadership of this institution.…

18:05, 20.04.2021

EIB to lend Romania €250m for emergency hospital in Iași

The European Investment Bank (EIB) said on Tuesday that it has agreed to lend 250 million euro to Romania for the construction of a regional emergency hospital in Iași and that the 27-year loan represents EIB’s…

17:45, 20.04.2021

Pilot of the crashed aircraft flown to hospital in Targu Mures

The pilot of a MIG 21 LancerR aircraft that crashed on Tuesday in Mures County was flown by a SMURD rescue helicopter to a hospital in Targu Mures, according to the General Inspectorate of Aviation. According to…

17:20, 20.04.2021

Gheorghita: We are considering vaccination in non-COVID hospitals

President of the SARS-COV-2 vaccination campaign coordination committee, Dr. Valeriu Gheorghita told a press conference at the Victoria Governmental Palace on Tuesday that the authorities were considering the possibility…

12:21, 19.04.2021

(Publicitate) PONDERAS ACADEMIC HOSPITAL pune la dispoziția pacienților cel mai modern angiograf din România

Aparatul de ultimă generație este destinat intervențiilor minim-invazive din ariile de  Cardiologie Intervențională și Radiologie IntervenționalăPrintr-o investiție de aproape 1 milion de euro, PONDERAS ACADEMIC…

11:50, 19.04.2021

Provita Group announces to build 100-bed hospital in Bucharest's Pipera area

The Provita Group announced that it will put in use a new cross-disciplinary hospital next year, worth 12 million Euro, which will be built in the northern Pipera area of the Capital, according to a press release…

15:20, 16.04.2021

PM Citu: New beds in ICUs, in several Bucharest hospitals for COVID-19 patients

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Friday, in northwestern Cluj-Napoca, during a press conference, that for the Bucharest Matei Bals National Institute of Infectious Diseases there will be 20 new fully operational…

15:05, 16.04.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 1,483 patients in intensive care; 12,887 hospitalized

A number of 12,887 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, out of whom 1,493 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Friday. In total, 55,374 people…

14:50, 16.04.2021

Vlad Voiculescu: There are fundamental differences between reported and actual numbers of deaths

Recently-dismissed Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu said on Friday that "there are fundamental differences" between reported and actual numbers of deaths in Romania's COVID hospitals, arguing that the Unifarm national…

10:10, 15.04.2021

Medic român, pionier al chirurgiei oncologice urologice robotice în Israel, se alătură echipei PONDERAS ACADEMIC HOSPITAL

După 30 de ani de activitate în Israel, țara cu unul dintre cele mai avansate sisteme medicale din lume, unde a devenit pionier al chirurgiei urologice oncologice laparscopice și robotice, Dr. Andrei Nadu, medic…

16:30, 14.04.2021

(Publicitate) Medic român, pionier al chirurgiei oncologice urologice robotice în Israel, se alătură echipei PONDERAS ACADEMIC HOSPITAL

Dr. Andrei Nadu se alătură Departamentului de Urologie din PONDERAS ACADEMIC HOSPITAL, parte a rețelei de sănătate REGINA MARIA București, 14 aprilie 2021. După 30 de ani de activitate în Israel, țara cu unul dintre…

18:20, 13.04.2021

HealthMin Voiculescu: Mobile unit from 'Victor Babes' complies with public health regulations

Minister of Health Vlad Voiculescu informed, on Tuesday, that he requested from the Bucharest Public Health Directorate the operating permit of the Mobile Intensive Care Unit from the "Victor Babes" Hospital, and…

17:51, 13.04.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 1,530 patients in ICU; hospitalized - 13,661

A number of 13,661 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 1,530 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Tuesday, agerpres.ro…

09:46, 13.04.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: Citu did it again; he should have dismissed Vlad Voiculescu

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu on Monday evening criticized Prime Minister Florin Citu for not dismissing the Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu, after what happened at the Mobile Intensive…

05:55, 13.04.2021

Premier orders fast investigation into fatal 'V. Babes' mobile ICU oxygen failure

Prime Minister Florin Citu offered on Monday night his condolences to the families of the three Covid patients who died earlier in the day at the mobile Intensive Care Unit of the 'Victor Babes' Hospital in Bucharest,…

22:35, 12.04.2021

Three Covid patients die in 'Victor Babes' Hospital's mobile ICU following oxygen system malfunction

Three Covid patients have died at the mobile Intensive Care Unit of the 'Victor Babes' Hospital in Bucharest, apparently due to the malfunction of the oxygen supply system, the Health Ministry informed on Monday.…

16:36, 12.04.2021

PSD's Ciolacu: Hospitals of excellence are attacked by minister Vlad Voiculescu

Social Democratic Party (PSD) chairman Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that an order was issued to evacuate Fundeni Hospital, adding that "hospitals of excellence are under attack" by Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu.…

16:30, 12.04.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 1,529 patients in ICU; hospitalized - 13,845

A number of 13,845 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 1,529 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Monday. In total, 61,619 people…

13:25, 11.04.2021

Record 1,531 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 13,500 hospitalisations

As many as 13,500 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of whom 1,531 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

15:25, 09.04.2021

Coronavirus/ 1,496 patients in intensive care, 13,748 hospitalized

A number of 13,748 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, of whom 1,496 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Friday. In total, 64,525 people confirmed…

14:40, 09.04.2021

(VIDEO) A murit prințul Philip, soțul Reginei Elisabeta a II-a a Marii Britanii

A murit prințul Philip, soțul Reginei Elisabeta a II-a a Marii Britanii, informează Palatul Buckingham. Prințul avea 99 de ani și a fost internat în spital în ultimele luni.Ducele de Edinburgh a fost alături de…

10:21, 07.04.2021

PONDERAS ACADEMIC HOSPITAL pune la dispoziția pacienților cel mai modern angiograf din România

Aparatul de ultimă generație este destinat intervențiilor minim-invazive din ariile de Cardiologie Intervențională și Radiologie Intervențională Printr-o investiție de aproape 1 milion de euro, PONDERAS ACADEMIC…

13:26, 05.04.2021

PM Citu: Construction of new hospitals, only solution to get rid of nosocomial infections

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that the "only solution" to get rid of nosocomial infections in hospitals is the construction of new health units, stating that 2.5 billion euro are allocated on such projects…

15:51, 04.04.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 1,456 patients in ICU; hospitalized - 13,714

A number of 13,714 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 1,456 in intensive care, announced the Strategic Communication Group (GCS). In total, 66,589 people confirmed…

14:05, 02.04.2021

Romania: 1,454 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 13,476 hospitalisations

As many as 13,476 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of whom 1,454 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

15:50, 31.03.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 1,412 patients - in intensive care; 13,248 people hospitalized

A number of 13,248 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, of whom 1,412 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Wednesday, according to AGERPRES. In total,…

14:15, 30.03.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 1,405 patients in intensive care, 13,257 persons hospitalized

A number of 13,257 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, of whom 1,405 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Tuesday, according to AGERPRES.…

15:10, 26.03.2021

Coronavirus/ 1,364 patients in intensive care units, 12,529, hospitalized

A number of 12,529 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, of whom 1,364 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Friday, according to AGERPRES. In total,…

19:40, 20.03.2021

Prințul Harry scrie despre moartea mamei sale în prefața unei cărți dedicate copiilor care și-au pierdut părinții din cauza Covid

Ducele de Sussex a reflectat asupra durerii provocate de moartea mamei sale, în prefața unei cărți dedicate copiilor care și-au pierdut părinții din cauza coronavirusului, informează The Guardian . În 1997, când…