Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:11, 16.02.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 943 patients in ICUs, 7,045 persons hospitalized

A number of 7,045 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, out of whom 943 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Tuesday, according to AGERPRES.…

14:55, 15.02.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 941 patients in ICUs, 7,048 persons hospitalized

A number of 7,048 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 941 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Monday, according to AGERPRES.…

09:40, 15.02.2021

IGPR: 10 searches targeting persons suspected of selling counterfeit protective masks to hospitals

Policemen from the economic department on Monday morning have conducted 10 home searches in Bucharest and in the counties of Bihor, Brasov, Maramures and Timis, in a criminal case regarding the sale of counterfeit…

00:50, 15.02.2021

Nu știi dacă ești în riscul de a dezvolta osteoporoză? Fă acest test GRATUIT!

Fumatul și consumul de alcool pot fi doi dintre factorii care duc la instalarea osteoporozei, deoarece scad densitatea osoasă și pot duce foarte ușor la apariția fracturilor. Nivelul maxim al densității osoase…

14:16, 14.02.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 964 patients in ICU; hospitalized persons - 6,952

A number of 6,952 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 964 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group informed on Sunday, according to AGERPRES. In Romania,…

16:10, 11.02.2021

Another Matei Bals patient hospitalized in fire-stricken ward dies; total deaths - 20

Another patient who was hospitalized in Ward V of the "Matei Bals" Institute during the January 29 fire died, bringing the total number of dead to 20, according to AGERPRES. The Health Ministry announced on Thursday…

23:45, 10.02.2021

Health Ministry: Another patient hospitalized at "Matei Bals" in the pavilion affected by fire has died

Another patient who was in Pavilion V of the "Matei Bals" Institute during the fire on January 29 has died, the death toll reaching thus 18 in this case. "The Ministry of Health was informed today about a death…

00:15, 09.02.2021

Head of European Affairs Committee participates in meeting "Building a European Health Union"

The head of Senate's Committee on European Affairs, Angel Tilvar, says Romania is still "at the bottom of the European rankings" in terms of the percentage of GDP allocated to health or patients' access to innovative…

15:50, 05.02.2021

954 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 7,483 hospitalisations

As many as 7,483 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of which 954 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

14:25, 04.02.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 984 pacients in ICUs; 7,747 persons hospitalized

A number of 7,747 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of which 984 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Thursday, according to AGERPRES.…

14:11, 03.02.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 1,006 patients in ICUs; hospitalized - 7,767

A number of 7,767 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in specialized health units, of whom 1,006 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Wednesday, according to AGERPRES. In Romania,…

14:10, 03.02.2021

Another patient who had been hospitalized at fire-stricken ward of "Matei Bals" Institute dies

Another patient who had been hospitalized at the "Matei Bals" Institute in the ward affected by the fire on Friday died, according to a release of the Health Ministry sent on Wednesday to AGERPRES. "The Health…

15:35, 02.02.2021

Coronavirus/GCS: 967 patients in ICUs; 7,855 persons hospitalized

A number of 7,855 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 967 are in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Tuesday, according to…

09:50, 02.02.2021

Another patient hospitalized at "Matei Bals" Institute in fire-affected ward dies

Another patient who was hospitalized at the "Matei Bals" Institute in the ward affected by Friday's fire died, the Health Ministry reported on Tuesday, according to AGERPRES. "The Health Ministry was informed,…

22:20, 01.02.2021

Health Minister: Construction of regional hospitals to be sped up, investment continuity required

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu said on Monday that the projects for the construction of the regional hospitals in Iasi, Cluj and Craiova will be sped up, emphasizing that investments in the old hospitals must…

15:40, 01.02.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 971 patients in ICU; hospitalized people - 7,895

A number of 7,895 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, of whom 971 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Monday, according to AGERPRES. In Romania,…

12:51, 01.02.2021

Gov't to look into implementation of action plan after Piatra Neamt hospital tragedy

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that he will check whether the action plan after the fire tragedy at the Piatra Neamt county hospital has been implemented, according to AGERPRES. "I am more interested…

11:51, 01.02.2021

Matei Bals hospital fire / Scene investigation, police hearings continue

A joint team of prosecutors, criminal police officers and explosive specialists from INSEMEX Petrosani is continuing today a scene investigation into a deadly fire that broke out at a ward of the Matei Bals hospital…

20:55, 29.01.2021

'Matei Bals' Fire/Protest in front of hospital, Colectiv Association's Iancu: I have no hope anything will change

Several dozen people are protesting in front of the "Matei Bals" Hospital, on Friday evening, following the fire occurred this morning in this medical institution, a tragedy that resulted in five deaths. Eugen…

20:05, 29.01.2021

Matei Bals hospital fire / Prosecutor: It appears that there were two explosions of oxygen cylinders

Prosecutor Alexandru Anghel with the Bucharest Tribunal said on Friday evening that it is possible there were two explosions of oxygen cylinders, after a fire broke out at the Matei Bals hospital. Anghel and head…

18:15, 29.01.2021

Bucharest Police question nurses, assistants over deadly Matei Bals hospital fire

Two nurses and two nursing assistants of the Matei Bals hospital who were on duty at the ward where a fire broke out that killed five patients were questioned on Friday at the Bucharest Police headquarters. According…

18:10, 29.01.2021

'Matei Bals' Fire/Barna: There will be checks; most hospitals function below safety standard

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna on Friday said in Sibiu that the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU) is currently analyzing what measures should be taken in all hospitals in Romania, and checks will be carried…

18:06, 29.01.2021

Specialists to investigate deadly Matei Bals hospital fire

A team of seven specialists with the Petrosani-based National Research and Development Institute for Mining Safety and Explosive Protection (INSEMEX) travelled to Bucharest on Friday to conduct an investigation…

16:00, 29.01.2021

Matei Bals' Fire/PM Citu: Intervention was fast, efficient; everything was quickly under control

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Friday said that the intervention at the fire at the "Matei Bals" Hospital was "fast, efficient", mentioning that things were immediately kept under control. "A few minutes after 112…

14:45, 29.01.2021

PM Citu urges investment resources to avoid tragedies such as fire at Matei Bals hospital

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Friday that the shortcomings of the Romanian healthcare system were also reflected in the case of the recent fire tragedy at the Matei Bals hospital, emphasising that there is…

11:11, 29.01.2021

'Matei Bals' fire/'Marius Nasta' Hospital manager: Four patients transferred here, two in serious condition

Four patients - two women and two men - ages between 62 and 89 were transferred from the blaze-hit "Matei Bals" Institute to the "Marius Nasta" Institute, following the fire that broke out Friday morning at the…

08:30, 29.01.2021

Fire at Matei Bals hospital/ 4 dead, 102 persons evacuated

Four persons died Friday morning in the fire at the Matei Bals Institute in the capital. According to the head of the Department of Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, three people were found after the smoke was…

15:21, 24.01.2021

GCS: 1,200 patients are in the ICUs; 7,803 persons hospitalized

A number of 7,803 people infected with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of which 1,020 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) reported on Sunday, according to AGERPRES.…

14:56, 22.01.2021

997 COVID-19 patients in intensive care out of 7,968 hospitalisations

As many as 7,968 people with COVID-19 are hospitalised in Romania at specialist care facilities, out of which 997 in intensive care, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), the official novel coronavirus communication…

14:10, 21.01.2021

Coronavirus/ GCS: 1,005 patients in ICU; hospitalized persons - 8,068

A number of 8,068 people with COVID-19 are hospitalized in the specialized health units, out of whom 1,005 in intensive care units, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Thursday, according to AGERPRES.…